About Time!

Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
Communism in a nutshell.
ā€œā€¦the three increases are projected to raise $60 billionā€¦ā€ ibid

And itā€™s Democrats, not Republicans, seeking to address the debt ā€“ thatā€™s not ā€˜communism.ā€™

No estimate these dipshits have ever made has been close to accurate. This is yet another in a long line of progressives buying off stupid people with pittance money, while they, and their good buddies in government, rake in the taxpayer dollars. Morons, like rye, get all gooey about the money he hopes to rake in.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Bidenā€™ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democratsā€™ focus on fighting inequality ā€” and signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. ā€œBiden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,ā€ NBC Newsā€™s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. ā€œInstead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, heā€™s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.ā€

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
How will more profits be made when businesses have to take it up the ass in taxes now?

How will profits be made when consumers can't buy their products? Read the link, then consider how billion dollar businesses don't pay one penny in federal income taxes, yet pay the CEO's more than 286% more than their average employee.
More to the point: tax cuts for corporations benefit only corporations; they use the tax cut windfall to maximize profits and enrich investors, not hire more employees.

They dont spend it to expand their operations to make more money?
Which of course means they have to hire more people.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Bidenā€™ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democratsā€™ focus on fighting inequality ā€” and signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. ā€œBiden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,ā€ NBC Newsā€™s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. ā€œInstead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, heā€™s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.ā€

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.

Ya dumbfuck....now those bussinesses will go overseas after Trump brought them back and they'll offshore their money.
You dems are the dumbist motherffuckers on the planet.

Which jobs were those that trump brought back.
His tie company?
Ivankas line?


trumps promises to bring back jobs in a complete failure and you somehow view this as a positive.

Post the manufacturing jobs brought back home from Foreign Nations.

The numbers are there for you to see.
The increase of jobs and the increase in pay.
Great, then it should be easy for you to list all those manufacturing jobs that were moved here from over seas.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Bidenā€™ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democratsā€™ focus on fighting inequality ā€” and signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. ā€œBiden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,ā€ NBC Newsā€™s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. ā€œInstead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, heā€™s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.ā€

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
How will more profits be made when businesses have to take it up the ass in taxes now?

How will profits be made when consumers can't buy their products? Read the link, then consider how billion dollar businesses don't pay one penny in federal income taxes, yet pay the CEO's more than 286% more than their average employee.
More to the point: tax cuts for corporations benefit only corporations; they use the tax cut windfall to maximize profits and enrich investors, not hire more employees.

They dont spend it to expand their operations to make more money?
Which of course means they have to hire more people.

Mostly no. They haven't in the past. Companies hire for only one reason. That reason is because demand for their product increases. When tax breaks are given to the people, they spend it and buy more products. Rich people just put it in the bank.
Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
Communism in a nutshell.
ā€œā€¦the three increases are projected to raise $60 billionā€¦ā€ ibid

And itā€™s Democrats, not Republicans, seeking to address the debt ā€“ thatā€™s not ā€˜communism.ā€™
Thereā€™s that word. Projected. Meaning it will never happen. Raising taxes and running businesses out of the country isnā€™t going to raise a penny.
Tax hikes in a epidemic recovery bill and it's good news to the left? Meanwhile some guy in a black face mask wanders around the White House muttering to himself. Welcome to the democrat socialist brave new world.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Bidenā€™ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democratsā€™ focus on fighting inequality ā€” and signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. ā€œBiden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,ā€ NBC Newsā€™s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. ā€œInstead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, heā€™s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.ā€

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
Xi's economic plan for the USA
ā€œā€¦signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan.ā€ ibid

And appropriately so, as Reagan and Trumpā€™s economic approach is devoid of merit.

ā€˜Trickle-downā€™ economics is a myth; tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in no manner benefit middle-class working Americans ā€“ they only benefit corporations and the wealthy.

So tell us....why did the average American get more money monthly and there were more jobs available for all Americans during the Trump admin?
Obama. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Bidenā€™ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democratsā€™ focus on fighting inequality ā€” and signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. ā€œBiden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,ā€ NBC Newsā€™s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. ā€œInstead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, heā€™s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.ā€

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.
When you tax Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mike Bloomberg, yeah maybe that will show Xi/Biden have a serious economic plan
Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.
Communism in a nutshell.
ā€œā€¦the three increases are projected to raise $60 billionā€¦ā€ ibid

And itā€™s Democrats, not Republicans, seeking to address the debt ā€“ thatā€™s not ā€˜communism.ā€™
Piss away $1.9 trillion to bail out Blue States and raise $60 billion is "addressing the deficit"
All things Biden said he would do if elected. That's why he got millions more votes than that fat orange crook.
60 billion is a whopping 3% of a 1.9 trillion dollar giveaway.

BUT..................................., it will make liberals feel better about themselves.

Why are you so concerned about a large group of multi billionaires paying a measly sum of 60 billion.

Pocket Change.
Just paying their fair share.

I don't care, you guys are the ones who care.
Good. Raise taxes, reinstate the Brady Bill, clean up the EPA, rebuild the infrastructure, and fumigate the White House from the last guy.

Go full speed ahead into the 2022 Midterms, show America that our agenda is better, win 1 or 2 more Senate seats, and then go into 2024 with a Senate + House Majority + Supreme Court stacked.

You lose the house in 2022.

From the link:

"Rejecting Reaganomics:
Combined, Bidenā€™ tax cuts for individuals and tax hikes for businesses highlight Biden and Democratsā€™ focus on fighting inequality ā€” and signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan. ā€œBiden is basically pulling a George Costanza on Reagan with this bill: Do the opposite of Reaganomics,ā€ NBC Newsā€™s Sahil Kapur tweeted Wednessday night. ā€œInstead of easing burdens for upper earners and counting on that to deliver broad benefits, heā€™s sending cash to low-income people and counting on them to boost the economy.ā€

Now is the time to demonstrate that are economy benefits from Consumer Spending, more jobs, more taxes paid and more profits by the producers - both small and large businesses.

Ah, yes....

Another Paul Krugman acolyte.

This OP gets a 2.0 (and that is being generous).
ā€œā€¦signal a sharp break from both Trumpā€™s economic approach and that of Ronald Reagan.ā€ ibid

And appropriately so, as Reagan and Trumpā€™s economic approach is devoid of merit.

ā€˜Trickle-downā€™ economics is a myth; tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy in no manner benefit middle-class working Americans ā€“ they only benefit corporations and the wealthy.

Sending $505 million to Belize and Nicaragua doesn't do much for middle-class Americans either ... :thup:

60 billion is a whopping 3% of a 1.9 trillion dollar giveaway.

BUT..................................., it will make liberals feel better about themselves.

Why are you so concerned about a large group of multi billionaires paying a measly sum of 60 billion.

Pocket Change.
Just paying their fair share.

I don't care, you guys are the ones who care.

You donā€™t care about the rich paying their share of taxes?
Thatā€™s odd, because Capitalism.

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