After 95 Years Republicans Take Control of Kentucky House


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It will take the Dem party decades to recover from Obama.

Republicans achieved the trifecta in Kentucky politics Tuesday, wresting control of the state House from Democrats in a landslide to complement their rule over the governor’s office and state Senate.

“The people of Kentucky have been heard and they want a new direction for the commonwealth of Kentucky,” said an ebullient Gov. Matt Bevin, who is expected to benefit mightily with a GOP-led House committed to his conservative agenda.

Republicans last led the chamber in 1921. Going into Election Day, the Kentucky House was the only law-making chamber in the South still controlled by Democrats, who held a 53-47 majority.

Longtime House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, was among 17 Democratic incumbents swamped in the Republican wave. Stumbo has been in the House since 1980, except for four years to be state attorney general from 2004-2007. He has been speaker, the top leadership job in the House, since 2009.

Even a Republican challenger whom GOP officials denounced in September defeated state Rep. Linda Belcher, D-Shepherdsville. Dan Johnson, the bishop of Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, won by less than 200 votes. Party officials had asked him to drop out of the race after he posted offensive pictures on Facebook that depicted President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama as apes.

“Tonight, history has been made in the commonwealth of Kentucky,” said House Republican leader Jeff Hoover of Jamestown, who is expected to be elected House speaker in the 2017 General Assembly that begins in January.

At a victory party in Louisville, Bevin and Hoover sported red caps that bore #newmajority in white lettering.

Republican control of the state House is a boon to Bevin and his conservative causes. He said new legislators will talk to their constituents to decide “the first steps of the new House.”

Bevin was particularly pleased with the ouster of Stumbo from the state legislature, telling reporters that he expresses “good riddance” to Stumbo.

“He has been a thorn in the side in any number of good people for political reasons,” Bevin said. “I’m not going to miss him one bit and I don’t think the people of his district are going to based on the incredible drubbing he received.”

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LMAO even a republican who posted a picture of the Obama's as apes (very fitting) won! LMAO! The south has had ENOUGH of democrap policies!
I read today that in the last 8 years, Democrats have lost over 1000 elected offices at the State and Federal level to Republicans.
My uncle and his boss, the Jefferson County clerk, were convinced that Trump would cost them their chance at winning the state house AND lose the presidential election back during the primary.

It turns out that Trump was the reason Republicans sealed the deal here AND he won the presidency. LOL
It will take the Dem party decades to recover from Obama.

Republicans achieved the trifecta in Kentucky politics Tuesday, wresting control of the state House from Democrats in a landslide to complement their rule over the governor’s office and state Senate.

“The people of Kentucky have been heard and they want a new direction for the commonwealth of Kentucky,” said an ebullient Gov. Matt Bevin, who is expected to benefit mightily with a GOP-led House committed to his conservative agenda.

Republicans last led the chamber in 1921. Going into Election Day, the Kentucky House was the only law-making chamber in the South still controlled by Democrats, who held a 53-47 majority.

Longtime House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, was among 17 Democratic incumbents swamped in the Republican wave. Stumbo has been in the House since 1980, except for four years to be state attorney general from 2004-2007. He has been speaker, the top leadership job in the House, since 2009.

Even a Republican challenger whom GOP officials denounced in September defeated state Rep. Linda Belcher, D-Shepherdsville. Dan Johnson, the bishop of Heart of Fire Church in Louisville, won by less than 200 votes. Party officials had asked him to drop out of the race after he posted offensive pictures on Facebook that depicted President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama as apes.

“Tonight, history has been made in the commonwealth of Kentucky,” said House Republican leader Jeff Hoover of Jamestown, who is expected to be elected House speaker in the 2017 General Assembly that begins in January.

At a victory party in Louisville, Bevin and Hoover sported red caps that bore #newmajority in white lettering.

Republican control of the state House is a boon to Bevin and his conservative causes. He said new legislators will talk to their constituents to decide “the first steps of the new House.”

Bevin was particularly pleased with the ouster of Stumbo from the state legislature, telling reporters that he expresses “good riddance” to Stumbo.

“He has been a thorn in the side in any number of good people for political reasons,” Bevin said. “I’m not going to miss him one bit and I don’t think the people of his district are going to based on the incredible drubbing he received.”

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Or it will take just a little over a year. LOL.

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