About Kamala Harris


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
"5 Things to Know About Biden's VP Pick, Kamala Harris"

Bad Attorney General, prosecuted people for Marijuana while laughed about smoking it
Received $81K from Planned Parenthood to silence a CMP investigation that uncovered the selling of baby body parts

Opposed voted on CA Prop 8 which defined marriage as between a man and a woman by refusing to defend it.

"Harris proved one of the worst offenders in the fight against Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee (now Justice), Brett Kavanaugh. Even before the sexual assault allegations from Christine Blasey Ford surfaced, Harris was among Kavanaugh’s most vigorous opponents, even suggesting that the judge had hidden sympathies with white supremacists."

Savagely attacked Biden.....Of course......That was then, this is now. Lied about busing.

"Harris can rightly say she was “part of the second class to integrate her elementary school,” but she cannot say she was “part of the second class to integrate her public schools.” This is an important distinction. She was not “part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California, public schools.” Desegregation of those schools dated back to the year before Harris was born. "

She’s the perfect pick by the conservative demented Biden.
I heard listening to the radio in her 12 years as AG she hasn’t prosecuted one cop
kamala dream big.png
Headboard harris will sink the demented one faster than if he pulled his own plug.

From what I have been reading about Kamala Harris, she has got so much baggage it just again illustrates that the Democrat Party are completely out of touch with ALL forms of reality.

Creepy Joe is Senile and looks literally like he is NOT far from being dead, probably I would say he looks like he has a year or no more than 18 months before he's worm food and so IF he would win Kamala Harris would take over. This is a woman who is SO unpopular that during the Democratic Primaries her own State of California REJECTED her as the Presidential Nominee, getting 7% in your OWN State is totally pathetic and illustrates they MIGHT vote for Senate for her but they do NOT want this woman in The White House and now Demented Joe has picked her to be his running mate. It's new level of crazy.
It's a throwaway year for the marxist Dim shitstains.... no different than when we fielded mittens and mcstain. It's their turn in the barrel now. It makes sense to throw 2 of their most useless, shit-eating rodents under the bus and watch the Trump train run over them. Trump has already got 32ish states and is working towards 37. Hide and watch.
"5 Things to Know About Biden's VP Pick, Kamala Harris"

Bad Attorney General, prosecuted people for Marijuana while laughed about smoking it
Received $81K from Planned Parenthood to silence a CMP investigation that uncovered the selling of baby body parts

Opposed voted on CA Prop 8 which defined marriage as between a man and a woman by refusing to defend it.

"Harris proved one of the worst offenders in the fight against Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee (now Justice), Brett Kavanaugh. Even before the sexual assault allegations from Christine Blasey Ford surfaced, Harris was among Kavanaugh’s most vigorous opponents, even suggesting that the judge had hidden sympathies with white supremacists."

Savagely attacked Biden.....Of course......That was then, this is now. Lied about busing.

"Harris can rightly say she was “part of the second class to integrate her elementary school,” but she cannot say she was “part of the second class to integrate her public schools.” This is an important distinction. She was not “part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California, public schools.” Desegregation of those schools dated back to the year before Harris was born. "

No flagrante delicto?
We know she is a whore. Willy Brown established that.

She is a hateful bitch. We saw that in the Kavanaugh hearings.

She is a far Left Loon. Beaucoup Dinky Dau. We see that with her batshit crazy Left agenda. She even wants to do away with your private health insurance because it may be unfair that you get better coverage than one of her filthy worthless welfare queens.

She is a liar. We saw her lies in the Moon Bat Primary debates.

She is a traitorous asshole. We saw that when she voted for that despicable baseless Democrat Dirty Tricks Impeachment of Trump.

She supports the BLM terrorists. She doesn't even see anything wrong with looting and rioting.

She pretty much hates America.

Nobody in their right mind would ever vote for a ticket with her name on it.
"5 Things to Know About Biden's VP Pick, Kamala Harris"

Bad Attorney General, prosecuted people for Marijuana while laughed about smoking it
Received $81K from Planned Parenthood to silence a CMP investigation that uncovered the selling of baby body parts

Opposed voted on CA Prop 8 which defined marriage as between a man and a woman by refusing to defend it.

"Harris proved one of the worst offenders in the fight against Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee (now Justice), Brett Kavanaugh. Even before the sexual assault allegations from Christine Blasey Ford surfaced, Harris was among Kavanaugh’s most vigorous opponents, even suggesting that the judge had hidden sympathies with white supremacists."

Savagely attacked Biden.....Of course......That was then, this is now. Lied about busing.

"Harris can rightly say she was “part of the second class to integrate her elementary school,” but she cannot say she was “part of the second class to integrate her public schools.” This is an important distinction. She was not “part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California, public schools.” Desegregation of those schools dated back to the year before Harris was born. "

Left one out.
A big one.
Kameltoe said in one debate that she would use EO's for gun control.
Headboard harris will sink the demented one faster than if he pulled his own plug.

From what I have been reading about Kamala Harris, she has got so much baggage it just again illustrates that the Democrat Party are completely out of touch with ALL forms of reality.

Creepy Joe is Senile and looks literally like he is NOT far from being dead, probably I would say he looks like he has a year or no more than 18 months before he's worm food and so IF he would win Kamala Harris would take over. This is a woman who is SO unpopular that during the Democratic Primaries her own State of California REJECTED her as the Presidential Nominee, getting 7% in your OWN State is totally pathetic and illustrates they MIGHT vote for Senate for her but they do NOT want this woman in The White House and now Demented Joe has picked her to be his running mate. It's new level of crazy.

It's not Joe. Have you seen the doubles pics? One double has totally different earlobes. That's the one who pretends he can still chew bubble gum and walk at the same time.
Headboard harris will sink the demented one faster than if he pulled his own plug.

From what I have been reading about Kamala Harris, she has got so much baggage it just again illustrates that the Democrat Party are completely out of touch with ALL forms of reality.

Creepy Joe is Senile and looks literally like he is NOT far from being dead, probably I would say he looks like he has a year or no more than 18 months before he's worm food and so IF he would win Kamala Harris would take over. This is a woman who is SO unpopular that during the Democratic Primaries her own State of California REJECTED her as the Presidential Nominee, getting 7% in your OWN State is totally pathetic and illustrates they MIGHT vote for Senate for her but they do NOT want this woman in The White House and now Demented Joe has picked her to be his running mate. It's new level of crazy.

It's not Joe. Have you seen the doubles pics? One double has totally different earlobes. That's the one who pretends he can still chew bubble gum and walk at the same time.

They are the first US Presidential Ticket where BOTH candidates have had crazy facelifts and other plastic surgery:



"5 Things to Know About Biden's VP Pick, Kamala Harris"

Bad Attorney General, prosecuted people for Marijuana while laughed about smoking it
Received $81K from Planned Parenthood to silence a CMP investigation that uncovered the selling of baby body parts

Opposed voted on CA Prop 8 which defined marriage as between a man and a woman by refusing to defend it.

"Harris proved one of the worst offenders in the fight against Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee (now Justice), Brett Kavanaugh. Even before the sexual assault allegations from Christine Blasey Ford surfaced, Harris was among Kavanaugh’s most vigorous opponents, even suggesting that the judge had hidden sympathies with white supremacists."

Savagely attacked Biden.....Of course......That was then, this is now. Lied about busing.

"Harris can rightly say she was “part of the second class to integrate her elementary school,” but she cannot say she was “part of the second class to integrate her public schools.” This is an important distinction. She was not “part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California, public schools.” Desegregation of those schools dated back to the year before Harris was born. "

Even hilary clinton is embarrassed by the way Harris will do anything....anything, to get power....that's how bad Harris is....I mean, who would sleep with Willie Brown to get their political career started? And he was in his 60s at the time.....

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