A Time to Face Reality-Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint




Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?

Can you get off of your dead stupid ass and look shitforbrains? They're all over the internet since Trump released the transcript.
Every transcript I read condemns Trump.

And that's why Trump hid those calls in a database usually ONLY used for top secret stuff. Trump tried to hide his political calls. He even tried hiding this Ukraine call. Why would he do that if it was a "perfect" call?
White House restricted access to Trump's calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince - CNNPolitics

This is similar to Hillary hiding/deleting emails. Trump is trying to hide the fact that he's breaking the law by playing politics with other world leaders. Stop playing stupid. This is bad. Very bad for Trump.

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?

Can you get off of your dead stupid ass and look shitforbrains? They're all over the internet since Trump released the transcript.

The White House acknowledged that administration officials directed the Ukraine call transcript be filed in a highly classified system, confirming allegations contained in the whistleblower complaint.

Now why would they hide that call in that system?

But the statement did not explain whether anyone else in the White House was part of the decision to put the Ukraine transcript in the more restrictive system. Nor did it delve into an accusation in the complaint that other phone call transcripts were handled in a similar fashion.
Like the call with Saudi's crown prince, the Ukraine transcript did not contain highly classified information to require such a move, raising questions about why the order was made.

The White House has not explained why it selectively put certain head of state calls into the codeword system, even when the content wasn't highly classified, such as the Ukraine call.

"In my experience you would never move a transcript to the code word system if it does not have any code word terms. If the president is classifying and declassifying stuff he doesn't want to get out, that is an abuse of power and abuse of the system," said Sam Vinograd, a CNN national security analyst who served on President Barack Obama's National Security Council and at the Treasury Department under President George W. Bush.
Three other former National Security Council officials said they were unaware of calls that did not contain highly sensitive national security materials being moved into another location.

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

Can you show us the transcripts that you think exonerate him?

Can you get off of your dead stupid ass and look shitforbrains? They're all over the internet since Trump released the transcript.

Trump allies concerned he doesn't understand gravity of impeachment fight

President Donald Trump and those close to him have lagged in mounting a viable defense nearly a week since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she would launch a formal impeachment inquiry.

Pelosi and her deputies have signaled they'll work quickly to depose key players in the Ukraine scandal, hoping for swift proceedings that won't spill into the 2020 election year. But Trump has been slow to cobble together a response, convinced he has no need for a separate impeachment team and confident in his own ability to counter-message Democrats, multiple sources close to the White House told CNN.
Six days after Pelosi's announcement, there is now a growing concern among the President's allies that he doesn't understand the implications of what lies ahead or how quickly it's moving.

Aside from the fervent tweeting, there were signs the White House would rely on its allies in Congress to defend the President as the impeachment inquiry heats up.
Yet the limits of that plan were apparent Sunday, as Republican lawmakers struggled to justify what Trump said to his Ukrainian counterpart during a July phone call. A whistleblower complaint alleges Trump abused his official powers "to solicit interference" from Ukraine on that call in the upcoming 2020 election, and that the White House took steps to cover it up.
Trump has denied doing anything improper, despite a transcript released by the White House showing he repeatedly pushed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden -- his potential 2020 political rival -- and his son, Hunter Biden.
There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden.

In interviews on Sunday talk shows, top GOP allies of the President repeated White House talking points -- or in the case of Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, appeared to be reading directly from a prepared script. In an appearance on CBS' "60 Minutes," House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy was challenged for regurgitating White House talking points, though he denied having received them.
Rep. Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, and CNN's Jake Tapper got into a contentious exchange Sunday on "State of the Union" after the lawmaker made false and misleading claims about the unfolding Ukraine drama.
The Sunday appearances did little to quell the furor around Trump's behavior.
While they were in front of cameras without a strong rebuttal, Trump privately resisted appeals for help. He has dismissed talks of forming an impeachment response team, raging that talk of bringing former aides back to help him projected weakness.
Last week, some of Trump's allies raised bringing in his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to spearhead a response team. The two men never discussed the idea directly, and talks fell apart after Trump grew angry that the discussions became public. White House aides now say it doesn't appear likely to happen.
And he has privately declared he doesn't need any more lawyers, even though several people have privately told him that his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, isn't helping him.

The fuming has caused some fractures within the Republican Party -- a problem for the White House, which has largely relied on Republicans in Congress and outside the administration to defend Trump, instead of internal administration officials.
GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, responding to Trump's tweet quoting a pastor warning of a "Civil War like fracture," wrote that language was "beyond repugnant."
"I have visited nations ravaged by civil war," he wrote. "I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President."
Trump's first homeland security adviser Tom Bossert, who was pushed out when John Bolton arrived as national security adviser, was the first former official to break with Trump on the nature of his call with Zelensky, saying he was "deeply disturbed" by the matter but cautioned that it was "far from proven" whether the President threatened to withhold military aid over it.
Still, Bossert painted a portrait of a President consumed by "debunked" conspiracy theories about Ukraine, warned over and over they were wrong, and still intent on pursuing them.
"At this point I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the President. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again," Bossert said on ABC's "This Week."

There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.

Why not?
Easy answer..the whistle-blower is active CIA. There are laws and procedures that govern such people. Preserving their identity might be in the National interest.

Or...at least they're sure going to say so. Can you refute them cogently?

Huh, yet you "people" had no trouble demanding the full transcript of the Mueller report even though it was against the law. How very enlightened of you. Oh yes, if your "CIA" guy/gal isn't a NOC they can indeed be revealed.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

Trump supporters and not Trump himself:

$50K reward offered to out Trump whistleblower

This will not stop the rabid left at all...
Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

Go ahead because when I try to read it the font was to small...
Here you go. I know it's CNN but the print is big enough to read.
READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

No, it is not large enough to read on my phone and IM2 being a smart ass thinking it is funny should know Trump is not being removed so what will IM2 do after being shown this?

Most likely go into a rant about how Republicans are racists...
You need to get on a computer and read the damned documents, Bruce, before you argue about them. I don't know where you're getting your talking points, but a few of them aren't accurate. I tried to help, but it's up to you to get informed.

First off Old lady fuck you because you and the left are full of shit!

The information the whistleblower got was not first hand information and you damn well know it but as a partisan whore you are you claim it is as usual.

I wrote those speaking to the Whistleblower should be brought to Congress, so are you on the left going to say that all the information the whistleblower got was firsthand?

If so show the evidence because like with the favor you are confusing the whistleblower as having firsthand knowledge which they never did.

Maybe you and the left should stop sucking MSNBC dick and accepting the spin and learn to fucking read!

So again the whistleblower information is actually second and thirdhand information and those that were speaking to the whistleblower need to be brought to congress to confirm the information is true or a lie.

Now bitch do you understand that or will you tell me to get on the computer and read the complaint when you damn fucking well know the whistleblower complaint is based on information from other sources and not from what they saw themselves!

Why must all of you on all sides spin the story to fit your lying agendas?

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

The news reported both the transcript and their analysis

Maybe the Republican party should hire one of these USMB Republicans to go on 60 minutes because Kevin McCarthy did a horrible job defending Trump last night.

Trying to defend Trump, GOP leader caught off guard by reality

Last night, the House Minority Leader appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes to defend the president against the Ukraine scandal, but McCarthy appeared lost when Scott Pelley presented him with basic factual information.

PELLEY: What do you make of this exchange? President Zelensky says, “We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.” And President Trump replies, “I would like you to do us a favor though.”

MCCARTHY: You just added another word.

PELLEY: No, it’s in the transcript.

MCCARTHY: He said- “I’d like you to do a favor though”?

PELLEY: Yes, it’s in the White House transcript.

At the bottom of page two of the call summary, released by the White House, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is quoted talking about how eager his country is to receive additional military support from the United States. The very next words out of the American president’s mouth, according to the document, are, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.”

I don’t understand why McCarthy didn’t know that. In fact, when the House GOP leader was presented with the now-infamous quote, he reflexively assumed that the CBS News correspondent was engaged in a public deception, “adding another word.”

To put this in some additional context, McCarthy knew he was going on 60 Minutes. He knew the topic. He and his staff had time to prepare for basic questions about obvious details – such as the single most controversial phrase in the rough transcript that created a political earthquake the moment it was released. It’s only 10 words; it stands to reason McCarthy would’ve familiarized himself with it before his national television appearance.

But House Republicans don’t appear to be sending us their best.

Too often, GOP officials rely exclusively on conservative media, which filters out accurate information Republicans really ought to know. Then, when the cocoon is punctured, and folks like McCarthy are exposed to details the rest of us already know, they’re incredulous.

“Wait a second,” the House Minority Leader seemed to say last night, “you mean there’s evidence of the American president telling his Ukrainian counterpart, ‘I would like you to do us a favor, though’ in the context of a conversation about military aid?”

Well, yes. It’s in the document McCarthy probably should’ve read before going on 60 Minutes. Maybe after learning a bit more about reality, the House Republican leader will reconsider the scandal through fresh eyes?

You and the other crap swallowing lefties here should get an education. There is a treaty in place between the US and Ukraine (put in by a Democrat) to weed out corruption and investigate it. Your case is done. Period. End of book. No amount of crying or spinning changes that. Enjoy 5 more years of Trump.
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump
A $50,000 bounty? The "news" on this says "certain individuals" have offered that. One article says the whistleblower is in the Witness Protection program. lol Don't fall for same horseshit the other side is falling for, Sealy. I'm totally sick of the unfounded rumors on both sides of this "scandal."

No you are not sick of the left unfounded shit and you write nonsense all the time attacking Barron Trump and Donald Trump family.

You are as much of a troll as all the rest you lying hypocrite!
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.

Holy shit!

Good to know, so someone with no firsthand knowledge made the complaint based off of second and thirdhand conversations...

Your answer is who cares as long as Trump is impeached because I hate him...

Show in the transcript where Trump directly asked for the favor to be on Biden and his Son and let see if you can be totally honest here?
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

Trump supporters and not Trump himself:

$50K reward offered to out Trump whistleblower

This will not stop the rabid left at all...
Just a stunt by some clowns.
Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

Trump supporters and not Trump himself:

$50K reward offered to out Trump whistleblower

This will not stop the rabid left at all...
Just a stunt by some clowns.

But as usual the left will blame Trump and then scream it is evidence he is tampering with a witness so Impeach, Convict and hang all that oppose us...

I know that sound radical but fuck some on here want justice no matter if it is obtained correctly or not...
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

alleged criminal Jacob Wohl and conspiracy loon Jack Burkman, the Laurel and Hardy of conservative grifters....the pair resurfaced today to put a $50,000 dollar bounty on information related to the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint to Congress over President Donald Trump’s interactions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spurred an impeachment effort by House Democrats.

“This individual is key to understanding exactly what happened and how we can move forward,” Burkman said in a statement to the conservative Washington Examiner on Thursday. “We’ve put forth this reward in hopes of bringing more information to light and putting this dark chapter behind us.”

Trump suggested the whistleblower and their sources be executed for treason, telling a group of diplomats and their families at a breakfast event that: “I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

While little is known about the identity of the whistleblower at this point, the New York Times reported they are a CIA officer who was assigned to the White House.

Soooooo full of shit

Donald Trump: Impeachment Good for My Reelection, Bad for the Country

Impeachment good for the country, bad for him.

Republicans want to act like we don't have the smoking gun that proves Trump did collude with Russia. And 2 days after he got away with colluding with Russia, he went right to strong arming a 3rd world shithole to make up dirt on his political opponent like the crime boss he is

The news reported both the transcript and their analysis

Maybe the Republican party should hire one of these USMB Republicans to go on 60 minutes because Kevin McCarthy did a horrible job defending Trump last night.

Trying to defend Trump, GOP leader caught off guard by reality

Last night, the House Minority Leader appeared on CBS’ 60 Minutes to defend the president against the Ukraine scandal, but McCarthy appeared lost when Scott Pelley presented him with basic factual information.

PELLEY: What do you make of this exchange? President Zelensky says, “We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.” And President Trump replies, “I would like you to do us a favor though.”

MCCARTHY: You just added another word.

PELLEY: No, it’s in the transcript.

MCCARTHY: He said- “I’d like you to do a favor though”?

PELLEY: Yes, it’s in the White House transcript.

At the bottom of page two of the call summary, released by the White House, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is quoted talking about how eager his country is to receive additional military support from the United States. The very next words out of the American president’s mouth, according to the document, are, “I would like you to do us a favor, though.”

I don’t understand why McCarthy didn’t know that. In fact, when the House GOP leader was presented with the now-infamous quote, he reflexively assumed that the CBS News correspondent was engaged in a public deception, “adding another word.”

To put this in some additional context, McCarthy knew he was going on 60 Minutes. He knew the topic. He and his staff had time to prepare for basic questions about obvious details – such as the single most controversial phrase in the rough transcript that created a political earthquake the moment it was released. It’s only 10 words; it stands to reason McCarthy would’ve familiarized himself with it before his national television appearance.

But House Republicans don’t appear to be sending us their best.

Too often, GOP officials rely exclusively on conservative media, which filters out accurate information Republicans really ought to know. Then, when the cocoon is punctured, and folks like McCarthy are exposed to details the rest of us already know, they’re incredulous.

“Wait a second,” the House Minority Leader seemed to say last night, “you mean there’s evidence of the American president telling his Ukrainian counterpart, ‘I would like you to do us a favor, though’ in the context of a conversation about military aid?”

Well, yes. It’s in the document McCarthy probably should’ve read before going on 60 Minutes. Maybe after learning a bit more about reality, the House Republican leader will reconsider the scandal through fresh eyes?

You and the other crap swallowing lefties here should get an education. There is a treaty in place between the US and Ukraine (put in by a Democrat) to weed out corruption and investigate it. Your case is done. Period. End of book. No amount of crying or spinning changes that. Enjoy 5 more years of Trump.

That's your argument? It's bad.
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

alleged criminal Jacob Wohl and conspiracy loon Jack Burkman, the Laurel and Hardy of conservative grifters....the pair resurfaced today to put a $50,000 dollar bounty on information related to the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint to Congress over President Donald Trump’s interactions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spurred an impeachment effort by House Democrats.

“This individual is key to understanding exactly what happened and how we can move forward,” Burkman said in a statement to the conservative Washington Examiner on Thursday. “We’ve put forth this reward in hopes of bringing more information to light and putting this dark chapter behind us.”

Trump suggested the whistleblower and their sources be executed for treason, telling a group of diplomats and their families at a breakfast event that: “I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

While little is known about the identity of the whistleblower at this point, the New York Times reported they are a CIA officer who was assigned to the White House.

Trump did not put the 50k reward up as you were trying to spin.

He did compare the whistleblower to a spy and should be killed for treason which Trump is wrong and should held accountable for his words on the matter...
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.

Holy shit!

Good to know, so someone with no firsthand knowledge made the complaint based off of second and thirdhand conversations...

Your answer is who cares as long as Trump is impeached because I hate him...

Show in the transcript where Trump directly asked for the favor to be on Biden and his Son and let see if you can be totally honest here?

Who cares who exposed Trump for

a. Trying to pressure a foreign president to make dirt up about his political opponent
b. Try to cover it up by hiding the transcripts in a place meant for only top secret national security shit

This is classic mafia shit. Someone snitches and all the mafia bosses care about is who is the rat. They never want to talk about the crimes they committed. They're more mad at the rat.

Trump got busted. I like it that there is a spy in the White House telling on them when they break the law.

Remember when Trump said

Trump: I'll choose the best people for my administration

Really Don? Because everyone has either quit, been fired or been arrested or is a rat.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
Adam Schiff. LMAO. Why do people listen to this piece of shit, who used to party with Homo Rapist and Drug Addict Ed Buck?
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.

Holy shit!

Good to know, so someone with no firsthand knowledge made the complaint based off of second and thirdhand conversations...

Your answer is who cares as long as Trump is impeached because I hate him...

Show in the transcript where Trump directly asked for the favor to be on Biden and his Son and let see if you can be totally honest here?

Who cares who exposed Trump for

a. Trying to pressure a foreign president to make dirt up about his political opponent
b. Try to cover it up by hiding the transcripts in a place meant for only top secret national security shit

This is classic mafia shit. Someone snitches and all the mafia bosses care about is who is the rat. They never want to talk about the crimes they committed. They're more mad at the rat.

Trump got busted. I like it that there is a spy in the White House telling on them when they break the law.

Remember when Trump said

Trump: I'll choose the best people for my administration

Really Don? Because everyone has either quit, been fired or been arrested or is a rat.

1. You wrote in another post that Donald Trump put up 50k for the snitch name and it was another two people and not him.

It is those like you and old lady that enjoy making stuff up daily while screaming " who cares where the information came from " ...

So it was not Trump that offered the 50k for the name.

2. In the transcript the favor was for crowdstrike and not Biden.

Yes Biden name did come up a little time later when discussing Biden role in the firing of the Ukrainian Prosecutor which Biden gleefully admitted he had a hand in.

Was Biden name in the conversation?


Was the favor to dig dirt up on him?

Unless you can show me where Trump stated he wanted another favor then no.

3. Whistleblower account is from other sources so yes they must come forward and support the whistleblower accusations, and it make me wonder why do you want them to stay in the shadows?

You are acting like a Stalinist with your dirty little spies everywhere and keep them hidden from Congress for some reason...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

alleged criminal Jacob Wohl and conspiracy loon Jack Burkman, the Laurel and Hardy of conservative grifters....the pair resurfaced today to put a $50,000 dollar bounty on information related to the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint to Congress over President Donald Trump’s interactions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spurred an impeachment effort by House Democrats.

“This individual is key to understanding exactly what happened and how we can move forward,” Burkman said in a statement to the conservative Washington Examiner on Thursday. “We’ve put forth this reward in hopes of bringing more information to light and putting this dark chapter behind us.”

Trump suggested the whistleblower and their sources be executed for treason, telling a group of diplomats and their families at a breakfast event that: “I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

While little is known about the identity of the whistleblower at this point, the New York Times reported they are a CIA officer who was assigned to the White House.

That's quite a reach, even for a slimey partisan hack like you, Sorry. Trump had nothing to do with it.
Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Why does it matter who made the complaint? Trump will have plenty of time to face his "accusers," the Congress.
And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

This is not like the bs Clinton impeachment. Most Americans want trump held accountable.

Anyone saying don’t impeach is a trump supporter or they are listening to the corporate media.

The deep state media supports trump

"There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her."

You can of course prove this?

alleged criminal Jacob Wohl and conspiracy loon Jack Burkman, the Laurel and Hardy of conservative grifters....the pair resurfaced today to put a $50,000 dollar bounty on information related to the identity of the whistleblower whose complaint to Congress over President Donald Trump’s interactions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spurred an impeachment effort by House Democrats.

“This individual is key to understanding exactly what happened and how we can move forward,” Burkman said in a statement to the conservative Washington Examiner on Thursday. “We’ve put forth this reward in hopes of bringing more information to light and putting this dark chapter behind us.”

Trump suggested the whistleblower and their sources be executed for treason, telling a group of diplomats and their families at a breakfast event that: “I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

While little is known about the identity of the whistleblower at this point, the New York Times reported they are a CIA officer who was assigned to the White House.

Trump did not put the 50k reward up as you were trying to spin.

He did compare the whistleblower to a spy and should be killed for treason which Trump is wrong and should held accountable for his words on the matter...

If I were a Republican, here is how I would argue back with you. You claim that I tried to suggest Trump put the $50K on the whistleblowers head. But lets read back my transcripts

And trump literally threatened the whistle blower. There’s a $50,000 bounty on him or her.

I said two different things. Trump threatened the whistleblower. PERIOD STOP. Then I said There is a $50K bounty on the whistleblower. Completely different sentence. I never said Trump put the bounty out there.

See, this is how you guys are reading the transcripts between Trump and the Ukraine President. You're trying like hell to suggest Trump's subtle shakedown and intimidation tactics are not because he wasn't overt with his threats.

Interesting you can see when I'm spinning but you pretend to be ignorant to Trump's spin.

Stop it. Ya busted. Now you just have to hope this doesn't hurt Trump's re election chances.

Oh, and what else will come out of all this. It's only just begun.

And I think Trump thought he could get away with doing this because he just got away with the Russia thing. The Democrats wouldn't dare open up another investigation, would they?

Fuck yea they will. If you break the law they aren't going to turn a blind eye.

Most Americans Want Trump Gone, But Not By Impeachment
A new poll shows that most Americans want President Trump out of office

And I don't buy this. They may not want him thrown out of office impeached but why not impeach him in the House. Don't have it take too long or cost too much but impeach him for what he has done. It's like hitting a speeder for a 5 mile an hour over ticket when you know he goes 100 all the time. He needs that first blemish on his record. As corrupt as he is, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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