Accepted And Encouraged -The Worst Pathologies….


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….exhibited by minorities.
And that is why said minorities, and the nation, is in the fix we're in.

1.The nearly 300 national riots in the lead-up to the election exposed how far the Democrat Party will go to maintain power. They went beyond the usual bogus claims of rightwing racism, “they’re gonna put ya’ll back in chains!” … authorizing riots…

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

…to using their strangle-hold on the legal system to make certain no rioters were charged:

‘We Will Not Prosecute’: Left-Wing Prosecutors, Many Backed By Soros Cash, Implement Soft-On-Crime Policies Across America
'We Will Not Prosecute': Left-Wing Prosecutors, Many Backed ... › 2020/08/10 › district-attorneys-so...
Aug 10, 2020 — Left-wing prosecutors have implemented soft-on-crime approaches to ... Backed By Soros Cash, Implement Soft-On-Crime Policies Across America.

2. For fifty years, pretending to alleviate poverty, Democrat policy has been to maintain certain groups in poverty:

‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
From Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

3. To make certain that an underclass always exists, Liberal/Democrats warn minorities never to take on the ‘white’ characteristics that determine success:

chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.”
Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

4. Instead of accepting and encouraging the social pathologies that maintain an underclass... and if the Democrat Party was not aggrandizing itself at the expense of minorities, they would have authorized the approach along the lines of the quote attributed to Marcus Aurelius:

“Stand erect, or be made to stand erect.”
I have to say, the democrat party has come a long way in the evolution of genocidal methods

Why not just create a society where they start killing themselves off instead of the gas chambers, etc.?

Then blame Trump.
I have to say, the democrat party has come a long way in the evolution of genocidal methods

Why not just create a society where they start killing themselves off instead of the gas chambers, etc.?

Then blame Trump.

Not that long a way.......

Let's not sugar coat it.....Hitler's friend, FDR, called them just what they were:

"They were forcibly removed to 10 concentration camps. The government officially called them “relocation centers,” but Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942. The occupants were kept behind barbed wire, and armed guards kept them from leaving."
FDR’s concentration camps were a warning, not a model

".....Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942."

Executive Order 9066
was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. This order authorized the Secretary of War to prescribe certain areas as military zones, clearing the way for the incarceration of Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans in U.S. concentration camps. Executive Order 9066 - Wikipedia
5. There are zero compunctions on the part of the Democrat Party to purveying lies to support the myth that they are out to advance minorities. They are not. They need to keep them right were they are: at the societal bottom.

Some of the lies they tell, and get away with, are jaw-droppingly obvious.

They explain the problem minority students have in school, a huge achievement gap compared to white and Asian students, and with discipline in general by blaming what is the arguably most Liberal coterie… teachers.

Here is leftwing Brookings blaming teachers as racists:


Teachers are people too: Racial bias among American educators

Schools and the teachers in them are embedded in our racist society. Decades of writing, hand-wringing, and attempts to address the racial inequality produced in schools have only been minimally successful. Why?

… one piece of this puzzle is the racial bias that many teachers hold.

We found that that teachers are people too. That is, teachers hold, on average, pro-white/anti-Black bias at levels comparable to those of the general population.”

The have no prob throwing their own supporters under the bus.
….exhibited by minorities.
And that is why said minorities, and the nation, is in the fix we're in.

1.The nearly 300 national riots in the lead-up to the election exposed how far the Democrat Party will go to maintain power. They went beyond the usual bogus claims of rightwing racism, “they’re gonna put ya’ll back in chains!” … authorizing riots…

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

…to using their strangle-hold on the legal system to make certain no rioters were charged:

‘We Will Not Prosecute’: Left-Wing Prosecutors, Many Backed By Soros Cash, Implement Soft-On-Crime Policies Across America
'We Will Not Prosecute': Left-Wing Prosecutors, Many Backed ... › 2020/08/10 › district-attorneys-so...
Aug 10, 2020 — Left-wing prosecutors have implemented soft-on-crime approaches to ... Backed By Soros Cash, Implement Soft-On-Crime Policies Across America.

2. For fifty years, pretending to alleviate poverty, Democrat policy has been to maintain certain groups in poverty:

‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.

Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence.
From Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” chapter five.

3. To make certain that an underclass always exists, Liberal/Democrats warn minorities never to take on the ‘white’ characteristics that determine success:

chart endeavors to list "the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States." Among those traditions, attitudes, and ways of life are: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, a belief in progress, a written tradition, politeness, the justice system, respect for authority, delayed gratification and planning for the future, plus much more.”
Smithsonian Goes Full Marxist: Nuclear Family, Science, Christianity All Part of Oppressive 'Whiteness'

4. Instead of accepting and encouraging the social pathologies that maintain an underclass... and if the Democrat Party was not aggrandizing itself at the expense of minorities, they would have authorized the approach along the lines of the quote attributed to Marcus Aurelius:

“Stand erect, or be made to stand erect.”

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
6. Just as it’s true that there is no racism, systemic racism, white privilege, it is doubly try that teachers are far from anti-black.

Astounding what supposedly intelligent human being will accept as truth.

Ask any Liberal/Democrat to explain this:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???
PJ Media and DailySmeller - Always the BEST sources! :lol:
  • Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per-article basis.
  • Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.
1.The nearly 300 national riots in the lead-up to the election exposed how far the Democrat Party will go to maintain power. They went beyond the usual bogus claims of rightwing racism, “they’re gonna put ya’ll back in chains!” … authorizing riots…
You give ignorance a bad name.
The protests weren't sponsored by the democrats, as you had protests throughout the civilized world.

Protests have taken place in over 60 countries and on all seven continents. The protests are taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which gathering in crowds is strongly advised against in some parts of the world, and is illegal in others.

If you're saying the democrats were behind all of these, then you are admitting that the democrats not only should be running the country, but that the american people picked them for that reason.

The party that can get the world to do what they want done, is the party that best serves the american people.
  • Thanks
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Never a shortage of that from PC ;)

And, again, exactly the sort of lie you are infamous for.

Makes you a worthless poster.



In another thread, I asked one apologist for the, Democrats, there were any lies in the chart…..

You lied of course:

“Yes - ALL LIES” #551

Proving once again......Democrats lie about everything.

I, on the other hand, never lie.....I simply expose Democrat lies, and Democrat liars.
You give ignorance a bad name.
The protests weren't sponsored by the democrats, as you had protests throughout the civilized world.

Protests have taken place in over 60 countries and on all seven continents. The protests are taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic, during which gathering in crowds is strongly advised against in some parts of the world, and is illegal in others.

If you're saying the democrats were behind all of these, then you are admitting that the democrats not only should be running the country, but that the american people picked them for that reason.

The party that can get the world to do what they want done, is the party that best serves the american people.

I've asked you not to address me, due to the ....'aroma' leave in your wake.

You are a disgusting low-live who has been exposed as altering other posters work.

Please go back under the rock you came from.
I've asked you not to address me, due to the ....'aroma' leave in your wake.
And i've asked you to stop posting lies and bullshit all day long.

Half the stuff you post, is something you came up with years ago, and drag out to start a new discussion, even though all that bullshit was long ago disproven, discredited, and debunked.

But you have the right to resurrect lies, and try to launch your propaganda on yet another forum.
And i've asked you to stop posting lies and bullshit all day long.

Half the stuff you post, is something you came up with years ago, and drag out to start a new discussion, even though all that bullshit was long ago disproven, discredited, and debunked.

But you have the right to resurrect lies, and try to launch your propaganda on yet another forum.
Rubber, Badlands, and Conspiracy Theories should be her default forums. :rolleyes-41:
Rubber, Badlands, and Conspiracy Theories should be her default forums. :rolleyes-41:
Absolutely, since that's where a lot of them end up. It's by opening them in the "general forums" does politicalchic trick people into thinking it's a genuine argument.

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