Afghan conflict: Top court backs war crimes probe


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
An investigation of alleged war crimes by the US and others in the Afghan conflict can go ahead, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled.

The ICC overturned on appeal a previous decision to block the investigation.

The actions of the Taliban, the Afghan government and US troops since May 2003 are expected to be examined.

But US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the ruling was "reckless" and vowed to protect Americans from it.

"This is a truly breathtaking action by an unaccountable, political institution masquerading as a legal body", he said.

"All the more reckless for this ruling to come just days after the United States signed a historic peace deal on Afghanistan, which is the best chance for peace in a generation."

The deal was signed with the Taliban last Saturday after more than 18 years of conflict.

The US is not a signatory of the ICC and does not recognise its authority over American citizens.
Top court backs Afghan war crimes probe

Nope, the US is not a signatory of the ICC but that is a damn good try.
As an American, I can tell you how we feel about the ICC...

Bush and Obama folded like cheap suits and hung our troops out to dry....thank you Mr. Pompeo....and thank you president Trump....
Bush actually fought vehemently with the ICC and basically made all proseutions of or arrempted prosecutions of US citizens null and void. I am the last person who would seek to defend Bush but I think your comment is just inaccurate
An investigation of alleged war crimes by the US and others in the Afghan conflict can go ahead, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled.

The ICC overturned on appeal a previous decision to block the investigation.

The actions of the Taliban, the Afghan government and US troops since May 2003 are expected to be examined.

But US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the ruling was "reckless" and vowed to protect Americans from it.

"This is a truly breathtaking action by an unaccountable, political institution masquerading as a legal body", he said.

"All the more reckless for this ruling to come just days after the United States signed a historic peace deal on Afghanistan, which is the best chance for peace in a generation."

The deal was signed with the Taliban last Saturday after more than 18 years of conflict.

The US is not a signatory of the ICC and does not recognise its authority over American citizens.
Top court backs Afghan war crimes probe

Nope, the US is not a signatory of the ICC but that is a damn good try.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to people that the US would exclude its own people from the reach of the ICC. It took the USA 40 years to ratify the genocide convention and only then after the wording for the ratification basically exempted it.

Lawless states that are the global mafia dons not supporting or agreeing to be bound by international courts is wholly understandable even if it does make most of their commentary on others outlandishly hypocritical.
Those savages can eat a bag of dicks. They have sucked hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars, thousands of lives, and have essentially accomplished fuck all in 20 years.
I would suggest we nuke those apes, but that would be a waste of radiation.

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