A War's Epitaph: Two Decades of Lies


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This is some really informative, lengthy, and sobering reading. It is not partisan, so forget about it. It is, however, very ugly.

And even at its fateful end, on the last day of our occupation, something that was strikingly similar throughout 20 years of war was an inability to hit the right targets with drone strikes, we killed aid workers carrying bottled water with a drone strike the day we left.

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This is some really informative, lengthy, and sobering reading. It is not partisan, so forget about it. It is, however, very ugly.

And at its fateful end, something that was strikingly similar throughout 20 years of war was an inability to hit the right targets with drone strikes.

Look at the

Not a single news story about Afghanistan. Why do you think that is?
When someone from the left says that it is not partisan, what they are really saying is that it is left-wing propaganda.
When someone from the left says that it is not partisan, what they are really saying is that it is left-wing propaganda.
When someone from the right replies ignorantly, without reading the provided story, then they further justify our perception of them as being stupid.
This is some really informative, lengthy, and sobering reading. It is not partisan, so forget about it. It is, however, very ugly.

And even at its fateful end, on the last day of our occupation, something that was strikingly similar throughout 20 years of war was an inability to hit the right targets with drone strikes, we killed aid workers carrying bottled water with a drone strike the day we left.

Maybe, just maybe instead of chumming up to someone like Establishment Republican(progressive) George Bush, you dipshits should get behind the guy who went after those progressives. I doubt it, you are too up their ass to realize who the real enemies are.

This is some really informative, lengthy, and sobering reading. It is not partisan, so forget about it. It is, however, very ugly.

And even at its fateful end, on the last day of our occupation, something that was strikingly similar throughout 20 years of war was an inability to hit the right targets with drone strikes, we killed aid workers carrying bottled water with a drone strike the day we left.

I will admit that I am not reading the post by "theintercept.com." I'm just kind of weary of reading some of these various articles and thus, at least for today, will just address the headlined topic in an OP.
Your source, theintercept.com, is owned by Pierre Omidyar, a leftist and major donor to the Democrat Party. While Glenn Greenwald is a co-founder of the organization and no friend of the far-left, the owner dictates the outcome of stories (just FYI, I'm not referring to any specific story) I just keep in mind who actually owns any of the media organizations and thus gives the thumbs up or down any any topic.

War.....there has never been any war throughout mankind's (sorry gender fluid people, I'm old-fashioned and staying that way) history, in which civilians and even friendly troops didn't get killed by the military. Mistakes happen in battle, even with all of our current technology. I truly did not expect the story about a drone strike on an "ISIS-K" terrorist to be factual, due to our limited on the ground intelligence and vague description of the offending vehicle being a white Toyota Corolla.
All that aside, mankind is still going to be killing mankind until mankind no longer exists. The reasons when you get down to it are immaterial, for they're always the same (territorial greed, resources, ego-mania/world domination, religion and of course, politics).
As for nation building, it worked in Western Germany and Japan for two reasons: One was that Western Germany was European and had been in a deep recession since the First World War and in both those nations, we had totally collapsed their economies and we were able to build them back up to a profitable economy, but in both of those cases, religion wasn't their guiding factor. You can't nation build a fervent religious society, so steeped in their core beliefs that they essentially remain in the 7th century and refuse to not only not come out of it, but will kill anyone to protect it. Religion as Stalin said, is a powerful opiate. What's that old saying? "You can talk to anyone about anything except religion and politics." That especially holds true in the topic of religion.
Some say we should have never gone into Iraq. I have mixed feelings on it, after all, "we" were responsible for helping Hussein get into power and the blood he shed was thus partly on our hands as well. Should we have gone into Afghanistan? Well, they really did challenge us to "come and take bin Laden," as they refused to turn him over to us (custom in Islamic nations is to protect your guest), and as he kept traveling between Afghanistan and Pakistan, we rarely knew exactly where he was. Once he was killed in Pakistan we should have got out, but also got out the interpreters, women who hated living under the strict Islamic codes for women, aid workers, embassy personnel and then the military, in that order.
Mankind's going to keep killing each other, because someone always wants to control a government, or an entire world's government and currently the worst is Communism. It's authoritative, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and murderous. So, we have to always be prepared for war, even if it becomes our own government becoming a Communist tyrannical government.

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