Adult baby store draws protest

a if you want breastfeeding relationships
Two consenting adults, whats wrong with that?


Whether you were being sarcastic or not, that is exactly the question. Why does anyone get upset about what two people do in private? No one is parading naked in these stores. It is a shop catering to a kink. So what? If there are enough customers, he will make a living. If not, he goes out of business.

I bet damn few people noticed it opening. But a good protest is advertising gold. lol
Whether you were being sarcastic or not, that is exactly the question. Why does anyone get upset about what two people do in private? No one is parading naked in these stores. It is a shop catering to a kink. So what? If there are enough customers, he will make a living. If not, he goes out of business.

I bet damn few people noticed it opening. But a good protest is advertising gold. lol

You are missing the point obviously.

On the one hand we have pervs who want to suck each others crusty body parts.

On the other we have a seriously deranged psycho who needs mental help, like a bulimic and you want to tell them that, yes, they are indeed very fat.

'Whats wrong with puking up every meal you ever eat into a toilet?' roflmao
A fire inspection, followed by a health inspection, followed by a tax audit, followed by a gas leak inspection, followed by a plumbing inspection, and then roadwork in front of the business blocking the driveways...
A fire inspection, followed by a health inspection, followed by a tax audit, followed by a gas leak inspection, followed by a plumbing inspection, and then roadwork in front of the business blocking the driveways...

So you want the gov't to harass a business because you don't like what they sell? So much for a less intrusive gov't, huh?
Whether you were being sarcastic or not, that is exactly the question. Why does anyone get upset about what two people do in private? No one is parading naked in these stores. It is a shop catering to a kink. So what? If there are enough customers, he will make a living. If not, he goes out of business.

I bet damn few people noticed it opening. But a good protest is advertising gold. lol

You are missing the point obviously.

On the one hand we have pervs who want to suck each others crusty body parts.

On the other we have a seriously deranged psycho who needs mental help, like a bulimic and you want to tell them that, yes, they are indeed very fat.

'Whats wrong with puking up every meal you ever eat into a toilet?' roflmao

The point is that consenting adults are engaging in sexual fantasies that have no effect on you. Mind your own business.
A fire inspection, followed by a health inspection, followed by a tax audit, followed by a gas leak inspection, followed by a plumbing inspection, and then roadwork in front of the business blocking the driveways...

So you want the gov't to harass a business because you don't like what they sell? So much for a less intrusive gov't, huh?
Protecting the quality of the town's life is a legitimate role of government. A business that engages in weird anti-social shit like this drags down property values because no one wants to be near it. They should have put this business in Manhattan or San Francisco, and no one would care. Put they put it in a small village, where regular folks live, and raise their children.
Adult Baby Store Draws Protest In Mount Prospect

Fucking disgusting. First Miscegenation,then homosexuality,then transsexuality,now adult babies,humans that think they are animals and pedophilia.....christ almighty.I got a friend in Illinois that knows a LOT of people that would certainly protest this and draw attention to this filth. The Jew must be having a fucking field day.

Yeah, people living their lives without government intrusion. WE CAN'T HAVE THAT now can we? Let them burn at the stake, they're all witches.
Adult Baby Store Draws Protest In Mount Prospect

Fucking disgusting. First Miscegenation,then homosexuality,then transsexuality,now adult babies,humans that think they are animals and pedophilia.....christ almighty.I got a friend in Illinois that knows a LOT of people that would certainly protest this and draw attention to this filth. The Jew must be having a fucking field day.

Yeah, people living their lives without government intrusion. WE CAN'T HAVE THAT now can we? Let them burn at the stake, they're all witches.

okay lets put them pitchforks and torches down?
A fire inspection, followed by a health inspection, followed by a tax audit, followed by a gas leak inspection, followed by a plumbing inspection, and then roadwork in front of the business blocking the driveways...

So you want the gov't to harass a business because you don't like what they sell? So much for a less intrusive gov't, huh?
Protecting the quality of the town's life is a legitimate role of government. A business that engages in weird anti-social shit like this drags down property values because no one wants to be near it. They should have put this business in Manhattan or San Francisco, and no one would care. Put they put it in a small village, where regular folks live, and raise their children.

Do you think there are not already people playing out this fantasy in this quaint little village? Is there some nudity or whatever showing outside the store? No one has a problem with Victoria's Secret having skimpy underwear on display in the mall, but this store will destroy the morality of an entire village? lol

No. You are still advocating that the gov't harass a privately owned business because YOU disagree with it.
Adult Baby Store Draws Protest In Mount Prospect

Fucking disgusting. First Miscegenation,then homosexuality,then transsexuality,now adult babies,humans that think they are animals and pedophilia.....christ almighty.I got a friend in Illinois that knows a LOT of people that would certainly protest this and draw attention to this filth. The Jew must be having a fucking field day.

Yeah, people living their lives without government intrusion. WE CAN'T HAVE THAT now can we? Let them burn at the stake, they're all witches.

okay lets put them pitchforks and torches down?

Why, if you don't do what you're told to do by the government, don't you deserve to die?
I only have one thought - how is this possibly a good business model?
I mean...are there that many Baby freaks in Mt. Prospect??

That is what I have said. If there are enough customers they will make money. If not, they will go out of business.

Bingo...I think this thing will work itself possibility however is that the loony guy is simply paying rent and it is not really a business. Not sure, but there might be a legal way to end it by saying he is running a private club...and that might be a zoning issue.

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