About shizophrenia


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
About shizophrenia Im sure I was under the influence of black magic and the one in me who always says he is a nazi or communist is the devil. He also made fun of priests and religion. But God now healed me. Yesterday I was again doubting because I was tired and stopped thinking so I wondered how I stopp thinking but then I realised the spirit says the right thing at the right time. I dont need always to say something I can be without thoughts and sleep. But at the right time and right place the spirit will tell me what to say.

God does wonders but you need to want it. You need to want that Jesus came into your life. I wanted it and now it happened. If you dont want it it wont happen. When I was 16 I was introduced in a enteraining way to satanism, that it is somehow cool and funny. I wanted to be cool and respected. I did Glasserlrucken, called for ghosts and demons and I read the satanic bible. But later I regreted it and burned the satanic bible. And because I did that and didnt want the demons, God revealed himself and helped me. He really helps Amen. The shizophrenia was a battle between God and the Demon. Now Im finally healed.
Im now healthy and today I go to my psychiatrist I will tell her that Im now healed and wont take the meds anymore maybe only for depression and sleep as my mum also does that, but she isnt mentally ill. It is ok to take sleeping pills. Also Im convinced I need to work, something I can do and like. I will find something or God will lead me to something. Because Im not ill anymore, I was ill but not anymore. And the pension was as long Im ill when Im not anymore I shouldnt take that advantage.
Perhaps posting your stream of consciousness on The Internet for everyone to see isn't the best therapy for you.
Perhaps posting your stream of consciousness on The Internet for everyone to see isn't the best therapy for you.

It is because I need to spread the Gospel and Gods message far and wide, and which would be a better place then the internet to reach millions billions of people?

You're spreading a message alright, just not the one you're intending to spread.

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