A Whitey's Message to Black People


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...

Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...

They should be happy they aren't Jewish.
Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...


There are times in our life when they say we are trying too hard. This is one of those times.

My feeling is this post would resonate with zero percent of black people.... but, just a hunch.
Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...

You must be old. Thats so 20 th century. We have Asians, East Asians, Central Americans, South Americans, central Europeans, stinking English, Africans, African Americans, and north Africans.
They should be happy they aren't Jewish.
are you referring to how Jews aren't respected these days? Well, I myself have never disrespected them, but I have a relative who doesn't like them for some odd reason.. never explained exactly why. I mean, it's not like he's a big Christian type! Hardly... I could understand that thing about how they killed Jesus, but no, that's not his reason but I don't know what the reason is.

Oh, maybe it is because he thinks they own everything all over the world... something like that.
Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...

All I know is:

good to be white.jpg
The problem with black people today is that they do not realize how totally awesome us white people are. If not for whitey, blacks would still be living out in the wilds of sub-Saharan Africa, or maybe enslaved by Muslims. But instead we brought them to our country, took care of them, made them our equals, and then gave them a ton of social, economic, and political subsides. This enormous outpouring of support and charity pretty well establishes how awesome we are. Clearly, if one were to make an argument as to what race/ethnicity is greatest, the foregoing can be used to make a very compelling argument that the white race is THE supreme race. Hence, “White Supremacy”.

Each time I hear someone in the media say “white supremacy”, I say to myself, “Damn right we are!” Frankly, it is nice to hear it too. It is about time we get some credit from certain factions of ungrateful people. We don’t even go around bragging out our glorious nature. We do not have to. Our complexion radiates a bright, beautiful white and angelic glow that clearly displays our God-like nature. We are God’s children, and we do God’s work in caring for our black and brown brothers (But not our yellow brothers because, unlike the black and brown, yellow is prosperous and self-sufficient. They do mot require our help. This begs the question: is white superior to yellow? The answer is YES, yes we are. Whites are supreme exactly because of the foregoing generosity we have show other races and ethnicities. Yellows, on the other hand, do do shit for anyone who is not a fellow-yellow.).

White colonialism historically is an act of love and giving to aboriginal people. We teach them about the One True God, educate them in the ways of civilization, and teach them how to grow their own food. Without colonialism they would be eating plants and grass while dodging rhino attacks and malaria. You are welcome! 🙏

It pains me to hear certain people, who are no doubt Marxist pawns, attempt to deride white love for black/brown people. Such maligning is vile and evil, an affront to God. It confounds me. It truly does. Everyone knows God is white. Just look at all of the pictures of His son.

I believe it is the duty of us white folks to educate blacks on how things really are. Then they will understand how great we are, and maybe even appreciate all of the sacrifices we have made for them. For example, the southern white man did not NEED slaves. It was merely a social program to save negroes from the wilds of Africa by making them proper, civilized Christen people. It was the racist Abraham Lincoln and the north that attempted to stop us from rescuing blacks.
Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...

I don't think we need to be told what we already know. So do us a favor, go into the white hood and create programs that end white racism.
I don't think we need to be told what we already know. So do us a favor, go into the white hood and create programs that end white racism.
White racism has been vastly declining for decades while black racist has been increasing. Do you understand why?

Race hustling creates jobs and raises money. As the need declined, the hustler class was set to lose millions. So they ginned it back up with needlessly divisive shit.
are you referring to how Jews aren't respected these days? Well, I myself have never disrespected them, but I have a relative who doesn't like them for some odd reason.. never explained exactly why. I mean, it's not like he's a big Christian type! Hardly... I could understand that thing about how they killed Jesus, but no, that's not his reason but I don't know what the reason is.

Oh, maybe it is because he thinks they own everything all over the world... something like that.
The Jews are prophecied to not be liked.
Hey, Black People (I mostly address this to the angry ones, but maybe they are all angry? Some are good at hiding it? I don't know):

All whities don't hate you!

that's Number One

Then there is this:

Some of us know virtually exactly what you have gone through when Whitey is or appears to be against you. You don't have to be Black to be, as Jesus said "hated by all." Sometimes all you have to do is where a crucifix around your neck! Imagine that. Yes, we Catholics know all about discrimination and injustice.

And of course there are more injustices than just being Catholic in an un-Catholic nation. But I'd be here all day if I listed all that...

So, yeh, I wish you could all be like some of the "nice" Black people I have come across over the years. I recall this incident: I asked this one Black woman at a store once (clerk) where I could find... whatever. I was lost and needed directions. She just looked at me kind of funny and said something about she didn't know. Then another Black person standing in line gave me this friendly look and began explaining how I could get to my destination. He was awesome, wrote things down and stayed w/ me until I understood.

And there are other examples. But a lot of Blacks just seem to hate Whitey, seem to think that all of us hate them or something! They couldn't be more wrong. Some of us, again, have a lot of EMPATHY (not that that is the only thing I wanted to focus on ) ---because we also know what it's like to be discriminated against... treated like dirt just because...

I don't dress up much. Sometimes I look like a total flake. So you get discriminated in some places for that alone.

Anyway, I am done with my little rant here...


A lot of black people tend to hate on white people and then they call us the haters.

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