According to leftists and the media, over 75% of American support Jim Crow

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
A large majority of Americans support stricter voting laws that include voter identification requirements, according to a new poll.

“The phone survey — which was conducted June 8-June 13 with 800 registered voters, 31 percent of whom identify as Democrats, 29 percent as Republicans, and 36 percent as independents — found 80 percent of its participants feel verifying voter ID ‘is an important security measure,’ while 89 percent said that they are in favor of ‘purging voter rolls’ after individuals have died or are no longer registered in previous areas they resided in,” reported the paper.

The survey found 78 percent of voters polled said in addition to stronger voter ID laws, they also support signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers overseeing counting and “cleaning up voter rolls.”

According to the poll, 71 percent said they do not believe ballots should be accepted after election day and 87 percent were against “ballot harvesting.”

Not surprisingly, the leftist democrat position is on the radical fringe of normal American voters. Joe Biden is saying that the overwhelming majority of people in America support what he has called “Jim Crow”.. I hope people remember that.
Keep in mind, the "sweet spot" for today's American Leftists are the people who are too uninvolved to register on time, too distracted to go to the polls on Election Day, and too incompetent to obtain and present a FREE government-issued photo ID.

And those bastards would be too stupid to respond to polls, as well, so clearly the Democrat constituency was not heard from in that poll.
This is another aspect of the game that they play.

Continue to promote falsehoods to keep the momentum with their cause going.

This is a tactic. There's no way 75% of Americans support Jim Crow but it has to appear that way in order to maintain their radical policies, brainwashing and self-loathing, which in turns keeps them relevant and in power.
A large majority of Americans support stricter voting laws that include voter identification requirements, according to a new poll.

“The phone survey — which was conducted June 8-June 13 with 800 registered voters, 31 percent of whom identify as Democrats, 29 percent as Republicans, and 36 percent as independents — found 80 percent of its participants feel verifying voter ID ‘is an important security measure,’ while 89 percent said that they are in favor of ‘purging voter rolls’ after individuals have died or are no longer registered in previous areas they resided in,” reported the paper.

The survey found 78 percent of voters polled said in addition to stronger voter ID laws, they also support signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers overseeing counting and “cleaning up voter rolls.”

According to the poll, 71 percent said they do not believe ballots should be accepted after election day and 87 percent were against “ballot harvesting.”

Not surprisingly, the leftist democrat position is on the radical fringe of normal American voters. Joe Biden is saying that the overwhelming majority of people in America support what he has called “Jim Crow”.. I hope people remember that.
The Democrats are going to make the 2022 election about Voting Rights and Race.
A large majority of Americans support stricter voting laws that include voter identification requirements, according to a new poll.

“The phone survey — which was conducted June 8-June 13 with 800 registered voters, 31 percent of whom identify as Democrats, 29 percent as Republicans, and 36 percent as independents — found 80 percent of its participants feel verifying voter ID ‘is an important security measure,’ while 89 percent said that they are in favor of ‘purging voter rolls’ after individuals have died or are no longer registered in previous areas they resided in,” reported the paper.

The survey found 78 percent of voters polled said in addition to stronger voter ID laws, they also support signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers overseeing counting and “cleaning up voter rolls.”

According to the poll, 71 percent said they do not believe ballots should be accepted after election day and 87 percent were against “ballot harvesting.”

Not surprisingly, the leftist democrat position is on the radical fringe of normal American voters. Joe Biden is saying that the overwhelming majority of people in America support what he has called “Jim Crow”.. I hope people remember that.
The Democrats are going to make the 2022 election about Voting Rights and Race.
Been there and done that, and we got that dud Obama. Playing the race card again so soon isn't going to cut it.
We should have shipped them all back after the war and given them free cash
Just load up dozens of big ships
. Now every city is a war zone
Voter and vote integrity is no way, shape, or form, adheres to any twisted definition of Jim Crow laws.

The fact that the left are desperately attempting to link the two would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
A large majority of Americans support stricter voting laws that include voter identification requirements, according to a new poll.

“The phone survey — which was conducted June 8-June 13 with 800 registered voters, 31 percent of whom identify as Democrats, 29 percent as Republicans, and 36 percent as independents — found 80 percent of its participants feel verifying voter ID ‘is an important security measure,’ while 89 percent said that they are in favor of ‘purging voter rolls’ after individuals have died or are no longer registered in previous areas they resided in,” reported the paper.

The survey found 78 percent of voters polled said in addition to stronger voter ID laws, they also support signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers overseeing counting and “cleaning up voter rolls.”

According to the poll, 71 percent said they do not believe ballots should be accepted after election day and 87 percent were against “ballot harvesting.”

Not surprisingly, the leftist democrat position is on the radical fringe of normal American voters. Joe Biden is saying that the overwhelming majority of people in America support what he has called “Jim Crow”.. I hope people remember that.
Voter surpression is an unbacked mantra with no justification . All we want is voters to carry ID and pre plan their food and bewverage needs prior to the 150 foot line to the voting booth.
A large majority of Americans support stricter voting laws that include voter identification requirements, according to a new poll.

“The phone survey — which was conducted June 8-June 13 with 800 registered voters, 31 percent of whom identify as Democrats, 29 percent as Republicans, and 36 percent as independents — found 80 percent of its participants feel verifying voter ID ‘is an important security measure,’ while 89 percent said that they are in favor of ‘purging voter rolls’ after individuals have died or are no longer registered in previous areas they resided in,” reported the paper.

The survey found 78 percent of voters polled said in addition to stronger voter ID laws, they also support signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers overseeing counting and “cleaning up voter rolls.”

According to the poll, 71 percent said they do not believe ballots should be accepted after election day and 87 percent were against “ballot harvesting.”

Not surprisingly, the leftist democrat position is on the radical fringe of normal American voters. Joe Biden is saying that the overwhelming majority of people in America support what he has called “Jim Crow”.. I hope people remember that.
Voter surpression is an unbacked mantra with no justification . All we want is voters to carry ID and pre plan their food and bewverage needs prior to the 150 foot line to the voting booth.

it’s very odd to see an election that has the highest turnout in history and then people whining about how there was voter suppression

there’s not a shred of evidence of it either, but that hasn’t stopped so many leftist narratives to be promoted

- Brett Kavanaugh was a rapist
- Donald trump won’t denounce white supremacy
- the Russians stole the 2016 election
- Derek Chauvin acted because George Floyd was black

I could go on. All with zero evidence,but were promoted and repeated by the very same people who will declare how horrible Fox News is because they’re supposedly dishonest.
First of all most Americans didn't learn much more than how to put a condom on a banana for their first 12 years of government sponsored education and they probably think "Jim Crow" is a pop star. The second thing is that it seems that left wing latent bigots really think that Blacks in the 21st century are unable to obtain a photo I.D. and should consider themselves victims of Jim Crow laws if photo I.D.'s are mandatory for voting. How long are intelligent Black people going to stand for this racial pandering?
Do we have any examples of people who were denied their rifht to vote because they were incapable of obtaining any ID?

How do they get government benefits?
Lemme be clear ....

Jim Crow 2.0 is now more popular than ever.
Only in your set of the population, which is + or - 30% of the people who also believe whatever Donald Trump says, believe the Pandemic is a hoax, believe the climate world wide isn't changing, the election on Nov 3rd was stolen, and Antifa and BLM stormed the Capitol Building on Jan 6th, last.
Only in your set of the population, which is + or - 30% of the people who also believe whatever Donald Trump says, believe the Pandemic is a hoax, believe the climate world wide isn't changing, the election on Nov 3rd was stolen, and Antifa and BLM stormed the Capitol Building on Jan 6th, last.
The far majority of Americans want more secure voting laws.

This has nothing to do with Trump you TDS suffering IDIOT !!
Keep in mind, the "sweet spot" for today's American Leftists are the people who are too uninvolved to register on time, too distracted to go to the polls on Election Day, and too incompetent to obtain and present a FREE government-issued photo ID.

And those bastards would be too stupid to respond to polls, as well, so clearly the Democrat constituency was not heard from in that poll.
No but they watch CNN for 10 minutes a day


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