Actress Kills herself

Perhaps we should be listening closer to the vaxxers who believe they life was ruined by said vax. When your fellow travelers start questioning what was done to them you would think it might penetrate the propo they swallowed.

If you have a situation where one thing kills millions and the other kills a few thousand, which is better?
But everybody came down with the disease whether you had one, two, three or 10 freaking jabs. Sometimes the weak died of the disease and some healthy and otherwise strong people died of terrible side effects of the vax. Nobody talks about the statistics because it would hurt the Biden administration.
The stats are available, and the stats show little compromise if any,

If that is wrong, prove it.
Perhaps we should be listening closer to the vaxxers who believe they life was ruined by said vax. When your fellow travelers start questioning what was done to them you would think it might penetrate the propo they swallowed.
Life's a crap shoot. Hopefully she donated her body to science to they can figure out what made her susceptible to the bad outcomes from the vaccine if that is truly what happened.
“Pavalek, a native of Slovakia, appeared in movies such as “The Last Sharknado:”

Everyone in that movie should kill themselves
That is the goal with the failing Biden economy.

For every person that kills themself they get 3 carbon social ratings because they reduced their carbon footprint, and why not, in an economy with no real hope of prosperity.
“The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely.

“There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made,” she concluded.

Dying people do not lie.

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