About Time!

Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
Communism in a nutshell.
Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
yea one party in charge....you havent learned anything....

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.

Ya dumbfuck....now those bussinesses will go overseas after Trump brought them back and they'll offshore their money.
You dems are the dumbist motherffuckers on the planet.
Exactly. Around here the oil field jobs are already drying up.
Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.

Then it becomes time for those of us on the Right to take the white gloves off, run the crimson flag up the pole and exterminate every Leftist in this country.
and if that ever happened you would be either hiding under your bed or holding the coats of the people actually doing what your talking about....
Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
You brady bill simpletons can come take mine.
Already happened and y'all lost. Sorry.

This time it will look far more like Afghanistan or Vietnam than Antietam or Gettysburg.

This country, and especially your side, have long proven your squeamishness about watching your side take casualties. I’m sure watching the USAF bomb residential neighborhoods will look real good on CNN every night.
geezus you should write war stories....

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
How will more profits be made when businesses have to take it up the ass in taxes now?

How will profits be made when consumers can't buy their products? Read the link, then consider how billion dollar businesses don't pay one penny in federal income taxes, yet pay the CEO's more than 286% more than their average employee.

yet pay the CEO's more than 286% more than their average employee.


That's awful!

What's the correct %?
How do you know?
Already happened and y'all lost. Sorry.

This time it will look far more like Afghanistan or Vietnam than Antietam or Gettysburg.

This country, and especially your side, have long proven your squeamishness about watching your side take casualties. I’m sure watching the USAF bomb residential neighborhoods will look real good on CNN every night.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.

Ya dumbfuck....now those bussinesses will go overseas after Trump brought them back and they'll offshore their money.
You dems are the dumbist motherffuckers on the planet.
Exactly. Around here the oil field jobs are already drying up.

Yep...My best Friend is still working as a machinist mainly making oil field equipment and they've cut his hours to 32 a week....with no end in sight.
Good thing he's been there for over 25 years or they would have laid him off.
This time it will look far more like Afghanistan or Vietnam than Antietam or Gettysburg.
I don't think so. If stealing the election and Biden doing all the damage he is doing hasn't triggered people it's very doubtful anything will. IMO, what is more likely to happen IF Biden and criminals in the senate and congress do some of the terrible things they say, we will start to see more "estranged gunman shoots it out with police" type stories. Many more. They will most likely all be labeled white supremacist racist rednecks or something similar. The reason I say this is that any type of a "war" or "battle" to stop the criminal scum democrats and republicans would first need an organized base and all that would entail. As far as I know we don't have that and likely aren't.
“…signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan.” ibid

And appropriately so, as Reagan and Trump’s economic approach is devoid of merit.

‘Trickle-down’ economics is a myth; tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in no manner benefit middle-class working Americans – they only benefit corporations and the wealthy.
“…signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan.” ibid

And appropriately so, as Reagan and Trump’s economic approach is devoid of merit.

‘Trickle-down’ economics is a myth; tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in no manner benefit middle-class working Americans – they only benefit corporations and the wealthy.
As they should. They are the ones taking the most risk. Why should they be the ones to get assrapes with super high confiscatory taxes?
“…signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan.” ibid

And appropriately so, as Reagan and Trump’s economic approach is devoid of merit.

‘Trickle-down’ economics is a myth; tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in no manner benefit middle-class working Americans – they only benefit corporations and the wealthy.

So tell us....why did the average American get more money monthly and there were more jobs available for all Americans during the Trump admin?
Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
Communism in a nutshell.
“…the three increases are projected to raise $60 billion…” ibid

And it’s Democrats, not Republicans, seeking to address the debt – that’s not ‘communism.’

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.

Ya dumbfuck....now those bussinesses will go overseas after Trump brought them back and they'll offshore their money.
You dems are the dumbist motherffuckers on the planet.

Which jobs were those that trump brought back.
His tie company?
Ivankas line?


trumps promises to bring back jobs in a complete failure and you somehow view this as a positive.

Post the manufacturing jobs brought back home from Foreign Nations.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.

Ya dumbfuck....now those bussinesses will go overseas after Trump brought them back and they'll offshore their money.
You dems are the dumbist motherffuckers on the planet.

Which jobs were those that trump brought back.
His tie company?
Ivankas line?


trumps promises to bring back jobs in a complete failure and you somehow view this as a positive.

Post the manufacturing jobs brought back home from Foreign Nations.

The numbers are there for you to see.
The increase of jobs and the increase in pay.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
How will more profits be made when businesses have to take it up the ass in taxes now?

How will profits be made when consumers can't buy their products? Read the link, then consider how billion dollar businesses don't pay one penny in federal income taxes, yet pay the CEO's more than 286% more than their average employee.
More to the point: tax cuts for corporations benefit only corporations; they use the tax cut windfall to maximize profits and enrich investors, not hire more employees.
Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.

Then it becomes time for those of us on the Right to take the white gloves off, run the crimson flag up the pole and exterminate every Leftist in this country.

Sure it does, wackadoo. Best of luck. :113: Try not to break a hip.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Biden’ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democrats’ focus on fighting inequality — and signal a sharp break from both Trump’s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. “Biden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,” NBC News’s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. “Instead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, he’s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.”

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
On the face of it, I'm not going to get up in arms over it. I think it should have included some penalty for moving offshore...because that's bound to be a likely outcome. Taxing the gatekeepers...the top tier corporations...that might make more room for the smaller companies to make a profit. But I suspect there is room enough I their margins to pass the expense on to the customer and still be cheaper that the mom and pops.

We'll see how it turns out. But with the death of objective truth, even if it turns out to be a royal cock-up, the Democrats will deny it and their partners in media will ignore it or cover it up.

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