A Vote For Democrats Is Support For Criminals

I consider a vote for democrooks as an act of treason. Stuffing mail in ballots in boxes for democrooks is act act of war, a deliberately destructive act with malice aforethought.

Before you declare war, how about getting even a shred of evidence first. It's been two years, and not a single piece of evidence supporting that contention has been submitted to any judicial authority.
Before you declare war, how about getting even a shred of evidence first. It's been two years, and not a single piece of evidence supporting that contention has been submitted to any judicial authority.

We weren't the hordes of freaks burning down cities, injuring hundreds of police with firebombs, fireworks, rocks, frozen water bottles and other shit. We didn't do billions of dollars worth of damages or try and prosecutes people for defending themselves.

The criminal sociopath political whores you empower attempted to indict and impeach a great president with zero evidence, lies, and without due process or even legal standards.

You malignant diseased pieces of shit deserve the loathing and contempt most people have for you.

You couldn't travel far enough, create a machine to deliver enough force, or find a big enough dildo made of a dense enough substance to go fuck yourself hard enough with. I really can not find words vulgar enough to insult you with. We need the greatest minds in the science of linguistics to spend years developing them.

Just go eat a bag of rotten dicks for now you fuckin parasite, while I work on that.

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You imbecile....Scientific American is neither scientific nor American.

Your sort.....cultural Marxists, have taken over nearly every avenue of the dissemination of information.

This is the problem when your sort of totalitarians take control.

1. In the Soviet Union, science gave up its mission.....the collection of provable knowledge.....at the point of a gun. Under the other socialist entity, the Nazis, the same produced all sorts of 'knowledge' about Jews and other undesirables.
No guns were necessary here.


"This is the real cover, which reads like a joke....
offers the following gems, all straight from the world of Critical Race Theory, the most racist concept to hit America since the KKK was kicked to the basement:

  • From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter
  • How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
  • We'll Never Fix Systemic Racism by Being Polite
  • How to Unlearn Racism
  • How to Think about 'Implicit Bias'
  • The Flexibility of Racial Bias
  • Bias Detectives
  • Microaggressions: Death by a Thousand Cuts
  • George Floyd's Autopsy and the Structural Gaslighting of America (an article that required 12 people to fill the byline)
  • The Brilliance Paradox: What Really Keeps Women and Minorities from Excelling in Academia
  • Inequality before Birth Contributes to Health Inequality in Adults
  • The Harm That Data Do
  • Why Racism, Not Race, Is a Risk Factor for Dying of COVID-19
  • We Learned the Wrong Lessons from the Tuskegee 'Experiment'
  • To Prevent Women from Dying in Childbirth, First Stop Blaming Them
  • The Racist Roots of Fighting Obesity
  • A Civil Rights Expert Explains the Social Science of Police Racism
  • White Chicago Cops Use Force More Often Than Black Officers
  • Police Violence Calls for Measures beyond De-escalation Training
  • How Economic Inequality Harms the Environment
  • People of Color Breathe More Unhealthy Air from Nearly All Polluting Sources
  • Solar Power's Benefits Don't Shine Equally on Everyone
  • The Case for Antiracism
  • Implicit Biases toward Race and Sexuality Have Decreased
  • We Must Confront Anti-Asian Racism in Science
  • Take Racism Out of Medical Algorithms
  • Clinical Trials Have Far Too Little Racial and Ethnic Diversity
  • Three Ways to Fix Toxic Policing
  • What Neuroimaging Can Tell Us about Our Unconscious Biases
  • Racism and Sexism in Science Haven't Disappeared

3. This stuff is "science" in the same way the Nazis' racial theories about Jews and other undesirable races were "science." You can dress it up as much as you like in scientific language, but it's not going to work. The articles in this issue of Scientific American came straight from the college Critical Race Theory department and have only the most glancing contact with science.

4. John O'Sullivan's law holds (and I'm paraphrasing) that all institutions that aren't defiantly conservative invariably become leftist. That's because any institution that hires college graduates finds itself filled with people who were indoctrinated at Ground Zero for Marxism, all dressed up in the garb of race, sex, and sexual orientation.

5.... until we learn how to counter these leftist effluvia in popular culture and scientific literature, we are only going to go deeper and deeper into Marxism

Scientific American jumps the shark on racism

Ghenghis Gary, one of our wonderful American Thinker cartoonists, sent me a cartoon (reproduced at the bottom of this post) that was clearly meant to parody a Scientific American cover. I almost dismissed it out of hand...


“When a society descends into madness, the results are always devastating. Jung, who studied mass psychoses, wrote that the individuals who make up the affected society “become morally and spiritually inferior.” They become “unreasonable, irresponsible, emotional, erratic and unreliable.”

Worst of all, a psychotic mob will engage in atrocities that any solitary individual within the group would normally never consider. Yet through it all, those affected remain unaware of their condition and cannot recognize the error in their ways."

Mass Psychosis — How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill

When a society descends into madness, the results are always devastating.
Science denier. Got it. Any science that contradicts your ideology can't be real science.
Not always. One of the conservatives (ex-federal employee) who regularly posts here, sat on such an illegal gun possession case in Washington DC, where both the gun and the possession of it was illegal, and she voted them "not-guilty".
I presume there were extenuating circumstances.
On what? Don't you have a library card?
Yes, do you? It depends on how motivated I'm feeling to read what you suggest.

I might would already own it and not need a library card. I threw out a classic 1st edition about 3 weeks ago because it was

mangled. Some Russian author and publication in the US was very limited.

The book would have been worth some money intact.
Yes, do you? It depends on how motivated I'm feeling to read what you suggest.

I might would already own it and not need a library card. I threw out a classic 1st edition about 3 weeks ago because it was

mangled. Some Russian author and publication in the US was very limited.

The book would have been worth some money intact.
I have at least 4 library cards plus subscriptions to Amazon/Kindle, Audible, LibraVox, and a news site. I read stuff online a lot (USMB has me forever Googling stuff) and listen to audiobooks while I walk the dog. We don't have many books in the house, we generally prefer online access.

"D.C. City Council Goes Full Speed Ahead for New Soft-on-Crime Code

it give a jury trial for anyone charged with a misdemeanor, eliminates all mandatory minimum sentences except for first-degree murder, and expands the ability of people serving prison sentences to petition a judge for early release, according to DCist. The bill has been championed by Councilmember Charles Allen (D).

Other serious crimes that will have lesser penalties include burglary, robbery, carjacking, and illegally carrying a gun."

Democrats.....they're not on our side.

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