Academic Ignorance, Malice or Primitive, but Contagious Chutzpah in Ideological Struggle. Part 2

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
I remind respected participants of the Forum what served as the third or fourth trigger, which prompted the author to write this lengthy comment.

It was in response to the extremely unworthy and insulting behavior of the opponent under the nickname “PoliticalСhic”, “a diamond member of the Forum” and a graduate, according to him/her, of Columbia University.

Just after my counter-argument, this rude lady started irradiating insults, grossly violating the rules of established morality of discussion in the "Old Good America".

As I have already written more than once about the new generation of the under-educated, who for the first time in American History know less than the previous generation, but compensate for this with rudeness, superficial, irresponsible statements and ... frank chutzpah.

Here is the kind of “exchange of views” we had as part of the material Trump Haters Mistakenly Reveal The Truth last Thursday:

PoliticalChik: Money talks but it can't get you over the finish line.

AF: I would not say so categorically. America today is morally fallen society where, after the infamous Lewis Powell memorandum, a “quiet coup” took place and the country was “replaced” with something disgusting ...

PoliticalChik: “Any who write (should be writeS - A.F.) the above doesn't know what they are talking about.

The Powell Memorandum was an attempt to defend capitalism against the murderous doctrines of communism, Nazism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism (here should be coma - A.F.), and Fascism.

Powell’s thesis has been characterized as an attack on the American system. It was actually the very opposite,…it was a strategy to protect the free enterprise system.

The political attack on same
(should be "the" - A.F.) began under the 32nd President, FDR, who envied the power of the dictators who filled the world headlines. He and his chosen advisers hated the restrictions placed on them by the Constitution….and Roosevelt himself had a personal animus toward successful businessmen.

“None of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for
(here should be "a" - A.F.) solution." “The Twenty Year Revolution,” (here should be " The Twenty Year Revolution from Roosevelt to Eisenhower" - A.F.)
Manly, p.63

Roosevelt, like Mussolini and Stalin, demanded the right to control the private business sector.

When he published prices for every good and service,
(here coma is not needed- A.F.) and a tailor actually charged a nickel less than Roosevelt’s mandate…..he did what every dictator did: he threw the tailor in prison.

Happy to educate you”.

There has been a significant erosion of power… of those in the working and middle classes. At the same time, there has been a sharp increase in the power of economic elites…"

- Rhomas Byrne Edsall,

The New Politics of Inequality


From political insinuations and insults to the president, who, incidentally, led the country out of the Great Depression and led the US victory over Germany in the Pacific and, later, West European theater of operations, the only American president who has been elected for more than two terms, whose historiography has always put on a par with the most prominent US presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, we turn to an analysis of what actually happened in our country in those dramatic years.

So, let us start with the first thesis:

“The Powell Memorandum was an attempt to defend capitalism against the murderous doctrines of communism, Nazism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and Fascism. Powell’s thesis has been characterized as an attack on the American system. It was actually the very opposite,…it was strategy to protect the free enterprise system.

Lewis Powell, whose Jewish roots go to Austria, the winner of the Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews, December 10, 1980, wrote a CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM "Attack on American Free Enterprise System" in 1971 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It was a blueprint for corporate domination of American Democracy, the full text of which can be found here:
The Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy

A short introduction about Lewis F. Powell, Jr. (born 1907), a corporate lawyer who became a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

During World War II he served as an Air Force intelligence officer in North Africa. Returning to his Richmond practice, he gained national recognition as a corporate lawyer, subsequently serving on the board of directors of 11 major companies. A pillar of the American legal establishment, Powell served as president of the American Bar Association (1964-1965), president of the American College of Trial Lawyers (1968-1970), and president of the American Bar Foundation (1969-1971).

As we see, he had nothing to do with the working and middle class of America, which explains his corporate mentality. Lewis Powell's political intention was to spark a full-scale “political rebellion” by America’s corporate leaders, what later was called “the Revolt of the Bosses” – the "velvet coup" whose goal was to "seize political power" from part of the American pro-working and pro-middle class political elite.

As I understand it, Powell, a native of a wealthy Jewish family, was “pissed off” by President Nixon’s bills new regulatory and his tax law which was hard on business and ... wealthy.

"The time has come, he wrote, for Corporate America to accept aggressive attitude and change policy of the Government through "confrontation policies".

to be continued
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I remind respected participants of the Forum what served as the third or fourth trigger, which prompted the author to write this lengthy comment.

It was in response to the extremely unworthy and insulting behavior of the opponent under the nickname “PoliticalСhic”, “a diamond member of the Forum” and a graduate, according to him/her, of Columbia University.

Just after my counter-argument, this rude lady started irradiating insults, grossly violating the rules of established morality of discussion in the "Old Good America".

As I have already written more than once about the new generation of the under-educated, who for the first time in American History know less than the previous generation, but compensate for this with rudeness, superficial, irresponsible statements and ... frank chutzpah.

Here is the kind of “exchange of views” we had as part of the material Trump Haters Mistakenly Reveal The Truth last Thursday:

PoliticalChik: Money talks but it can't get you over the finish line.

AF: I would not say so categorically. America today is morally fallen society where, after the infamous Lewis Powell memorandum, a “quiet coup” took place and the country was “replaced” with something disgusting ...

PoliticalChik: “Any who write (should be writeS - A.F.) the above doesn't know what they are talking about.

The Powell Memorandum was an attempt to defend capitalism against the murderous doctrines of communism, Nazism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism (here should be coma - A.F.), and Fascism.

Powell’s thesis has been characterized as an attack on the American system. It was actually the very opposite,…it was a strategy to protect the free enterprise system.

The political attack on same
(should be "the" - A.F.) began under the 32nd President, FDR, who envied the power of the dictators who filled the world headlines. He and his chosen advisers hated the restrictions placed on them by the Constitution….and Roosevelt himself had a personal animus toward successful businessmen.

“None of the New Dealers were constitutionalists. Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for
(here should be "a" - A.F.) solution." “The Twenty Year Revolution,” (here should be " The Twenty Year Revolution from Roosevelt to Eisenhower" - A.F.)
Manly, p.63

Roosevelt, like Mussolini and Stalin, demanded the right to control the private business sector.

When he published prices for every good and service,
(here coma is not needed- A.F.) and a tailor actually charged a nickel less than Roosevelt’s mandate…..he did what every dictator did: he threw the tailor in prison.

Happy to educate you”.

There has been a significant erosion of power… of those in the working and middle classes. At the same time, there has been a sharp increase in the power of economic elites…"

- Rhomas Byrne Edsall,

The New Politics of Inequality


From political insinuations and insults to the president, who, incidentally, led the country out of the Great Depression and led the US victory over Germany in the Pacific and, later, West European theater of operations, the only American president who has been elected for more than two terms, whose historiography has always put on a par with the most prominent US presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, we turn to an analysis of what actually happened in our country in those dramatic years.

So, let us start with the first thesis:

“The Powell Memorandum was an attempt to defend capitalism against the murderous doctrines of communism, Nazism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism and Fascism. Powell’s thesis has been characterized as an attack on the American system. It was actually the very opposite,…it was strategy to protect the free enterprise system.

Lewis Powell, whose Jewish roots go to Austria, the winner of the Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews, December 10, 1980, wrote a CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM "Attack on American Free Enterprise System" in 1971 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It was a blueprint for corporate domination of American Democracy, the full text of which can be found here:
The Lewis Powell Memo: A Corporate Blueprint to Dominate Democracy

A short introduction about Lewis F. Powell, Jr. (born 1907), a corporate lawyer who became a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

During World War II he served as an Air Force intelligence officer in North Africa. Returning to his Richmond practice, he gained national recognition as a corporate lawyer, subsequently serving on the board of directors of 11 major companies. A pillar of the American legal establishment, Powell served as president of the American Bar Association (1964-1965), president of the American College of Trial Lawyers (1968-1970), and president of the American Bar Foundation (1969-1971).

As we see, he had nothing to do with the working and middle class of America, which explains his corporate mentality. Lewis Powell's political intention was to spark a full-scale “political rebellion” by America’s corporate leaders, what later was called “the Revolt of the Bosses” – the "velvet coup" whose goal was to "seize political power" from part of the American pro-working and pro-middle class political elite.

As I understand it, Powell, a native of a wealthy Jewish family, was “pissed off” by President Nixon’s bills new regulatory and his tax law which was hard on business and ... wealthy.

"The time has come, he wrote, for Corporate America to accept aggressive attitude and change policy of the Government through "confrontation policies".

to be continued

I just received an anonymous email with the following content:

"If you choose to continue playing the Grammar Nazi it is less embarrassing to spell "comma" with 2 "Ms." Just sayin'. :D ".

My robot editor "excelled": I work in five to six languages, and sometimes it gets confused, but Thanks!

Why do you write anonymously and call me "Nazi"? Is there anything offensive in reference to the fact that Mr. Powell came from a Jewish family of Austrian descent?

And what, Forum rules allow insults like this ???

Is the indication that a person is a Jew prohibited by law ??? Moreover, representatives of this ethnos are excellent lawyers, doctors, actors, scientists, artists. This is not a matter of origin, but of a moral or political mentality.

An example to follow today is a Jew, an Israeli, a former head of the Israeli secret service, Jacob Kedmi, who is not ashamed to criticize both the Jews of Israel and the Americans ... I am considered to be an "ethnic Ukrainian," but in Kiev they call me the "enemy of the Ukrainian (failed - A.F.) state."

The great Karl Marx was a Jew as Engels was. The English royal family has Jewish roots. Macron, Merkel, Zelensky, Putin... The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is a halachic Jew. The leaders of the Chinese Communist Party have Jewish roots. Elena Kagan. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Zuckerberg. Ruth Arnon.Bernard-Henri Lévy... Alexander “Sasha” Pechersky, a Soviet Jewish officer, was the leader of the uprising in Sobibor concentration camp... So what???!

I always said and wrote everywhere that every nation, without exception, has something to be proud of, something that needs to be changed in the mindset and habits, and something that needs to be ashamed of. That Includes Americans - the American Genocide of indigenous people - owners of this land -is an example.

So you don’t have to “label me”, thus washing away the obvious. There were Jews among the Nazis, the SS officers like Emil Maurice (19 January 1897 – 6 February 1972) who was an early member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party) and a founding member of the Schutzstaffel (SS). He was Hitler's first personal chauffeur, succeeded first by Julius Schreck and then Erich Kempka.


Emil Maurice, wearing the Blood Order medal


Sasha Pechersky


Karl Marx






Karl Ludwig Börne


Ernest Hemingway


Bruce Beutler


Mayana Zatz
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