Africa is Rising

I think some of the Africans are here already:

About two million African immigrants arrived in the United States in 2019
, up from 600,000 in 2000, according to the latest report published in 2022 by the Pew Research Center. (These figures exclude immigrants from the Caribbean, which make up a third of Black immigrants.)

This week:
SONOYTA, Mexico (Border Report) – Karina Zayas has learned to do business with newly arrived citizens of Ghana, Senegal and Cameroon who speak neither English nor Spanish.

“Mostly they point to things. ‘I want this, I want that.’ When it comes to numbers, we do this,” the Mexican fruit drinks and ice cream vendor says, holding up one, two or three fingers. “If they are short 5 pesos, we go like this. … If they have change coming, I just give it to them.”

The African migrants wandering the streets of Sonoyta opposite Lukeville, Arizona, are part of a new surge some U.S. lawmakers and law enforcement officials say is overwhelming federal processing and detention resources and leading to street releases.
I hear there is a big oil pipeline being built from Nigeria to Europe. It has to travel thru Niger, and was scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. Since power in Niger has shifted from President Bazoum (puppet) to the coup leaders, the pipeline is being delayed.
Because they didn't ask the people or coup leaders of Niger if they could put a pipeline thru their country. The oil companies have already invested millions and millions of dollars in this project.
If I ruled Niger I would make those oil companies pay thru the nose to run their pipeline thru my country.
I think some of the Africans are here already:

About two million African immigrants arrived in the United States in 2019
, up from 600,000 in 2000, according to the latest report published in 2022 by the Pew Research Center. (These figures exclude immigrants from the Caribbean, which make up a third of Black immigrants.)

This week:
SONOYTA, Mexico (Border Report) – Karina Zayas has learned to do business with newly arrived citizens of Ghana, Senegal and Cameroon who speak neither English nor Spanish.

“Mostly they point to things. ‘I want this, I want that.’ When it comes to numbers, we do this,” the Mexican fruit drinks and ice cream vendor says, holding up one, two or three fingers. “If they are short 5 pesos, we go like this. … If they have change coming, I just give it to them.”

The African migrants wandering the streets of Sonoyta opposite Lukeville, Arizona, are part of a new surge some U.S. lawmakers and law enforcement officials say is overwhelming federal processing and detention resources and leading to street releases.
Those African immigrants will soon experience the prejudice we African-Americans feel in the USA. Poor things. I once knew a guy from Nigeria, he was here attending college. One day he asked me "How on earth can you take the way White people treat Black people here in the US?" I told him, "I'm used to it".
The stories of Zimbabwe and South Africa are still being written. I beleive they will be OK in the end. Once Africa becomes united, instead of seeing themselves as 54 different countries they will be unstoppable. The West wants them to stay divided, so they can exploit them easier.
Yeah, and the French will become brave and clean, and the British will become good cooks with straight teeth.
If I ruled Niger I would make those oil companies pay thru the nose to run their pipeline thru my country.
Since according to you, it's Nigerian oil - they need to make those Nigerian Negros pay through their noses. And if a country isn't stable nor secure - NO ONE is going to build a pipeline. Aka no much needed revenue for Niger.
To combat ISIS, and to keep selling French products to their former Colony.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Did you mean to say "to keep stealing their uranium and other natural resources?" The French don't give a diddly squat about ISIS or selling French products.
President Macron was almost crying when he announced the French officials would be leaving Niger. I'd cry too if I'd been paying .80 cents for a kilogram of uranium and now I'll have to pay $200.00 for a kilogram of uranium. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Since according to you, it's Nigerian oil - they need to make those Nigerian Negros pay through their noses. And if a country isn't stable nor secure - NO ONE is going to build a pipeline. Aka no much needed revenue for Niger.
1) I'm sure the Nigerians will be OK. There are lots of other folks they can sell their oil too. I hear they are in OPEC too.
2) There are no Negroes in Africa. That ugly slur is only used against Black people in the USA.
3) Niger will be making LOTS of revenue with or without a pipeline. They will be getting fair market price for their natural resources now, instead of being robbed blind by the parasite French.
Question: When Africa becomes a world power, will we still say "world wide White Supremacy?" Or will we be a multipolar world?
Who can answer this question?
Whites are 9% of world population.
The stories of Zimbabwe and South Africa are still being written. I beleive they will be OK in the end. Once Africa becomes united, instead of seeing themselves as 54 different countries they will be unstoppable. The West wants them to stay divided, so they can exploit them easier.

This is a bit silly.

Africa is a continent of 3,000 different ethnic groups and cultures, 2,100 languages, countries and regions with vastly different geographies and histories and ambitions. It isn’t about the west wanting them to stay divided, it is their own diversity.
Africa is a continent of 3,000 different ethnic groups and cultures, 2,100 languages, countries and regions with vastly different geographies and histories and ambitions. It isn’t about the west wanting them to stay divided, it is their own diversity.
You hit the nail on the head. ... :thup:
Every African country is composed of various tribes that have been waring with each other long before a European ever set foot on the African continent.
They still go to war and fight each other all the time trying to position their tribe to be the dominant tribe and rule the country.
Which is why there are endless civil wars taking place in every African country.
Top 10 countries with the most resources. Guess what Continent doesnt have one on the top 10? :abgg2q.jpg:

I think what the racist is trying to say is that the African continent has those resources. Provided African countries ever united, she might have a point, but it will never happen--there is a "quiet" war being waged between the US, Russia, China and India in Africa right now to see how those untapped resources will be divided up.
Did you mean to say "to keep stealing their uranium and other natural resources?" The French don't give a diddly squat about ISIS or selling French products.
President Macron was almost crying when he announced the French officials would be leaving Niger. I'd cry too if I'd been paying .80 cents for a kilogram of uranium and now I'll have to pay $200.00 for a kilogram of uranium.
Negro countries in general are far too dumb and backward to exploit their own raw natural resources (not even to mention the further processing of raw materials, aka value adding chain-process) - therefore their governments chose to totally rely onto foreign countries and companies to do that for them, and thus their own government elitists stashing their own pockets via simply selling permits. Since they ALL don't give a shit about their own Negros.

E.g. Nigeria until today is too dumb and lazy (unqualified) to run and work it's own oil-industry/exploration, simply selling off exploitation permits to foreign companies via their State Oil Ministry - unlike e.g. Indonesia or Malaysia that invested heavily from the 70'ies onward, into education and technical know-how transfer, in order to control and benefit from their own natural resources.

Due to their rudimentary know-how - hundreds of "local driller companies" (owned by government elitists) operate illegal oil fields, causing massive pollution and a low output, whilst additionally robbing their own government of revenue.

Nigeria is facing unprecedented adverse economic challenges stemming from the impact of theft of large volumes crude oil. The problem has progressed to the extent that the country is unable to meet its increased OPEC quota. The country has been unable to capitalize on the rising energy prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Industry observers indicate that the country is losing as much as 80% of its oil production to theft, though other analysts claim a figure around 60% is more accurate. According to the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), in the first quarter of 2022, the country lost an estimated $1 billion in revenue to crude theft.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari says the country’s revenue crisis “is caused by the activities of unscrupulous citizens through the theft of our crude oil and pipeline vandalism. Local authorities have also accused Nigeria’s security forces of working with the oil thieves, while the Nigerian Navy alleges that people with inside knowledge of the Ministry are involved in the theft.

All these constant revolutions, military coup d'état, uprisings and genocides in Negro countries are due to a "change of wallets" amongst their Negro elitists - none of them cares or gives a shit about their populations well-being.

You obviously have never been to and worked/lived in Negro countries.
Whatever happens in Negro countries today, is entirely SELF-INFLICTED since their independence from the 60'ies onward. Naturally they love to complain and relate to totally irrelevant issues during their Colonization periods, so that their elitists can continue stashing their pockets and keep their own population as dumb and underprivileged, just as before Colonization, which factually brought them technical advancement and educational enhancement.
Just observe as to how those elitist Negros managed to totally screw up, former flourishing countries like Rhodesia and SA.

As for US$ 0.80, for a kg of uranium oxide concentrate (U3O8), you got a source for that? or just your personal blah, blah?

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