About TheReligionofPeace.com

By Catholic Law, once a Catholic, always a Catholic. I am NOT a Catholic. I chose Buddhism.

Obama is NOT a Muslim. He chose Christianity.

By Muslim Law, that makes him an Apostate. Punishable by death. WTFU. You are living in a bubble. Yo have no clue as to what you are talking about. Grow up.

And you are back to your nasty language and insults. Too bad. Are you a birther too?

Oh My! Such attacks! I'm utterly shocked! You Potty Mouth You!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You need nobody else on this thread to argue with. It is funny watching you repeatedly agreeing with the OP while remaining in denial all this time. ;) Precious moments. ;)
By Muslim Law, that makes him an Apostate. Punishable by death. WTFU. You are living in a bubble. Yo have no clue as to what you are talking about. Grow up.

And you are back to your nasty language and insults. Too bad. Are you a birther too?

Oh My! Such attacks! I'm utterly shocked! You Potty Mouth You!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You need nobody else on this thread to argue with. It is funny watching you repeatedly agreeing with the OP while remaining in denial all this time. ;) Precious moments. ;)

What curses have I used, Intense? Link please. I don't agree with the OP because the premise is that the entire religion of Islam is flawed. The link in the OP is to an anti-islamic propaganda site.

If you have stuck to a discussion of what's wrong with Shariah Law that would be another conversation. Instead you indict the entire religion of Islam, taking care to ignore the information I've offered about peaceful, Sufi Muslims.

Since you cannot debate, you resort to insults, slurs and foul language. Weak skills, Intense.
About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.
We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique.

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site


I will try a different tact with you, and try to show you the Neutrality that you failed to show me, from the start. :)

From the OP.

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.
We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

Plenty of Information to Search out on the Site. Can you show any of it wrong??? The Site seems more a call to task, and a call to True Reform, nothing more. Do you deny the issue of Supremacy from the Muslim perspective??? It seems to me that you are in denial here, Islam is plain and specific on the matter. We are Infidel's, by their definition. There is no white washing that. There are places in the Islamic World, whole Cities, where we are not even allowed to step foot.

Is there anything about the Proclamation, "Living Freely without Violating the Right's of Other's" that escapes you??? Surely this is not a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, but the recognition of a flaw, a practice hurtful to others, in need of address and reform. These are plainly Human Right's abuses.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

Pretty fair minded and ethical statement to me. I assume you have no issues with these statements. ??? Correct me if I'm wrong here.

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique.

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

We both wish this was not true. When we distinguish between what is claimed from what is being done, your position is not defensible. Again, is this a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, or a pointing out of a flaw that needs address and Reform to bring it into compliance with respect of Humanitarian Right's??? In the Western World, we seek out, prosecute and imprison criminal's, we don't pay them tribute.

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?

Maybe you should try to answer these questions before condemning those that are asking them???
About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.
We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique.

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site


I will try a different tact with you, and try to show you the Neutrality that you failed to show me, from the start. :)

From the OP.

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.
We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

Plenty of Information to Search out on the Site. Can you show any of it wrong??? The Site seems more a call to task, and a call to True Reform, nothing more. Do you deny the issue of Supremacy from the Muslim perspective??? It seems to me that you are in denial here, Islam is plain and specific on the matter. We are Infidel's, by their definition. There is no white washing that. There are places in the Islamic World, whole Cities, where we are not even allowed to step foot.

Is there anything about the Proclamation, "Living Freely without Violating the Right's of Other's" that escapes you??? Surely this is not a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, but the recognition of a flaw, a practice hurtful to others, in need of address and reform. These are plainly Human Right's abuses.

Pretty fair minded and ethical statement to me. I assume you have no issues with these statements. ??? Correct me if I'm wrong here.

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique.

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

We both wish this was not true. When we distinguish between what is claimed from what is being done, your position is not defensible. Again, is this a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, or a pointing out of a flaw that needs address and Reform to bring it into compliance with respect of Humanitarian Right's??? In the Western World, we seek out, prosecute and imprison criminal's, we don't pay them tribute.

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?

Maybe you should try to answer these questions before condemning those that are asking them???

I read the whole site. The whole focus of it is to condemn the entire religion of Islam. You want to make moderate Muslims responsible for extremist Muslims and terrorists.

That like asking all Christians who are anti-abortion to be responsible for the nuts who murdered Dr Tillman, and who blow up clinics.

If Shariah Law needs to be reformed, it will be done by Muslims. In fact, there is such a movement. I wonder why no one who is bashing the religion has thought to reach out to the reformers?

I would guess your animosity for Muslims in general and distaste for valuing ANYTHING in the religion gets in the way.


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As an ideology, Islam is not entitled to equal respect and acceptance, because ideas do not carry equal moral weight. In fact, it is not simply a belief about God. It is a word that means submission. Islam is inseparable from a set of rules that establish a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Allah, women submit to men and all non-Muslims submit to Islamic rule.

Since we don't live in a Muslim country - where censorship, intimidation and brute force are shamelessly employed to protect Islam from intellectual analysis - we are still free to openly exercise our right to debate the merits of the Islamic value system against Western Liberalism.

Are men really superior to women as the Qur'an says? Are women intellectually inferior as Muhammad taught? Does propagating material (the Qur'an) that openly curses people of other religions amidst random calls to violence really make for a better social environment? Is it right to keep women as sex slaves merely because the Qur'an explicitly allows it in multiple places? Should atheists and homosexuals have to choose between the noose and an outward profession of faith in Allah?

Yes, there are Muslims who take issue with these aspects of Islamic theology, but it doesn't change what Islam is. Don't confuse the ideology with the individual. Don't draw conclusions about Islam based on the Muslims that you know, be they terrorists or humanitarians. Islam must be understood on the basis of what it is, as presented objectively in the Qur'an, Hadith and Sira (biography of Muhammad).

By the same token, don't draw conclusions about the Muslims in your life based on the true nature of Islam. Like any other group, not all Muslims think alike. Even if there is no such thing as moderate Islam, it does not mean that there are no moderate Muslims.

If our years of dialogue with literally hundreds have taught us anything, it is that most Muslims (even devout ones) have only a superficial understanding of their religion. Many are secular and very few made the choice to even be Muslim. As with all religion, there are widely varying degrees of seriousness with which they may take the teachings of Islam. As Ayaan Hirsi Ali put it, "Muslims as individuals can choose how much of their religion they practice."

The Muslims that you know are not terrorists. More than likely, their interests in life are similar to yours and they have the same ambitions for their children. They should neither be shunned, mistreated, nor disrespected merely because of their religion. Their property should not be abused, and neither should copies of their sacred book be vandalized.

Prejudging an individual by their group identity (or presumed group identity) is not only unethical, it is blatantly irrational, since group identity reveals absolutely nothing about a person. Every individual should be judged only on the basis of their own words and deeds.

Don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know, and don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam.

TheReligionofPeace - Our Statement on Muslims
About TheReligionofPeace.com

TheReligionofPeace.com is a pluralistic, non-partisan site concerned with Islam's true political and religious teachings according to its own texts. We present the threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom, and document the violence that ensues as a direct consequence of this religion's supremacist teachings.
We are not associated with any organization. We do not promote any religion, but we are not hostile to religion. We support the rights of atheists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, homosexuals, woman, Muslims and anyone else on the planet to live as they wish without violating the rights of others.

We strongly condemn any attempt to harm or harass any Muslim anywhere in the world because of their religion. Every human being is entitled to be treated as an individual and judged only by his or her own words and deeds. (see About Muslims).

We also denounce any act of vandalism against mosques or other property, including juvenile attempts to offend Muslims by desecrating the Quran. (The best way of discrediting the Quran is to tell non-Muslims what it actually says about them).

At the same time, we see no use in pretending that Islam is just another religion - which always seems to be the assumption of those who prefer not to look too closely.

In fact, Islam is dreadfully unique.

What other religion's most devoted members videotape themselves cutting people's throats while screaming praises to their god?

What other faith has tens of thousands of terrorists across the globe united by an explicit commitment to advance the cause of their religion by pursuing horrific mass murder and mutilation?

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?

TheReligionofPeace - About this Site


I will try a different tact with you, and try to show you the Neutrality that you failed to show me, from the start. :)

From the OP.

Plenty of Information to Search out on the Site. Can you show any of it wrong??? The Site seems more a call to task, and a call to True Reform, nothing more. Do you deny the issue of Supremacy from the Muslim perspective??? It seems to me that you are in denial here, Islam is plain and specific on the matter. We are Infidel's, by their definition. There is no white washing that. There are places in the Islamic World, whole Cities, where we are not even allowed to step foot.

Is there anything about the Proclamation, "Living Freely without Violating the Right's of Other's" that escapes you??? Surely this is not a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, but the recognition of a flaw, a practice hurtful to others, in need of address and reform. These are plainly Human Right's abuses.

Pretty fair minded and ethical statement to me. I assume you have no issues with these statements. ??? Correct me if I'm wrong here.

We both wish this was not true. When we distinguish between what is claimed from what is being done, your position is not defensible. Again, is this a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, or a pointing out of a flaw that needs address and Reform to bring it into compliance with respect of Humanitarian Right's??? In the Western World, we seek out, prosecute and imprison criminal's, we don't pay them tribute.

What other religion has clerics lauded as 'moderates', 'bridge-builders', and advocates of 'peace and tolerance' who, at best cannot even bring themselves to condemn suicide bombers or denounce Islamist terror organizations, or at worst actually support the terrorism, along with wife-beating, female genital mutilation and the justified killing of apostates and homosexuals?

What other religion kills innocent people over cartoons and teddy bears, and murders humanitarian workers of other faiths who are merely trying to help them?

Maybe you should try to answer these questions before condemning those that are asking them???

I read the whole site. The whole focus of it is to condemn the entire religion of Islam. You want to make moderate Muslims responsible for extremist Muslims and terrorists.

That like asking all Christians who are anti-abortion to be responsible for the nuts who murdered Dr Tillman, and who blow up clinics.

If Shariah Law needs to be reformed, it will be done by Muslims. In fact, there is such a movement. I wonder why no one who is bashing the religion has thought to reach out to the reformers?

I would guess your animosity for Muslims in general and distaste for valuing ANYTHING in the religion gets in the way.

Again, your Bias corrupts your Judgement and your Premise. Sharia is the Foundation of Islam. Sharia is the Issue, keep being an advocate for Totalitarian World Government, it suits you well. You have made your point many times over. I have made mine. There is little else to say on the matter, to each other.
Islam is defined out of the following, known as the 5 pillars:

Shahada, the creed stating that "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger".

Salat, the prayer which is to be performed five times a day. This prayer is performed after strict rules: bending and uttering phrases from the Koran, as well as facing the direction towards the Ka'ba in Mecca.

Zakat, alms. This is a prescription which is practiced in very different ways in Islam today.

Sawm, fast during the month of Ramadan.

Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca. This an obligation for all Muslims in good health and sufficiently good economic situation.

Within mainstream Islam, there are 3 levels: Islamism, which is the absolute variant, claiming that Islam is valid to all aspects of human life, promoting this to politics and world-wide missionary activities and willingly also violence and war; Conservatism, which just like Islamism, employs Islam for all aspects of life, but commonly within the family or the local community and it usually do not involve any violent acts; Moderates which are both intellectual and sectarian Muslims as well as Muslims with little attention and intensity to their religion.

At the next level there are numerous of orientations in terms of cult and myths. The mystical and the worship of mediators are among the most common. Mystical Islam is traditionally most active within Sunni Islam, and is summed up as Sufism, but spreads also into Shi'ism. The worship of mediators involves the worship of holy men and women in Sunni Islam, and the worship of both holy men and women as well as of the imams in Shi'i Islam. The worship of mediators may take the shape of idol worshipping or even polytheism, but in the larger cults this variant of Islam is interpreted as in total correspondence with the unique and single will of God.

Islam - LookLex Encyclopaedia

I will try a different tact with you, and try to show you the Neutrality that you failed to show me, from the start. :)

From the OP.

Plenty of Information to Search out on the Site. Can you show any of it wrong??? The Site seems more a call to task, and a call to True Reform, nothing more. Do you deny the issue of Supremacy from the Muslim perspective??? It seems to me that you are in denial here, Islam is plain and specific on the matter. We are Infidel's, by their definition. There is no white washing that. There are places in the Islamic World, whole Cities, where we are not even allowed to step foot.

Is there anything about the Proclamation, "Living Freely without Violating the Right's of Other's" that escapes you??? Surely this is not a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, but the recognition of a flaw, a practice hurtful to others, in need of address and reform. These are plainly Human Right's abuses.

Pretty fair minded and ethical statement to me. I assume you have no issues with these statements. ??? Correct me if I'm wrong here.

We both wish this was not true. When we distinguish between what is claimed from what is being done, your position is not defensible. Again, is this a Condemnation of a Whole Religion, or a pointing out of a flaw that needs address and Reform to bring it into compliance with respect of Humanitarian Right's??? In the Western World, we seek out, prosecute and imprison criminal's, we don't pay them tribute.

Maybe you should try to answer these questions before condemning those that are asking them???

I read the whole site. The whole focus of it is to condemn the entire religion of Islam. You want to make moderate Muslims responsible for extremist Muslims and terrorists.

That like asking all Christians who are anti-abortion to be responsible for the nuts who murdered Dr Tillman, and who blow up clinics.

If Shariah Law needs to be reformed, it will be done by Muslims. In fact, there is such a movement. I wonder why no one who is bashing the religion has thought to reach out to the reformers?

I would guess your animosity for Muslims in general and distaste for valuing ANYTHING in the religion gets in the way.

Again, your Bias corrupts your Judgement and your Premise. Sharia is the Foundation of Islam. Sharia is the Issue, keep being an advocate for Totalitarian World Government, it suits you well. You have made your point many times over. I have made mine. There is little else to say on the matter, to each other.

My premise is that the ENTIRE RELIGION OF ISLAM IS NOT INHERENTLY FLAWED as you and your cohorts here claim. I don't buy it that ALL Muslims wish to conquer the world and establish Totalitarian World Government, anymore than I buy that Domionist Christians represent all of Christianity in their quest to make the US a Christian theocracy.

Paranoia suits you. It doesn't suit me.

Keep trying to shut up the opposition. It shows your own desire for totalitarianism on this thread. Only one view is acceptable here. YOURS. TOTAL ANTI-ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA OR NOTHING.

I have no problem with Muslims reforming their own religion. I have a problem with non-muslims forcing them to in their own nations.
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Keep trying to shut up the opposition. It shows your own desire for totalitarianism on this thread. Only one view is acceptable here. YOURS. TOTAL ANTI-ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA OR NOTHING.

No one is trying to shut you up. You post more than any other single person in this thread Sky Dancer.

How about you quit whining about being shut out when you talk the most. I mean seriously. Don't you see that crazy thinking?

You have to admit the irony here. Islam will only allow leaders that are muslim. The 'leader' must proclaim to be of the faith while deceiving his way to corrupt positions.
Incorrect. 'Deception' and 'corruption' aren't valid courses of action for a leader in a Shari'i government unless a war is taking place and 'deception' takes the form of espionage or counterespionage used against an enemy state.

At that point the 'leader' in the corrupt position must use 'mischief' and terror to maintain power.
Nope. If you're incapable of doing anything beyond pulling nonsense out of your ass then let me know so I can stop wasting my time with you.

The muslims will then (once his country decides he must be eliminated to maintain the country's "honor") declare the 'leader' to be in violation of Shariah.
Incorrect. The enforcement of Shari'ah has nothing to do with collective 'honor'. The enforcement of Shari'ah is not conditional. If a leader stands in violation of the Shari'ah, Shari'ah demands that he be brought to task.

The next corrupt 'leader' will stand to lead the masses against the corrupt 'leader' in power, and the people will support the new corrupt 'leader', until that leader embarasses them on an international scale. At that point: repeat.
Yeah... no.

Man, you must go to bed every single night wondering why there is no nation that follows Shariah law.
I go to bed wondering why people waste time spewing nonsense on the internet and acting as if its factual simply because they say so. It's clear that you're woefully ignorant of the politics of the Muslim world in general. Please do yourself a favor and ensure that you're sufficiently familiar with a subject before you attempt to discuss it.

You cannot force a way of belief onto another person. All you will harvest is falseness.
Yeah. You can't say that "this is Shari'ah" without demonstrating that this is actually the case if you expect to be taken seriously by anyone with a modicum of familiarity with the subject. Is this how you approach every topic you attempt to discuss? I hope to God not.
Keep trying to shut up the opposition. It shows your own desire for totalitarianism on this thread. Only one view is acceptable here. YOURS. TOTAL ANTI-ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA OR NOTHING.

No one is trying to shut you up. You post more than any other single person in this thread Sky Dancer.

How about you quit whining about being shut out when you talk the most. I mean seriously. Don't you see that crazy thinking?


Intense is trying to get me to shut up.

What's crazy is thinking there is only one way to view Muslims. YOUR way.

Ignore this link. It contradicts your view. Wouldn't want you to think of any Muslim kindly.
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Taliban was a valid Shar'ee government. The methods adopted by the Taliban
were in accordance to the Shari'ah. In the Shari'ah. The Imaam (Islamic
ruler) has the right and duty to enforce the external laws of the Shari'ah.
This had been the practice of the four rightly guided Khulafaa Raashideen.

Ask-Imam.com [5115] Plz tell me about Osama bin ladin and Taliban

The Taliban regime would have been a valid Shari'i government had they not prohibited a variety of things that Allah made permissible, used sources other than the Qur'an and the Sunnah as the basis of law, and practiced ethnic supremacism. They had potential but ultimately reverted to their Pashtun tribalistic tendencies and practiced other egregious forms of bid'ah.
Hahaha Barack Obamas father is Muslim, so according to Islam, he is a Muslim because if your father is Muslim, so are you.

Barack Obama's father became an atheist and Obama wasn't raised as a Muslim. Nobody regards him as a Muslim other than some fools in the West who are apparently unable to criticize him on the basis of one of the many idiotic things he's actually done.
Hahaha Barack Obamas father is Muslim, so according to Islam, he is a Muslim because if your father is Muslim, so are you.

Barack Obama's father became an atheist and Obama wasn't raised as a Muslim. Nobody regards him as a Muslim other than some fools in the West who are apparently unable to criticize him on the basis of one of the many idiotic things he's actually done.

I didn't know Obamas father became an athiest, eitherway in Muslim countries if your father is a Muslim you are one too whether you like it or not, you are what your father is. In the US you can be whatever you want.
I didn't know Obamas father became an athiest, eitherway in Muslim countries if your father is a Muslim you are one too whether you like it or not, you are what your father is.
Being a Muslim requires a person to actually believe in the Islamic religion. Obama was born to an apostate and a Christian, raised as a Christian, and has never at any point in his life made the declarations of faith required of a Muslim. A believer is a person who believes in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and His providence/decree. Moreover, a person's sins aren't recorded until he reaches puberty, so even if Obama were an 'apostate' the point would be moot.

In the US you can be whatever you want.
Some people might point out that being certain things (black, a communist, etc.) hasn't worked out very well historically.
Being a Muslim requires a person to actually believe in the Islamic religion. Obama was born to an apostate and a Christian, raised as a Christian, and has never at any point in his life made the declarations of faith required of a Muslim. A believer is a person who believes in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and His providence/decree. Moreover, a person's sins aren't recorded until he reaches puberty, so even if Obama were an 'apostate' the point would be moot.

Obama doesn't consider himself Muslim and he was not raised as one, however if you live in a Muslim country and your father is a Muslim, you are automatically considered a Muslim whether he is in your life or not.

Some people might point out that being certain things (black, a communist, etc.) hasn't worked out very well historically.
What I meant was you can be whatever you want religiously, what your fathers religion is has no bearing on you if you want to change it.

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