Actor Peter Fonda encourages targeting children of border patrol and ice agents

Obviously, Communists/Democrats are out of control. This isn't the first time one has incited violence. Democrat Fake News has been doing it since Election Day.

It's a radicalization process. By way of repetitive hate propaganda, they're conditioning minds. They're radicalizing and creating Thousands of 'Manchurian Candidate'-types. It's a very dangerous time.
Peter Fonda says Barron Trump should be 'ripped from his mother's arms | Daily Mail Online
Actor Peter Fonda says Barron Trump, 12, should be 'ripped from his mother's arms and put in a cage with pedophiles' in foul-mouthed Twitter tirade

Brittany Pettibone on Twitter

This pervert has his nerve, him opening his mouth will be the biggest misteake this asshole has made.

This prick speaks and acts liek all TRUMP HATER SCUMS. you are Parasites to society and sickening
Acting like a Republican is not the way.

Torn from immigrant parents, 8-month-old baby lands in Michigan
Melania Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped

"The Office of the First Lady has notified the Secret Service after actor Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Melania and Donald Trump’s son, Barron"

Mr. Fonda has given a prince's ransom of contributions to B. Hussein O. and Hussein's 2nd Banana, Bite Me.

Have these prominent leftists denounced Fonda yet? Have they returned the money?

Or do they support Fonda's demands for paedophilia against President Trump's children?
Fonda was decent in Easy Rider and Escape From LA, but this is nuts. The headlines indicate President Trump is about to sign an executive order of some kind. Very much hoping he doesn't cave in to all this media frenzy. I say let the left rebel openly. If this fiasco has achieved nothing else, it has surely unmasked the people our POTUS can't trust. Can we let mass propaganda driven dissent rule our nation?
Goddamn dope smoking hippie. He should know we only rip brown kids away from their parents seeking asylum.......Barron ain't brown.

Hey them darkies should consider themselves lucky. Look what Trumpybear's hero Andrew Jackson did to the Red Babies.
In an equally horrific insult / attack on women, Fonda Doubled-Down by calling for the public caging and rape of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen:

“Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity.”

Stand by for the army of Liberal Feminists rushing to the defense of Nielsen and attacking Fonda ... Three, two, one....


Yeah, don't hold your breath for the liberal false accusers of 'GOP WAR ON WOMEN' to respond to this vile liberal attack....

Once again we see liberals accusing others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are while protecting vile pieces of $hit like this within their ranks!
Goddamn dope smoking hippies. He should know we only rip brown kids away from their parents seeking asylum.......Barron ain't brown.

Hey, them darkies should consider themselves lucky. Look what Trumpybear's hero Andrew Jackson did to the Red Babies.
Peter "You've got a friend " Fonda should be arrested, prosecuted and jailed as a message to the entertainment industry that their shit will no longer be tolerated.

Of course this was going to happen. Threats are the next step from DeNiro, Bee and Griffin. Fonda will be followed by more threats, then acts.
Goddamn dope smoking hippies. He should know we only rip brown kids away from their parents seeking asylum.......Barron ain't brown.

Hey, them darkies should consider themselves lucky. Look what Trumpybear's hero Andrew Jackson did to the Red Babies.

Not surprising you find this funny. You're a real sicko, kid. :cuckoo:
Goddamn dope smoking hippies. He should know we only rip brown kids away from their parents seeking asylum.......Barron ain't brown.

Hey, them darkies should consider themselves lucky. Look what Trumpybear's hero Andrew Jackson did to the Red Babies.
Where is Andrew Jackson when we really need him?

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