Adam Rich, 'Eight Is Enough' child star, dead at details on if he took the vaccine as of yet

i didn't know about substance abuse. see, now you educated me about it. that's the purpose of me starting the thread in the 1st place. i don't want clicks, except if it contributes to the debate. i care about the vaccine issue, not about getting clicks, which i gain NOTHING from

Didn't you read your link?
Life will eventually kill us all. Nobody makes it out alive
There is no such rise.

You have been lied too and do not even care as long as you get to troll

Yeah, the last thing you want to hear is that you're going to have a stroke, heart attack or croak.

Of course there's no rise. Keep telling yourself that. :laughing0301:
it' an important debate that i'm fascinated with, because i've always followed celebrity deaths since before covid, now there's the added intrigue of the question is the vaccine causing those deaths?...i don't care about baiting's not my interest...if you get butthurt over this important debate, that's not my problem
Please, please please! Would one of you anti-vaxxers provide an example of someone dying directly because of the vaccine? I have yet to see one. All I have seen is you morons claiming that the vaccine ill kill you with zero evidence presented.
You assume a drug addiction killed a 54 year old man.

Given the huge rise in sudden deaths, I'm sticking with the jab.

BTW: Aren't you due for another booster shot?

Had it 2 weeks ago.

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