Act Like You Love Hillary (and dress appropriately)!

I don't know if the story is true or not. Having said that I have no doubts it could be. And minimum wage to sit in a chair and watch a show? Really?
They had a whole lot of empty seats and did bus in people for those seats would be empty.

One interviewed was upset because they had put someone in her seat and she did not understand why. Don't have the link as it was just something that came across my news feed.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Fox tells the camera, "This is amazing, this place is empty. There is nobody left in here. I mean this whole stadium, look at this," as he pans his cellphone to show the lack of cheering Dems.

He continues in disbelief, adding, "This is not voter enthusiasm.... I can't believe my eyes. I've never seen anything like this. This is the primetime of the Democratic National Convention right after the nomination of Hillary Clinton and this place is emptied out like crazy. I'm stunned."

"This is insane. The whole California delegation is pretty much gone," he adds. "I mean this has got to be something very worrisome for the Democrats. Voter enthusiasm wins elections."

Fox then re-tweeted that 1900 delegates had walked out:

View image on Twitter

Andrew Saturn @andsat

what CNN won't show you: half the convention is gone. 1900 delegates walked out. #DemsInPhilly #DemConvention

Leftist Filmmaker Uploads Video Showing His Shock At Just How Empty The DNC Is

I would have to agree with him. That is a lot of empty seats.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Fox tells the camera, "This is amazing, this place is empty. There is nobody left in here. I mean this whole stadium, look at this," as he pans his cellphone to show the lack of cheering Dems.

He continues in disbelief, adding, "This is not voter enthusiasm.... I can't believe my eyes. I've never seen anything like this. This is the primetime of the Democratic National Convention right after the nomination of Hillary Clinton and this place is emptied out like crazy. I'm stunned."

"This is insane. The whole California delegation is pretty much gone," he adds. "I mean this has got to be something very worrisome for the Democrats. Voter enthusiasm wins elections."

Fox then re-tweeted that 1900 delegates had walked out:

View image on Twitter

Andrew Saturn @andsat

what CNN won't show you: half the convention is gone. 1900 delegates walked out. #DemsInPhilly #DemConvention

Leftist Filmmaker Uploads Video Showing His Shock At Just How Empty The DNC Is

I would have to agree with him. That is a lot of empty seats.
There goes that "bump" Hillary was supposed to get.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.

Still, it is ugly optics.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.

Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

I don't understand. Hillary Clinton is already speaking? I read a news report today that she wasn't due to speak until about 11:00 p.m. tonight. Was that report mistaken, RodISHI?
vaccine fascist.jpg
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.

Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

I don't understand. Hillary Clinton is already speaking? I read a news report today that she wasn't due to speak until about 11:00 p.m. tonight. Was that report mistaken, RodISHI?

I put the video link up. It sounds like her voice speaking in the back ground.

Jeri check this out snap shot I added out.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

I don't understand. Hillary Clinton is already speaking? I read a news report today that she wasn't due to speak until about 11:00 p.m. tonight. Was that report mistaken, RodISHI?

I put the video link up. It sounds like her voice speaking in the back ground.

Could it be a recording of a movie on the screen with her speaking? People were not even looking at the stage - they were all looking around and not paying any attention. I watched your video - very informative -thank you. It must have been like a video of a speech she made. She isn't supposed to speak until 11:00 p.m. tonight from what I read today in a news report.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

Hillary hasn't spoken to the Convention yet. She's speaking tonight.

That video is from Tuesday.
I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

Hillary hasn't spoken to the Convention yet. She's speaking tonight.

That video is from Tuesday.

No, your right Jer. They walked right out on her. You'd think all those women that are suppose to hate Trump would be happy to sit in their place. Oddly, they walked out too....
Hold on, don't go anywhere. I want to write up a prayer that we can pray in agreement - there is power in agreement as you know, Irish Ram. For all who wish to join us simply pray this prayer and believe God for His answer tonight.

Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we are petitioning you to move on behalf of those who have been harmed by the Clinton's. Lord, your Word says that pride goeth before a fall. Your Word says that Vengeance is yours. Lord, we thank you for the keys to the kingdom and the privilege to use the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we come against the prince ruling spirit and all spirit guides. We come through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and we bind you up. We forbid you from influencing or strengthening witches, satanists and all workers of the enemy tonight, in the Name of Jesus.

We destroy your very works! We destroy the spirits of hate, bitterness and murder, spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, your influences in Jesus Name.

We come against the spirit of blindness, binding the spirit of bondage and heaviness, fear and hate. We pray Lord, that you would open the eyes of the people and destroy all caging spirits and spirits of delusion which have been cast upon the people in order to deceive them into believing the lies that will be spoken tonight.

Lord, let all those who have been appointed to be heirs of salvation escape from the snare of the fowler and not be entrapped in the slander, lies and abominations that have been lifted up and glorified at the DNC convention. Convict their hearts, Lord, and show them the error of their ways. Cause them to depart from evil and seek your face.

God we ask you to release your warring holy angels to wage warfare against all demonic activities happening at the DNC convention and all demonic activities that are seeking to assist in it's deception, lies and trickery.

Father, we ask that you would send a spirit of confusion upon Hillary Clinton's mind tonight and turn her counsel into foolishness even as you did unto Ahithophel!

Lord, we petition you on the grounds of the blood that was shed at Benghazi! Their blood cries out from the ground, Father God, and their families seek the justice that only you can deliver. We petition you on behalf of the families who lost their loved ones due to the actions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

We remind you, O God, that Hillary Clinton's response was, What does it matter?

Lord, we ask that tonight you shall show her the reason why it matters and we petition you to utterly destroy the false confidence, pride, deception, and witchcraft that this woman has been operating in.

Father, we ask that tonight you reward Hillary Clinton according to the works of her own hands. In Jesus Name we ask it. Amen.
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I have no doubt that the DNC brought in people to fill the seats, but the ad looking for "actors" is obviously staggeringly fake.

There are thousands of Democratic officers and volunteers who would jump at the chance to be at the DNC.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.
You have no idea when that picture was taken.
Then why aren't they? From the pictures - it's more than half empty, Doc.

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

Hillary hasn't spoken to the Convention yet. She's speaking tonight.

That video is from Tuesday.

No, your right Jer. They walked right out on her. You'd think all those women that are suppose to hate Trump would be happy to sit in their place. Oddly, they walked out too....
Hold on, don't go anywhere. I want to write up a prayer that we can pray in agreement - there is power in agreement as you know, Irish Ram. For all who wish to join us simply pray this prayer and believe God for His answer tonight.

Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we are petitioning you to move on behalf of those who have been harmed by the Clinton's. Lord, your Word says that pride goeth before a fall. Your Word says that Vengeance is yours. Lord, we thank you for the keys to the kingdom and the privilege to use the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we come against the prince ruling spirit and all spirit guides. We come through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and we bind you up. We forbid you from influencing or strengthening witches, satanists and all workers of the enemy tonight, in the Name of Jesus.

We destroy your very works! We destroy the spirits of hate, bitterness and murder, spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, your influences in Jesus Name.

We come against the spirit of blindness, binding the spirit of bondage and heaviness, fear and hate. We pray Lord, that you would open the eyes of the people and destroy all caging spirits and spirits of delusion which have been cast upon the people in order to deceive them into believing the lies that will be spoken tonight.

Lord, let all those who have been appointed to be heirs of salvation escape from the snare of the fowler and not be entrapped in the slander, lies and abominations that have been lifted up and glorified at the DNC convention. Convict their hearts, Lord, and show them the error of their ways. Cause them to depart from evil and seek your face.

God we ask you to release your warring holy angels to wage warfare against all demonic activities happening at the DNC convention and all demonic activities that are seeking to assist in it's deception, lies and trickery.

Father, we ask that you would send a spirit of confusion upon Hillary Clinton's mind tonight and turn her counsel into foolishness even as you did unto Ahithophel!

Lord, we petition you on the grounds of the blood that was shed at Benghazi! Their blood cries out from the ground, Father God, and their families seek the justice that only you can deliver. We petition you on behalf of the families who lost their loved ones due to the actions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

We remind you, O God, that Hillary Clinton's response was, What does it matter?

Lord, we ask that tonight you shall show her the reason why it matters and we petition you to utterly destroy the false confidence, pride, deception, and witchcraft that this woman has been operating in.

Father, we ask that tonight you reward Hillary Clinton according to the works of her own hands. In Jesus Name we ask it. Amen.

I have been a christian for years and during those years I have never come across so much hate in a written prayer, while using God's name in vain
This really pisses me off, and I am disgusted , your Yuck prayer is for political gain ...

This is what the problem is, most people can see right though that shit of a letter...I am embarrassed for you...

Those pictures aren't live, Jeri. They're from during the walkout last night. Any of those delegates who "walked out" and didn't come back will find their seat taken.
Alright. I'll take your word for it, Doc. I have not seen any of this on a television but I did see a you tube video where Sanders people booed him for supporting Hillary and quite a few other speakers who tried to persuade them. People seemed to calm down when Michele Obama gave her speech. I don't know whether Sanders people had already left or not.
This video is while Hilary is speaking. Hundreds of empty seats if not thousands.

They are using a green screen right now to show a packed convention. I know this as husband is watching the convention. They are playing like Kim Jong Un.

Hillary hasn't spoken to the Convention yet. She's speaking tonight.

That video is from Tuesday.

No, your right Jer. They walked right out on her. You'd think all those women that are suppose to hate Trump would be happy to sit in their place. Oddly, they walked out too....
Hold on, don't go anywhere. I want to write up a prayer that we can pray in agreement - there is power in agreement as you know, Irish Ram. For all who wish to join us simply pray this prayer and believe God for His answer tonight.

Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we are petitioning you to move on behalf of those who have been harmed by the Clinton's. Lord, your Word says that pride goeth before a fall. Your Word says that Vengeance is yours. Lord, we thank you for the keys to the kingdom and the privilege to use the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we come against the prince ruling spirit and all spirit guides. We come through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and we bind you up. We forbid you from influencing or strengthening witches, satanists and all workers of the enemy tonight, in the Name of Jesus.

We destroy your very works! We destroy the spirits of hate, bitterness and murder, spirits of wizardry, sorcery and all your co-spirits, your works, your powers, your influences in Jesus Name.

We come against the spirit of blindness, binding the spirit of bondage and heaviness, fear and hate. We pray Lord, that you would open the eyes of the people and destroy all caging spirits and spirits of delusion which have been cast upon the people in order to deceive them into believing the lies that will be spoken tonight.

Lord, let all those who have been appointed to be heirs of salvation escape from the snare of the fowler and not be entrapped in the slander, lies and abominations that have been lifted up and glorified at the DNC convention. Convict their hearts, Lord, and show them the error of their ways. Cause them to depart from evil and seek your face.

God we ask you to release your warring holy angels to wage warfare against all demonic activities happening at the DNC convention and all demonic activities that are seeking to assist in it's deception, lies and trickery.

Father, we ask that you would send a spirit of confusion upon Hillary Clinton's mind tonight and turn her counsel into foolishness even as you did unto Ahithophel!

Lord, we petition you on the grounds of the blood that was shed at Benghazi! Their blood cries out from the ground, Father God, and their families seek the justice that only you can deliver. We petition you on behalf of the families who lost their loved ones due to the actions of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

We remind you, O God, that Hillary Clinton's response was, What does it matter?

Lord, we ask that tonight you shall show her the reason why it matters and we petition you to utterly destroy the false confidence, pride, deception, and witchcraft that this woman has been operating in.

Father, we ask that tonight you reward Hillary Clinton according to the works of her own hands. In Jesus Name we ask it. Amen.

I have been a christian for years and during those years I have never come across so much hate in a written prayer, while using God's name in vain
This really pisses me off, and I am disgusted , your Yuck prayer is for political gain ...

This is what the problem is, most people can see right though that shit of a letter...I am embarrassed for you...


You should be embarrassed about the hypocrites who threw God out of the last DNC convention as everyone cheered. Are you bashing the prayers of the wicked as they curse the citizens of the United States and stick them in the back? How about prayers for a person lining their own pockets as they lie to the multitudes and strip their freedoms away from them? Do you have prayer for all those innocent children who have been left dead in the wake of the Clinton's greed?
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