Actor John Goodman Advocates Forcing Workers To Join Unions, Pay Dues

Management and workers are not supposed to be in the same team. One manages the other side the work to produce. The two do not share the same overall vision. Economics 101

Yup that's the Unions fucking problem and why most Americans despise American stlye unions with a passion, European style unions and management are on the same page, share the same vision.

Most Americans despise anyone who`s better off than they are.
Management and workers are not supposed to be in the same team. One manages the other side the work to produce. The two do not share the same overall vision. Economics 101

Yup that's the Unions fucking problem and why most Americans despise American stlye unions with a passion, European style unions and management are on the same page, share the same vision.

Most Americans despise anyone who`s better off than they are.
You mean progressives
Management and workers are not supposed to be in the same team. One manages the other side the work to produce. The two do not share the same overall vision. Economics 101

Yup that's the Unions fucking problem and why most Americans despise American stlye unions with a passion, European style unions and management are on the same page, share the same vision.

Most Americans despise anyone who`s better off than they are.

I never hear that from cons , just liberals.

I could give a damn what you have or what you make.

Maybe everything needs rebuilt including the union brand and/or concept.
If rebuilt it needs to begin with the foundation of 'Freedom' and the 'Right to CHOOSE'.

'Rebuilt', not 'Relabeled' or 'Repackaged and sold'.

You can sprinkle sugar on a turd all day, but that still doesn't make it candy.
Yes, and in that freedom it should be free to choose joining the union, but if rebuilt correctly there would be absolutely no problem in getting members.

Unions should be pro-American worker, and they should only bargain for what is decent and reasonable for the workers, and not use it's power to bully companies into unfair contracts that tarnish the Union name or brand. Otherwise don't practice greed in the form that you would be bargaining against for the members, because that greed will nullify the entire process one is working for.

How stupid is that ??

And these sports athlete's with their gazillion dollar contracts, really ?? Then they end up taking a knee on the flag that represents their country. You can't make this bullcrap up... Pathetic.
Unions are the bane of the American worker. .... :cool:
But necessary because of greedy owners. You are criticizing the wrong people.

Another American consumer who doesn't want to look in the mirror and acknowledge they are part of the problem.


I am curious on the mind set of a liberal, what's their solution? Force companies to stay in the USA?, force them to pay higher wages? force Americans to buy American made goods????

Or is it all of the above execpt American consumer's can still buy cheap forgein goods???

These really shouldn't be issues having to be debated at all, but something keeps going wrong, and our nation just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. People need to be honest, quit politicizing, and identify the real culprits causing all the problems.
Those things already are here dumbass...
the unions time has come and passed a long time ago... its time to move on to bigger and better things.
Yeah, the democrats are offering full blown socialism. Why screw around with collective bargaining when your government can take over your employer's business?

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