Absolute Fraud


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Mr Social Justice Warrior, loves all the little people on camera, but like all lefties, it's just talk, He is a massive NIMBY guy. What a phoney.

You can't demand anything of the such unless you outrank him socially.
Why would this surprise anybody? These are the same people that kicked immigrants off of Martha's Vineyard just days after they arrived. The same group of people who's NYC Mayor is crying about the illegals entering his city that he claims will cost taxpayers over 2 billion dollars. The same people that tell us regular Americans don't need firearms as they waltz to parties and events with armed security. The same group of people that keep telling us walls don't work, but not a comment from them when Dementia had one built around his vacation home at taxpayer expense. The same group of people that told us Trump should be locked up for having classified and top secret documents that are now making excuses for Biden.

It's really nothing new when you think of it. And now they are complaining that the new Republican led Congress is going to waste all their time conducting investigations into the Biden crime family; like what were they doing the last two years of leadership in the House?
Mr Social Justice Warrior, loves all the little people on camera, but like all lefties, it's just talk, He is a massive NIMBY guy. What a phoney.

The sad part is, these townhomes will probably be selling for between 3-5 million each. Not exactly low income housing, maybe lower income housing.
Mr Social Justice Warrior, loves all the little people on camera, but like all lefties, it's just talk, He is a massive NIMBY guy. What a phoney.

It coins the Rush Limbaugh phrase low information voters. If you're going to openly support somebody, at least know what their agenda is you stupid Fn jock.

I love it when the true colors of man are put on display. He makes nearly $50 million / year living in his $31 million mansion and when low-income folk he supports with equality have an opportunity to live in his back yard .. he feels his safety is threatened..

Hypocritical, virtue-signaling, elite Biden supporter...
The Elitists call it Equity Orwellian style.

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