WH Obamacare Lawyer Retires, Credited with 20 Mil Americans Now Having Insurance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli should send Chief Justice Roberts a huge 'Thank You' fruit basket.
- Verrilli showed up at the USSC arguing that the monetary penalty being forced upon all Americans who refused to buy ACA Insurance was a PUNITIVE 'FINE'. Such a fine is indeed UNCONSTITUTIONAL; however, as Justice Kennedy pointed out, Roberts over-stepped his judicial authority by CHANGING THE WH'S / VERRILLI'S ARGUMENT FOR HIM, DECLARING WHAT THE WH REALLY MEANT WAS THAT IT WAS A 'TAX'. Even then, as Kennedy went on to point out, the case should have immediately stopped, because a law suite can not be filed against a tax UNTIL AFTER THE TAX HAD BEEN COLLECTED, which it had not been at that time. Roberts instead allowed the case to continue. (Verrilli would have lost the case but would have won the appeal, if he was smart enough to figure out if he refilled as the penalty being a 'tax' instead of a 'fine', but it would have delayed the implementation of Obamacare and given fuel to the law's opposition.)

2. Credited with providing 20 Million Americans with health insurance?
- Really? Included in that number are Americans who already had life insurance, who were promised they could keep the plans they liked, ended up losing those plans, and had to buy ACA Insurance.

But let's not dicker about the actual FACTS...it's time to celebrate. Enjoy your retirement, Mr. Vermilli!


DOJ lawyer who defended ObamaCare to step down | Fox News
easyt65, you get your ass handed to you by the facts.

Suck it.
The government penalizes you with a higher tax bill if you don't buy a house. The government penalizes you with a higher tax bill if you don't have kids. The government even taxes you for not buying the right kind of refrigerator.

So it was no big leap to tax you for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

We did this to ourselves, folks. We have DEMANDED those penalties for a very long time. We DEMANDED other taxpayers be forced to subsidize our mortgage interest and our kids and our refrigerators. We DEMANDED the government interfere in the free markets and enact massive behavioral control programs on us through the tax code.

Too fucking late to start whining now.

One of umpteen reasons why I keep telling you we need to ban these tax expenditures.

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