
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Best legislation since Social Security; why don't CONs return their SS checks if that program is "socialist, statist, collectivist,_____(add inane Druggie Rush phrase)?

A healthy populace is a productive populace. I am all in favor of WORKFARE replaces welfare, when possible, but the irrational opposition to the ACA is just that. Millions in taxpayer money wasting fighting an act held constitutional YEARS ago,
Best legislation since Social Security; why don't CONs return their SS checks if that program is "socialist, statist, collectivist,_____(add inane Druggie Rush phrase)?

A healthy populace is a productive populace. I am all in favor of WORKFARE replaces welfare, when possible, but the irrational opposition to the ACA is just that. Millions in taxpayer money wasting fighting an act held constitutional YEARS ago,

it certainly is the best legislation if you are the big insurance

if you are the working poor not such a good deal
Best legislation since Social Security; why don't CONs return their SS checks if that program is "socialist, statist, collectivist,_____(add inane Druggie Rush phrase)?

A healthy populace is a productive populace. I am all in favor of WORKFARE replaces welfare, when possible, but the irrational opposition to the ACA is just that. Millions in taxpayer money wasting fighting an act held constitutional YEARS ago,

it certainly is the best legislation if you are the big insurance

if you are the working poor not such a good deal

Nonsense again; the working poor have MEDICAID. The working middle income Americans with preexisting conditions* like myself, -0- until the ACA. The premium quoted by my state agency was $975 a month for myself and spouse, $68.80 under the ACA. I have paid for insurance since age 21, before that military insurance EARNED by my father who fought in three wars for this country. I never spent a DAY in a hospital since birth, until 1999. NOW I TOLD BY IRRATIONAL OPPONENTS TO DO WITHOUT the $1000.00+ medications I require to work, because of their inability to understand health care isn't a gift, it is a necessity.

*Coma 1999, caused by a diuretic prescribed for hearing loss, osteopenia, a result of the extreme dehydration, neuropathy, another complication, and Type II diabetes. Before you, or another CON post about diet and weight, I have remained slender my entire life, my mother was Type I, too skinny. I weighed 112 at diagnosis, 115 now. Type II ISN'T only for gluttons.
Best legislation since Social Security; why don't CONs return their SS checks if that program is "socialist, statist, collectivist,_____(add inane Druggie Rush phrase)?

A healthy populace is a productive populace. I am all in favor of WORKFARE replaces welfare, when possible, but the irrational opposition to the ACA is just that. Millions in taxpayer money wasting fighting an act held constitutional YEARS ago,

it certainly is the best legislation if you are the big insurance

if you are the working poor not such a good deal

Nonsense again; the working poor have MEDICAID. The working middle income Americans with preexisting conditions* like myself, -0- until the ACA. The premium quoted by my state agency was $975 a month for myself and spouse, $68.80 under the ACA. I have paid for insurance since age 21, before that military insurance EARNED by my father who fought in three wars for this country. I never spent a DAY in a hospital since birth, until 1999. NOW I TOLD BY IRRATIONAL OPPONENTS TO DO WITHOUT the $1000.00+ medications I require to work, because of their inability to understand health care isn't a gift, it is a necessity.

*Coma 1999, caused by a diuretic prescribed for hearing loss, osteopenia, a result of the extreme dehydration, neuropathy, another complication, and Type II diabetes. Before you, or another CON post about diet and weight, I have remained slender my entire life, my mother was Type I, too skinny. I weighed 112 at diagnosis, 115 now. Type II ISN'T only for gluttons.

no they dont

quit lying

obamacare hurts the working poor my making them pay

the most they can leaving little or no money left over to pay

the deductibles or co pay
Best legislation since Social Security; why don't CONs return their SS checks if that program is "socialist, statist, collectivist,_____(add inane Druggie Rush phrase)?

A healthy populace is a productive populace. I am all in favor of WORKFARE replaces welfare, when possible, but the irrational opposition to the ACA is just that. Millions in taxpayer money wasting fighting an act held constitutional YEARS ago,

Yes, lots of conservatives, constitutionalists, libertarians, and independents
want social legislation out of govt and recognized as unconstitutional.

What I've found is blocking this
1. people don't agree what or how to replace or transition it back to states or people
so I am recommending that this be done by party
2. people don't agree on Constitutional conventions or changes, because many people
are afraid the whole thing will get destroyed instead of changing some laws or some agencies
3. the media and corporate interests, including legal professionals and bar associations
make more money off lawsuits, political lobbying and campaigns, and media/legislative battles
and aren't going to push for consensus on these policies if conflicts generate millions of dollars constantly and keep corporate interests in control of funding and financing party agenda and politicians
a constitutional convention is not supposed to be taken lightly it would bring on many changes

but it may be what the people have to do in the end it may be the only thing they are left with

we pretty much have all politicians wordsmithing what they say and what they do these days

so the head my have to be lopped off

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