A Trump Poem


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
So the world prepares for the Trump administration, and while critics warned that Trump was nothing more than a more 'world-savvy' version of Ross Perot, many feel that Trump has what it takes to spearhead America in this new geo-political environment of contract-related 'intrigue' (e.g., NATO, European Union, etc.).

Just imagine President Trump sitting in his den in the White House enjoying playing a video game of Captain America: Civil War and thinking about new age 'Iran policy.'

If Trump can accent his shrewd management-based fiscal policies with a more involved eco-experimentalism policy, there will be far fewer Dan Quayle jokes by the Democrats.

"Support Trump for Tree-Houses and Hydro-Electric Dams"

"Follow Trump on his Eco-Dianetics Mission"

Maya Angelou wrote the poem for Obama's inauguration. What poet wants to write Trump's?
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Toni Morrison wrote the poem for Obama's inauguration. What poet wants to write Trump's?
Are you going to concede or die with a corn cob up your ass? :p
What in the name of God are you on about now? You're drinking. Don't deny it.
Don't play coy with me, woman
Are YOU going to write the Inaugural poem?
I'm asking who. I don't know.
A corncob up my ass?
I probably should. Might be deplorable, but humorous, nonetheless.
Toni Morrison wrote the poem for Obama's inauguration. What poet wants to write Trump's?
Are you going to concede or die with a corn cob up your ass? :p
What in the name of God are you on about now? You're drinking. Don't deny it.
Don't play coy with me, woman
Are YOU going to write the Inaugural poem?
I'm asking who. I don't know.
A corncob up my ass?
I probably should. Might be deplorable, but humorous, nonetheless.

I'm not big on poetry. I'm not even sure if Toni Morrison wrote Obama's, tbh. Trump is just pretty hard to put on a pedestal, ya know?
It was Maya Angelou. I knew it was a woman who wrote books. Close but no cigar. Just for the record.
This is definitely the least political thread of the day. Maybe the week.

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