Abortion is murder

What are you rambling on about?
Or is that your way of conceding the point?

Let's be clear.
The purpose you serve around here is as a semi-human piñata.
Your concession has been duly noted.

See what I mean.
Cmon, you can do better than that.

And that is the very point: you can't.
Apparently, neither can you.
Now for any who believe in God.

Genesis 9:6 prescribed ...

what was said is everyone on planet Earth is a murderer of one sort or another and you equivocate without the justifiable sustenance for its occurrence sanctioned by the Almighty with an example of blatant disregard for human existence shared by both parties.

I notice you did not question whether the unborn is a separate human being.

is your unborn equivalent to to the Lamb being led to slaughter ...


Please provide quotes.
The doctrine you have attempted to apply is starkly similar to the one used in Nazi Germany vis-a-vis Jewish folks.

'Perhaps you are a Nazi?
Are you unamerican? Because you seem to be against the laws of this country. I don't know anything about Nazi's. You seem to know a lot about them maybe you are one.

And you know who agrees with you? ISIS.

1. "Because you seem to be against the laws of this country."

Morality is the Litmus Test...not the law.
Unless you believe (I almost said 'think') that the Taney Supreme Court was correct in the Dred Scott Deciison (better look that up,huh?).

2. "I don't know anything...."
Truer words were never said.
Let's leave it at that.
Well please don't try to push your morality onto us you sick mother fuckers.

Great reason not to vote for a Republican. I remember the last time we put a Republican in the white house and you right wing wack jobs tried pushing your morality on us.

a. You didn't allow stem cell research (don't even argue you didn't because you did)
b. You banned gays from marriage
c. Threw Jack Kavorkian in jail
d. and lets not forget

So often, when my responses to a dunce like you are undeniable.....you default to vulgarity.

Time and again, when folks realize that their political infatuations have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at the truth that you are unable to deny leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.
I notice a pattern with you. You don't argue the points people make you attack their grammar or that they used vulgarity. Well I took the vulgarity out and replied to you and then you still didn't respond.

It's just insane to think that if little Bobby and Suzie had an accident that they would be forced to carry out the pregnancy when the little fetus is still just a forming seed. No way


Let's see.......

You posted this:

"You [Republicans] didn't allow stem cell research}

I posted this:

Let's make this the test of your knowledge.

Myth 1: Bush banned federal funding of hESC (human embryonic stem cell ) research.(Some people even thought that he outlawed the research itself.)

(1) from President Obama’s address on March 9, 2009: “we will lift the ban on federal funding for promising embryonic stem cell research.”

(2) from the media: “President Obama lifted the eight-year-old ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research yesterday…” – Washington Post, March 10, 2009

(3) from progressive websites: “With the stroke of a pen, President Barack Obama today erased the Bush administration’s eight-year-old restrictions on federal funding of research involving human embryonic stem cells, reaffirming his commitment to evidence and biomedical hope over his predecessor’s ideological distortion of science.” – Science Progress

(4) from bioethicists: "After eight years of zero-budget funding of embryonic stem cell research, it is hardly fair and completely disingenuous for critics to point to the practice and wonder why it lags four decades behind government-funded adult stem cell research," -- Art Caplan, University of Pennsylvania

Fact 1: Bush was the first to initiate the federal funding of hESC research.

Myth 2: Bush was a foe of science and stem cell research.

Supporting evidence:

(1) The signing of Obama’s executive order was “a momentous occasion for anyone who believes in the pursuit of biomedical knowledge for the betterment of human health." -- Harvard Stem Cell Institute researcher George Daley.

(2) "This marks a new era for stem cell research. It will not only impact research in the laboratory, but perhaps more importantly, it finally lifts the black cloud that has hovered over this research for so long. We have been operating for the last decade with one hand tied behind our back," -- Robert Lanza, science director of Advanced Cell Technologies.

(3) “Bush’s approach to the issue of embryonic stem cell research… showed a deep disregard for the role of scientific information in political decision-making.” -- Chris Mooney, The Republican War On Science

Fact 2: The NIH stem cell budget grew by leaps and bounds under Bush.

Myth 3: President Obama has greatly increased funding for human embryonic stem cell research.

Supporting evidence:

(1) “The order was issued just in time for researchers to take advantage of money in Mr. Obama's economic recovery package and use it for stem cell studies.” - NYTimes

(2) “The President's [March 9, 2009] decision does much more than expand funding for stem-cell research. It heralds a shift in the government's view of science, ushering in an era in which it promises to defend science — and the pursuit of useful treatments — against ideology.” – Time, March 9, 2009

Fact 3: Stem cell scientists are still waiting for the river of gold. Even though Obama removed Bush’s restrictions on federal funds for hESC research, he has barely increased the hESC budget.
MercatorNet: Barack, can you spare a dime?

President Bush announced, on August 9, 2001 that federal funds, for the first time, would be made available for hESC research on currently existing embryonic stem cell lines. President Bush authorized research on existing human embryonic stem cell lines, not on human embryos under a specific, unrealistic timeline in which the stem cell lines must have been developed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stem_cell_controversy

Turns out you're pretty stupid, huh?
...One person killing a separate, discrete, and unique individual is murder.
Agreed. What makes a zygote a "separate, discrete, and unique individual"? It's just a cell. Sure, it has the potential to become a person, but most self-abort. Some are stillborn. Who is responsible for the self-abortions and stillbirths? God? The woman? If a woman has a stillborn baby should she be charged with murder?

1. The unique and identifying DNA configuration identifies each human being.
It is formed at the moment of conception.

Clearly you don't understand the topic of discussion: zygotes are not subject to abortion.

2. " For many years, fingerprints were the gold standard for linking suspects to a crime scene. Today, the gold standard is DNAevidence because DNA can be collected from virtually anywhere. Even a criminal wearing gloves may unwittingly leave behind trace amounts of biological material. It could be a hair, saliva,blood, semen, skin, sweat, mucus or earwax. All it takes is a few cells to obtain enough DNA information to identify a suspect with near certainty." Collecting DNA Evidence

DNA identifies a person.

3. When does it become a person?

" A child inherits half their DNA from each parent, while each parent passes half their DNA to each child. This is achieved through sexual fertilization, requiring themeeting of the sperm with the egg, and the combining of the DNA from both (since the sperm and egg contain only half the genetic information in the parent). " DNA is passed on from parent to child

QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA

1) Correct. Every time you brush your teeth, given you do so, you are washing human DNA down the drain. Every time you take a dump, you are flushing human DNA down the drain. Everyday you are shedding DNA around the house.

Incorrect. What do you think Plan B is all about?

2) See above.

3) Misleading. We each have unique DNA, including the dump you took this morning but is your pile of shit a person? A human being even though it has "unique human DNA"? No, it does not.

Let's add to this that every time we execute a human being or cops shoot a suspect, we are killing a unique person. Everytime we drop bombs on a country and there is "collateral damage" we are killing innocent human beings; full sized persons each with both unique DNA and a unique personality. Yet you don't give a shit about them so why do you care about a blastocyst which is neither a person nor a distinct personality?

"Correct. Every time you brush your teeth, given you do so, you are washing human DNA"
Of course, as is most of the fabrication you dopes make up....this isn't true.

Just admit the truth:
While abortion, including the late term savagery that Bill's wife supports......

....and the infanticide that Obama supports....

....is currently legal.

And almost every abortion is based not on the mother's medical condition, but on the concept of any-time-birth-control....

And every abortion is murder.....

The truth is that Liberalism is based on doing whatever you care to....with never a judgment about right or wrong.

Your view: "Because I feel like it."

That's the truth, isn't it.
....And every abortion is murder.....

......Your view: "Because I feel like it."

That's the truth, isn't it.
Disagreed and incorrect.

The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception. They grow from a single cell until they become a living, viable human being. An apple seed isn't the same as an apple tree and a zygote is not the same as a human being.

At some point, that zygote does grow until it becomes a human being. The scientific and medical view is that it occurs around the 24 week period which is why the law was formed around that point of growth.

I believe in personal liberty, but that liberty only extends freely until it conflicts with another person's liberty. The two main purposes of government is to resolve disputes between two or more citizens conflicts of liberty and protect the nation defense. A zygote is not a citizen nor is it even a human being. It is not a person, it only has the potential to become a person. Of course, it also has the potential to self-abort as 25-33%+ do:

First Trimester Miscarriage | BabyMed.com
Approximately one in 3-4 known pregnancies are lost within the first trimester to miscarriage. This number is based upon pregnancies that are verified before the miscarriage occurs. In all reality, the number of first trimester miscarriages is far greater due to the fact that many women miscarry their pregnancy before they know they are pregnant and associate the bleeding with the onset of their next menstrual period.

Are you unamerican? Because you seem to be against the laws of this country. I don't know anything about Nazi's. You seem to know a lot about them maybe you are one.

And you know who agrees with you? ISIS.

1. "Because you seem to be against the laws of this country."

Morality is the Litmus Test...not the law.
Unless you believe (I almost said 'think') that the Taney Supreme Court was correct in the Dred Scott Deciison (better look that up,huh?).

2. "I don't know anything...."
Truer words were never said.
Let's leave it at that.
Well please don't try to push your morality onto us you sick mother fuckers.

Great reason not to vote for a Republican. I remember the last time we put a Republican in the white house and you right wing wack jobs tried pushing your morality on us.

a. You didn't allow stem cell research (don't even argue you didn't because you did)
b. You banned gays from marriage
c. Threw Jack Kavorkian in jail
d. and lets not forget

So often, when my responses to a dunce like you are undeniable.....you default to vulgarity.

Time and again, when folks realize that their political infatuations have been skewered, their language falls to the vulgar. It's one of those hard to hide psychological tells....your anger at the truth that you are unable to deny leaks out as vulgarity.

That is why I never have to do the same.
I notice a pattern with you. You don't argue the points people make you attack their grammar or that they used vulgarity. Well I took the vulgarity out and replied to you and then you still didn't respond.

It's just insane to think that if little Bobby and Suzie had an accident that they would be forced to carry out the pregnancy when the little fetus is still just a forming seed. No way


Let's see.......

You posted this:

"You [Republicans] didn't allow stem cell research}

I posted this:

Let's make this the test of your knowledge.

Myth 1: Bush banned federal funding of hESC (human embryonic stem cell ) research.(Some people even thought that he outlawed the research itself.)

(1) from President Obama’s address on March 9, 2009: “we will lift the ban on federal funding for promising embryonic stem cell research.”

(2) from the media: “President Obama lifted the eight-year-old ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research yesterday…” – Washington Post, March 10, 2009

(3) from progressive websites: “With the stroke of a pen, President Barack Obama today erased the Bush administration’s eight-year-old restrictions on federal funding of research involving human embryonic stem cells, reaffirming his commitment to evidence and biomedical hope over his predecessor’s ideological distortion of science.” – Science Progress

(4) from bioethicists: "After eight years of zero-budget funding of embryonic stem cell research, it is hardly fair and completely disingenuous for critics to point to the practice and wonder why it lags four decades behind government-funded adult stem cell research," -- Art Caplan, University of Pennsylvania

Fact 1: Bush was the first to initiate the federal funding of hESC research.

Myth 2: Bush was a foe of science and stem cell research.

Supporting evidence:

(1) The signing of Obama’s executive order was “a momentous occasion for anyone who believes in the pursuit of biomedical knowledge for the betterment of human health." -- Harvard Stem Cell Institute researcher George Daley.

(2) "This marks a new era for stem cell research. It will not only impact research in the laboratory, but perhaps more importantly, it finally lifts the black cloud that has hovered over this research for so long. We have been operating for the last decade with one hand tied behind our back," -- Robert Lanza, science director of Advanced Cell Technologies.

(3) “Bush’s approach to the issue of embryonic stem cell research… showed a deep disregard for the role of scientific information in political decision-making.” -- Chris Mooney, The Republican War On Science

Fact 2: The NIH stem cell budget grew by leaps and bounds under Bush.

Myth 3: President Obama has greatly increased funding for human embryonic stem cell research.

Supporting evidence:

(1) “The order was issued just in time for researchers to take advantage of money in Mr. Obama's economic recovery package and use it for stem cell studies.” - NYTimes

(2) “The President's [March 9, 2009] decision does much more than expand funding for stem-cell research. It heralds a shift in the government's view of science, ushering in an era in which it promises to defend science — and the pursuit of useful treatments — against ideology.” – Time, March 9, 2009

Fact 3: Stem cell scientists are still waiting for the river of gold. Even though Obama removed Bush’s restrictions on federal funds for hESC research, he has barely increased the hESC budget.
MercatorNet: Barack, can you spare a dime?

President Bush announced, on August 9, 2001 that federal funds, for the first time, would be made available for hESC research on currently existing embryonic stem cell lines. President Bush authorized research on existing human embryonic stem cell lines, not on human embryos under a specific, unrealistic timeline in which the stem cell lines must have been developed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stem_cell_controversy

Turns out you're pretty stupid, huh?
WATCH OUT! The copy&paste queen is on the rampage!
....And every abortion is murder.....

......Your view: "Because I feel like it."

That's the truth, isn't it.
Disagreed and incorrect.

The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception. They grow from a single cell until they become a living, viable human being. An apple seed isn't the same as an apple tree and a zygote is not the same as a human being.

At some point, that zygote does grow until it becomes a human being. The scientific and medical view is that it occurs around the 24 week period which is why the law was formed around that point of growth.

I believe in personal liberty, but that liberty only extends freely until it conflicts with another person's liberty. The two main purposes of government is to resolve disputes between two or more citizens conflicts of liberty and protect the nation defense. A zygote is not a citizen nor is it even a human being. It is not a person, it only has the potential to become a person. Of course, it also has the potential to self-abort as 25-33%+ do:

First Trimester Miscarriage | BabyMed.com
Approximately one in 3-4 known pregnancies are lost within the first trimester to miscarriage. This number is based upon pregnancies that are verified before the miscarriage occurs. In all reality, the number of first trimester miscarriages is far greater due to the fact that many women miscarry their pregnancy before they know they are pregnant and associate the bleeding with the onset of their next menstrual period.
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
....And every abortion is murder.....

......Your view: "Because I feel like it."

That's the truth, isn't it.
Disagreed and incorrect.

The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception. They grow from a single cell until they become a living, viable human being. An apple seed isn't the same as an apple tree and a zygote is not the same as a human being.

At some point, that zygote does grow until it becomes a human being. The scientific and medical view is that it occurs around the 24 week period which is why the law was formed around that point of growth.

I believe in personal liberty, but that liberty only extends freely until it conflicts with another person's liberty. The two main purposes of government is to resolve disputes between two or more citizens conflicts of liberty and protect the nation defense. A zygote is not a citizen nor is it even a human being. It is not a person, it only has the potential to become a person. Of course, it also has the potential to self-abort as 25-33%+ do:

First Trimester Miscarriage | BabyMed.com
Approximately one in 3-4 known pregnancies are lost within the first trimester to miscarriage. This number is based upon pregnancies that are verified before the miscarriage occurs. In all reality, the number of first trimester miscarriages is far greater due to the fact that many women miscarry their pregnancy before they know they are pregnant and associate the bleeding with the onset of their next menstrual period.
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
..You need to brush up on your biology....

Odd that you thanked me for posting Barry Goldwater's speech but that you obviously didn't read it.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
..You need to brush up on your biology....

Odd that you thanked me for posting Barry Goldwater's speech but that you obviously didn't read it.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
1. Wrong
2. Wrong
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one's ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on "repeat" or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge. A person with OCD cannot let a thought go in spite of reasoning or efforts to stop.

These thoughts and urges lead to excessive behaviors such as repeated checking, ordering, or arranging of objects; hand washing for hours; or ritually repeating actions a certain number of times. These behaviors can affect normal functioning at work, school, home, and in relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can be divided into obsessions and compulsions.


  • Recurring thoughts, images or impulses, seemingly outside of one's ability to control them
  • Uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a sensation that things have to be done in a way that is "just so"
  • Excessive concerns about contamination or harm, the need for symmetry or exactness, or forbidden sexual or religious thoughts

  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform
  • Behaviors aimed at reducing the negative feelings (fear, disgust, doubt, guilt)
  • Repeating behaviors in specific ritualistic ways
  • Typical compulsions include cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering and arranging, hoarding or mental compulsions (silently praying or repeating words).
People with OCD recognize the irrational nature of their thinking and behavior, but feel unable to control either.
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one's ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on "repeat" or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge. A person with OCD cannot let a thought go in spite of reasoning or efforts to stop.

These thoughts and urges lead to excessive behaviors such as repeated checking, ordering, or arranging of objects; hand washing for hours; or ritually repeating actions a certain number of times. These behaviors can affect normal functioning at work, school, home, and in relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can be divided into obsessions and compulsions.


  • Recurring thoughts, images or impulses, seemingly outside of one's ability to control them
  • Uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a sensation that things have to be done in a way that is "just so"
  • Excessive concerns about contamination or harm, the need for symmetry or exactness, or forbidden sexual or religious thoughts

  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform
  • Behaviors aimed at reducing the negative feelings (fear, disgust, doubt, guilt)
  • Repeating behaviors in specific ritualistic ways
  • Typical compulsions include cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering and arranging, hoarding or mental compulsions (silently praying or repeating words).
People with OCD recognize the irrational nature of their thinking and behavior, but feel unable to control either.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

There must be a reason why you flee from the heart of the matter....
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

What could it be that you fear?
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one's ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on "repeat" or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge. A person with OCD cannot let a thought go in spite of reasoning or efforts to stop.

These thoughts and urges lead to excessive behaviors such as repeated checking, ordering, or arranging of objects; hand washing for hours; or ritually repeating actions a certain number of times. These behaviors can affect normal functioning at work, school, home, and in relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can be divided into obsessions and compulsions.


  • Recurring thoughts, images or impulses, seemingly outside of one's ability to control them
  • Uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a sensation that things have to be done in a way that is "just so"
  • Excessive concerns about contamination or harm, the need for symmetry or exactness, or forbidden sexual or religious thoughts

  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform
  • Behaviors aimed at reducing the negative feelings (fear, disgust, doubt, guilt)
  • Repeating behaviors in specific ritualistic ways
  • Typical compulsions include cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering and arranging, hoarding or mental compulsions (silently praying or repeating words).
People with OCD recognize the irrational nature of their thinking and behavior, but feel unable to control either.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

There must be a reason why you flee from the heart of the matter....
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

What could it be that you fear?
Seems to be OCD.

I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception. You dodged the question about Goldwater's speech because, IMHO, you know that your position is a religious one, not a scientific one. You've dodged question about squaring your position on abortions against killing innocent, living human beings as "collateral damage". If abortion is wrong, why is collateral damage okay? Why is execution okay when we have the tech and the ability to put people away for life?
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one's ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on "repeat" or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge. A person with OCD cannot let a thought go in spite of reasoning or efforts to stop.

These thoughts and urges lead to excessive behaviors such as repeated checking, ordering, or arranging of objects; hand washing for hours; or ritually repeating actions a certain number of times. These behaviors can affect normal functioning at work, school, home, and in relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can be divided into obsessions and compulsions.


  • Recurring thoughts, images or impulses, seemingly outside of one's ability to control them
  • Uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a sensation that things have to be done in a way that is "just so"
  • Excessive concerns about contamination or harm, the need for symmetry or exactness, or forbidden sexual or religious thoughts

  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform
  • Behaviors aimed at reducing the negative feelings (fear, disgust, doubt, guilt)
  • Repeating behaviors in specific ritualistic ways
  • Typical compulsions include cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering and arranging, hoarding or mental compulsions (silently praying or repeating words).
People with OCD recognize the irrational nature of their thinking and behavior, but feel unable to control either.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

There must be a reason why you flee from the heart of the matter....
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

What could it be that you fear?
Seems to be OCD.

I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception. You dodged the question about Goldwater's speech because, IMHO, you know that your position is a religious one, not a scientific one. You've dodged question about squaring your position on abortions against killing innocent, living human beings as "collateral damage". If abortion is wrong, why is collateral damage okay? Why is execution okay when we have the tech and the ability to put people away for life?

Lying is one of those give-aways some default to when losing the argument.

You wrote:
"I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception."

Since I never wrote that.....

....you must recognize that you've lost.
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one's ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on "repeat" or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge. A person with OCD cannot let a thought go in spite of reasoning or efforts to stop.

These thoughts and urges lead to excessive behaviors such as repeated checking, ordering, or arranging of objects; hand washing for hours; or ritually repeating actions a certain number of times. These behaviors can affect normal functioning at work, school, home, and in relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can be divided into obsessions and compulsions.


  • Recurring thoughts, images or impulses, seemingly outside of one's ability to control them
  • Uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a sensation that things have to be done in a way that is "just so"
  • Excessive concerns about contamination or harm, the need for symmetry or exactness, or forbidden sexual or religious thoughts

  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform
  • Behaviors aimed at reducing the negative feelings (fear, disgust, doubt, guilt)
  • Repeating behaviors in specific ritualistic ways
  • Typical compulsions include cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering and arranging, hoarding or mental compulsions (silently praying or repeating words).
People with OCD recognize the irrational nature of their thinking and behavior, but feel unable to control either.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

There must be a reason why you flee from the heart of the matter....
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

What could it be that you fear?
Seems to be OCD.

I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception. You dodged the question about Goldwater's speech because, IMHO, you know that your position is a religious one, not a scientific one. You've dodged question about squaring your position on abortions against killing innocent, living human beings as "collateral damage". If abortion is wrong, why is collateral damage okay? Why is execution okay when we have the tech and the ability to put people away for life?

Lying is one of those give-aways some default to when losing the argument.

You wrote:
"I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception."

Since I never wrote that.....

....you must recognize that you've lost.
It appears you did, PC...several times:
...QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA
One person killing a separate, discrete, and unique individual is murder.
The savages can define it away but the fact is as I stated.

And.....Obama, the infanticide President, actually appointed a man as his 'science adviser' who has written that the 'mother' is withing her rights to kill her child well after he/she is born:

.....lest anyone believe that there is a nuanced explanation that would be acceptable to normal people....consider the fact that President Obama appointed Professor Peter Singer as his heathcare advisor.
Peter Singer Joins Obama's Health Care Administrators : I Am Not a Fan of Peter Singer Story & Experience
"I Am Not a Fan of Peter Singer"

a. "Singer once wrote, "because people are human does not mean that their lives are more valuable than animals." He not only advocates abortion but also killing disabled babies up to 28 days after they are born. In his book "Practical Ethics," he wrote, "When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed.... Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Often, it is not wrong at all."
Peter Singer, "Practical Ethics," Cambridge University Press, 1979, p. 191.

No wonder the only 'religion' Obama has supported, advanced, shielded from criticism is one that maintains a 7th century morality.
"The truth is that human beings don't suddenly pop into existence upon conception."

You need to brush up on your biology.

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life?

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects one's ability to process information and interferes with one functioning. It is often described as though the mind is stuck on "repeat" or on a loop with one constantly recurring thought or urge. A person with OCD cannot let a thought go in spite of reasoning or efforts to stop.

These thoughts and urges lead to excessive behaviors such as repeated checking, ordering, or arranging of objects; hand washing for hours; or ritually repeating actions a certain number of times. These behaviors can affect normal functioning at work, school, home, and in relationships.

Symptoms of OCD can be divided into obsessions and compulsions.


  • Recurring thoughts, images or impulses, seemingly outside of one's ability to control them
  • Uncomfortable feelings, such as fear, disgust, doubt, or a sensation that things have to be done in a way that is "just so"
  • Excessive concerns about contamination or harm, the need for symmetry or exactness, or forbidden sexual or religious thoughts

  • Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person feels driven to perform
  • Behaviors aimed at reducing the negative feelings (fear, disgust, doubt, guilt)
  • Repeating behaviors in specific ritualistic ways
  • Typical compulsions include cleaning, repeating, checking, ordering and arranging, hoarding or mental compulsions (silently praying or repeating words).
People with OCD recognize the irrational nature of their thinking and behavior, but feel unable to control either.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

There must be a reason why you flee from the heart of the matter....
And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

What could it be that you fear?
Seems to be OCD.

I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception. You dodged the question about Goldwater's speech because, IMHO, you know that your position is a religious one, not a scientific one. You've dodged question about squaring your position on abortions against killing innocent, living human beings as "collateral damage". If abortion is wrong, why is collateral damage okay? Why is execution okay when we have the tech and the ability to put people away for life?

Lying is one of those give-aways some default to when losing the argument.

You wrote:
"I've posted extensively about the growth of a human being versus your position that human beings are fully formed at conception."

Since I never wrote that.....

....you must recognize that you've lost.
It appears you did, PC...several times:
...QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA
One person killing a separate, discrete, and unique individual is murder.
The savages can define it away but the fact is as I stated.

And.....Obama, the infanticide President, actually appointed a man as his 'science adviser' who has written that the 'mother' is withing her rights to kill her child well after he/she is born:

.....lest anyone believe that there is a nuanced explanation that would be acceptable to normal people....consider the fact that President Obama appointed Professor Peter Singer as his heathcare advisor.
Peter Singer Joins Obama's Health Care Administrators : I Am Not a Fan of Peter Singer Story & Experience
"I Am Not a Fan of Peter Singer"

a. "Singer once wrote, "because people are human does not mean that their lives are more valuable than animals." He not only advocates abortion but also killing disabled babies up to 28 days after they are born. In his book "Practical Ethics," he wrote, "When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed.... Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Often, it is not wrong at all."
Peter Singer, "Practical Ethics," Cambridge University Press, 1979, p. 191.

No wonder the only 'religion' Obama has supported, advanced, shielded from criticism is one that maintains a 7th century morality.

It appears you are a liar.
You claimed that I posted this:

"...that human beings are fully formed at conception. "

Can you produce such a post of mine....or will you be labelled exactly what you are....a liar, attempting to avoid these questions:

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

I can certainly relieve you of the burden, as honest has never been a burden for me.
I can answer the two if you like.
It appears you are a liar.
You claimed that I posted this:

"...that human beings are fully formed at conception. "

Can you produce such a post of mine....or will you be labelled exactly what you are....a liar, attempting to avoid these questions:

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

I can certainly relieve you of the burden, as honest has never been a burden for me.
I can answer the two if you like.
Didn't you say "QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA"? Why are you dodging what you said? Are you OCD? Reading challenged? In denial? Just don't understand what "human being" means? Here, let me help:

Definition of HUMAN BEING
a man, woman, or child : person

You clearly called a zygote a "human being". Why are you denying it since everyone can see you did?
It appears you are a liar.
You claimed that I posted this:

"...that human beings are fully formed at conception. "

Can you produce such a post of mine....or will you be labelled exactly what you are....a liar, attempting to avoid these questions:

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

I can certainly relieve you of the burden, as honest has never been a burden for me.
I can answer the two if you like.
Didn't you say "QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA"? Why are you dodging what you said? Are you OCD? Reading challenged? In denial? Just don't understand what "human being" means? Here, let me help:

Definition of HUMAN BEING
a man, woman, or child : person

You clearly called a zygote a "human being". Why are you denying it since everyone can see you did?

It appears you are a liar.
You claimed that I posted this:

"...that human beings are fully formed at conception. "

Can you produce such a post of mine....or will you be labelled exactly what you are....a liar, attempting to avoid these questions:

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.
It appears you are a liar.
You claimed that I posted this:

"...that human beings are fully formed at conception. "

Can you produce such a post of mine....or will you be labelled exactly what you are....a liar, attempting to avoid these questions:

And the two salient points in this discussion are

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.

The attempt to change the subject reveals that you recognize, and acknowledge the weakness of your position.
You may try to change the subject...but I won't allow you to.

I can certainly relieve you of the burden, as honest has never been a burden for me.
I can answer the two if you like.
It appears you are a liar.
You claimed that I posted this:

"...that human beings are fully formed at conception. "

Can you produce such a post of mine....or will you be labelled exactly what you are....a liar, attempting to avoid these questions:

1. Abortion is the act of one human ending the existence of another

2. As the developing human is never a part of the 'mother,' where is her right to end his or her life.
Wow. You do have OCD tendencies.

...QED, at conception we are discussing a human being with unique and identifying DNA
I've posted the definition of "human being" by Merriam-Webster. Please define the term in your mind.

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