Accused murderer set free after St. Louis County prosecutors fail to show up, but found time for McCloskeys


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It's deliberate.

The left wants criminal sociopaths running amok in the streets shooting people and otherwise terrorizing the public, so that they demand GUN CONTROL.

Problem for the bed wetters is that more people are simply buying their own guns rather than expecting the government to protect them, which it can't do even if it wanted to.

Make no mistake about it though, bed wetters want gun control, not for public safety, but for public oppression. These sociopaths are tyrannical commissars in wait for the opportunity to create a soviet style hell hole in the US.

Go after law abiding citizens for having the audacity of defending themselves, let murderers off so they can continue to murder.

Cause and effect. They focus on partisan politics and we see literally murderers going free because of it.

Keep voting dem, you dems.

After all, WACISM.
It's deliberate.

The left wants criminal sociopaths running amok in the streets shooting people and otherwise terrorizing the public, so that they demand GUN CONTROL.

Problem for the bed wetters is that more people are simply buying their own guns rather than expecting the government to protect them, which it can't do even if it wanted to.

Make no mistake about it though, bed wetters want gun control, not for public safety, but for public oppression. These sociopaths are tyrannical commissars in wait for the opportunity to create a soviet style hell hole in the US.


Those assholes give not one single rat fuck about public safety and justice. THEY WANT UNLIMITED POWER.

Buy more guns.

Lock and load.
Then again, the same folks who often strongly advocate for Marxism, the liberal intelligentsia are also the first people that are purged when the revolution is complete. You can't expect sense from these folks. Allowing murderers to walk free probably does make sense to some of them, well those that live in gated communities.
Then again, the same folks who often strongly advocate for Marxism, the liberal intelligentsia are also the first people that are purged when the revolution is complete. You can't expect sense from these folks. Allowing murderers to walk free probably does make sense to some of them, well those that live in gated communities.

I used to do patrols in Austin TX and I can recall one of the richest neighborhoods just west of downtown with all these stupid leftist yard signs. You just drive out onto Lamar Ave and you start seeing the graffiti, trash and scumbags roving about and you know that once the SHTF these rich liberal asswipes are going to be raped and slaughtered in their bed rooms. Look at what is happening in South Africa right now. There will be no police response. Many cops will take their patrol cars home and leave the bed wetting parasites to be cannibalized. Some may even start looting themselves when they realize the extent of what is happening. Once the collapse happens, the logistics shut down, the food doesn't get delivered to ANY stores. If you don't have a month's supply of shit at the very least, you're going to suffer.


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