A Vote For Democrats Is Support For Criminals

By the way, you didn't answer the question.
Democrats always win handily in high crime areas, so, if you have a functioning brain, you know criminals vote for Democrats.
how many criminals in the ghetto vote? ZIP!

WE in the State of Maine allow felons to vote, even while in prison....

guess what? They don't vote! It's a rarity!
Yes. Train the children. Didn't a child recently save her mother's life because she knew how to handle a weapon?

Enemy democrats want us defenseless because they see criminals as their enforcement arm.
Wow! Now parents have to pack lunch AND heat? I wonder how many parents would want their children in your school system. Armed or not.
Sure, I got plenty. If your 'news' is telling you which party gets votes from violent criminals, how do they know? Did they provide a source or did they just feed your paranoia and ideology so you just swallowed it whole?
You got an answer but you're too much of a Liberal pussy to admit it.

Where does most random violence occur? Why, in MAGA Country!
And eliminating gun control laws will change that how?

This way, you imbecile:

1. It has been written over and over that the Democrat Party is the party of criminals. Every gun law they pass is aimed at disarming innocent citizens....can you name any gun laws that criminals obey????

They're not on our side: it couldn't be more clear than the bill the Democrats passed:

2. "Gov. Kathy Hochul will sign a new bill on Friday that gives more leniency for parolees and could mean the release of inmates locked up on technical parole violations, a spokesperson told The Post.

3. The signing of the “Less is More” Act comes as Rikers Island faces an ongoing crisis — and while Republicans continue to slam the measure, which they say comes amid a rise in crime in New York’s big cities.

4. The bill will remove reasons to put parolees back behind bars, remove technical parole violations like being late for an appointment, missing a curfew or finding alcohol or drugs in urine samples. And the act would speed up the timeframe to judicial review for any violations.

Once made law, it would grant time off parole sentences for good behavior.

5. “At what point are New York Democrats going to assist crime victims or keep dangerous people behind bars?” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R-Syracuse) said in a statement to The Post."

It has been written???? By whom???? Liars like you???? Where are the arrests, or the convictions.
It has been written???? By whom???? Liars like you???? Where are the arrests, or the convictions.

The best part of posts by lap dogs of the Democrats...you.....is that you prove that I never lie.

You call me a liar.....but can never seem to provide any such.

I should keep you on retainer.
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I guess I'm not since only an imbecile would be convinced by a picture of a book. I know you hate science and evidence but:

More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows
More firearms do not keep people safe, hard numbers show. Why do so many Americans believe the opposite?

Did you read the book?

Of course you didn't.....you're an imbecile.

"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."
The best part of posts by lap dogs of the Democrats...you.....is that you prove that I never lie.

You call me a liar.....but can never seem to provided any such.

I should keep you on retainer.

I have no interest in engaging in your dumb ass games. You post the most outrageous lies you can find to gin up outrage amongst the leftist posters on the board, just so you can amuse yourself by calling us names. All of your sources are fake news sites, or Russian propaganda outlets.

I'm just pointing out the obvious, but I long ceased to waste my time with you and your rubber room games. You have no interest in actual discussion, and no cognitive ability to do so.

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