After listening to Hillary

Is anyone here still going to vote for the trump pos?? just asking

I'm not a Hillary supporter, but that speech today was the best smackdown of Donald Trump ever.

It was . It was effective in pointing out that when faced with a question Donald Trump tends to ramble incoherently. It's not bad that she stuck Trump as good as she did, and no it wasn't on substance either because she is as empty headed as he is. it's all about optics now. This is where Trump needs to be able to splain shit as good as or better then Hillery.
At this point I'm not inclined to vote for either one a loud mouth narcissist and a corrupt career political elitist are not my ideal choice for President.
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
Is anyone here still going to vote for the trump pos?? just asking

I'm not a Hillary supporter, but that speech today was the best smackdown of Donald Trump ever.

It was . It was effective in pointing out that when faced with a question Donald Trump tends to ramble incoherently. It's not bad that she stuck Trump as good as she did, and no it wasn't on substance either because she is as empty headed as he is. it's all about optics now. This is where Trump needs to be able to splain shit as good as or better then Hillery.
Shes as empty headed as he is?? you are wrong ,,,dead wrong shes smarter than him in the world of politics ,,,10 x smarter
Is anyone here still going to vote for the trump pos?? just asking

I'm not a Hillary supporter, but that speech today was the best smackdown of Donald Trump ever.

It was . It was effective in pointing out that when faced with a question Donald Trump tends to ramble incoherently. It's not bad that she stuck Trump as good as she did, and no it wasn't on substance either because she is as empty headed as he is. it's all about optics now. This is where Trump needs to be able to splain shit as good as or better then Hillery.
Shes as empty headed as he is?? you are wrong ,,,dead wrong shes smarter than him in the world of politics ,,,10 x smarter

Mm, In politics I agree. She is a much higher caliber liar then Trump for sure.
As I find more and more reasons not to vote for Trump....
I realize I have no choice.
Either hold my nose and vote for him or sit this election out.

There is nothing on the planet that could make me vote for Hillary.
Hillary Clinton set a tone today that if the rest of the Democratic party gets on board with it and talks about Trump in the same manner from here on out,

they will swamp him. And the best part, they will beat him with his own weapons.
As I find more and more reasons not to vote for Trump....
I realize I have no choice.
Either hold my nose and vote for him or sit this election out.

There is nothing on the planet that could make me vote for Hillary.
One more dumb ass pub traitor
Hillary was bringing up crazy Trump quotes I'd all but forgotten about. Brilliant. But more importantly, she accompanied them with substantive policy statements,

something Trump almost never does.
Hillary was bringing up crazy Trump quotes I'd all but forgotten about. Brilliant. But more importantly, she accompanied them with substantive policy statements,

something Trump almost never does.
Made trump look like the insignificant piece of crap he is And his followers aren't too much better
At this point I'm not inclined to vote for either one a loud mouth narcissist and a corrupt career political elitist are not my ideal choice for President.
come on hawk that corrupt crap is just republicans throwing more shit against the wall
No that is just the fact this is a woman who thinks the rules apply to everyone but her everyone needs to stop voting for sorry candidates just because of the letter next to their name.

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