CDZ A thought on armed teachers - how we could make it work

So when teachers have to spend money out of their own pocket at virtually EVERY school, so the kids will have what they need, the answer is "No!". But when it comes to spending lots of money to arm teachers for a relatively rare occurrance, somehow the money is there?

Will these retired military "teachers" be able to teach? People spend years learning to do it, and the test scores are still slipping. People with no experience will be able to do the job?

We spend a lot on education. Where is the money going?
Books for textbook publishing companies have quite the scam going.

Books? What are those? :D

Our state hasn't bought textbooks in about a decade!
This is probably the only viable solution.

Just like Air Marhsalls on planes. It's a rock solid deterrence. Times have changed. we need to change to meet them.

Heck, I would bet you a dime to a dollar that if this plan was enacted....these killings would diminish even if not ONE single educator in the nation actually carried concealed because of DETERRENCE.

It's the deterrence of knowing your little killing rampage could be cut short by a teacher's 9mm shot between your eyes that will make you think twice. Now imagine if you thought 5 or 6 teachers per school were carrying concealed.

People have to stop being so cowardly and hoplophobic.

People routinely brought loaded guns into schools for the first 150 years of our nations history and in that 150 years there no known incidents of mass shootings.

All these frail, chicken snowflakes are making a gay fairyland of weak hysterical freaks out of this nation..

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My wife is a public school teacher - 21 years in

one of her co-workers is retired military, Air Force Major

my thought - EVERY public school should have one ex military officer for every 100 - 150 kids enrolled

these teachers would be specially licensed to carry a firearm at the school

this would be in addition to the SRO (School Resource Officer) & would provide backup and added protection; the SRO would be the "point man" and be "in charge" in an emergency situation

so - a school with 500 students would have an SRO (real police officer) and FIVE trained and armed teachers for protection and emergency situations - for a total of 6 people trained and armed to secure the school

these ex military teachers (could also be retired police, or similar field) would receive an additional $5,000 - $10,000 per year for their added responsibility (that works out to $250 - $500 a month in pay - seems fair) and would be responsible to attend training and anti terrorism instructions at least once a quarter - all of them get together and run training exorcises and study and practice best hiding places for students; best modes of exit, etc)

I could easily see a state like Alabama or Louisiana piloting and testing a system like this & I also think it would work - IE reduce the number of shootings/incidents; because the knowledge of the added security would serve as a deterrent - would make schools less of a soft target

many schools already have ex military on staff that could already participate

what do y'all think of that?

One does not have to be ex-military or a former policeman to be competent to handle a firearm. All is needed is a little training for those that need it. But this and of itself is not going to solve the problem.............a three pronged approach is needed..........1. Force Schools to deal with bullies.......a major source of motivation for school shooters....they have been or are being bullied and the school does not deal with it. 2. Make sure mentally ill people cannot legally obtain weapons. 3. Arm the teachers and school administrators.

I disagree on a "little" training for armed teachers
Dealing with an active shooter is a difficult situation. Many cops can't handle it
There needs to be serious training and strict rules of engagement before we allow armed teachers
No matter how many times you are told that you cannot be trained for being shot at you keep repeating the same ignorant bullshit. Why is that? You don't want to keep killers out of schools do you? All you can do is try to keep your wits about you and shoot back. If someone has a gun in a school and is killing people or trying to, that should enough for even the most simple minded fool to know they are the threat and to shoot them.

Cops are trained all the time
Active shooter is an extremely stressful situation. Expecting untrained teachers to react correctly and not do more damage is unreasonable

Ridiculous idea....people have an innate sense of self defense and if they have the means they will do what is required. Also...we are calling for the teachers to be trained. Let me ax you a question........if you are in a schoolroom and some nutcase with a weapon is coming down the hallway headed for your classroom....would you rather rely on hiding under your desk and calling 911 or would you rather have your teacher armed and ready to respond to the threat? Under which scenario would you think you have a better chance of surviving.
I have already said I was OK with trained teachers or school personnel being armed

I am just pointing out that this is not the movies and expecting a teacher to take on an assailant armed with an AR-15 is asking a lot of an Alegebra teacher
I have already said I was OK with trained teachers or school personnel being armed
I am just pointing out that this is not the movies and expecting a teacher to take on an assailant armed with an AR-15 is asking a lot of an Alegebra teacher

These killings do not always involve an AR15....that's overactive leftist imagination.
It's the not knowing which teacher may or may not shoot back that provides the greatest deterrence.
My wife is a public school teacher - 21 years in

one of her co-workers is retired military, Air Force Major

my thought - EVERY public school should have one ex military officer for every 100 - 150 kids enrolled

these teachers would be specially licensed to carry a firearm at the school

this would be in addition to the SRO (School Resource Officer) & would provide backup and added protection; the SRO would be the "point man" and be "in charge" in an emergency situation

so - a school with 500 students would have an SRO (real police officer) and FIVE trained and armed teachers for protection and emergency situations - for a total of 6 people trained and armed to secure the school

these ex military teachers (could also be retired police, or similar field) would receive an additional $5,000 - $10,000 per year for their added responsibility (that works out to $250 - $500 a month in pay - seems fair) and would be responsible to attend training and anti terrorism instructions at least once a quarter - all of them get together and run training exorcises and study and practice best hiding places for students; best modes of exit, etc)

I could easily see a state like Alabama or Louisiana piloting and testing a system like this & I also think it would work - IE reduce the number of shootings/incidents; because the knowledge of the added security would serve as a deterrent - would make schools less of a soft target

many schools already have ex military on staff that could already participate

what do y'all think of that?

One does not have to be ex-military or a former policeman to be competent to handle a firearm. All is needed is a little training for those that need it. But this and of itself is not going to solve the problem.............a three pronged approach is needed..........1. Force Schools to deal with bullies.......a major source of motivation for school shooters....they have been or are being bullied and the school does not deal with it. 2. Make sure mentally ill people cannot legally obtain weapons. 3. Arm the teachers and school administrators.

I disagree on a "little" training for armed teachers
Dealing with an active shooter is a difficult situation. Many cops can't handle it
There needs to be serious training and strict rules of engagement before we allow armed teachers
No matter how many times you are told that you cannot be trained for being shot at you keep repeating the same ignorant bullshit. Why is that? You don't want to keep killers out of schools do you? All you can do is try to keep your wits about you and shoot back. If someone has a gun in a school and is killing people or trying to, that should enough for even the most simple minded fool to know they are the threat and to shoot them.

Cops are trained all the time
Active shooter is an extremely stressful situation. Expecting untrained teachers to react correctly and not do more damage is unreasonable

It is really not that complicated though you are attempting to make it complicated. Let me illustrate..............a teacher trained in the use of a firearm and has one in a holster on his hip is teaching class....he hears gunfire. He then puts into a place a drill practiced like kids practice with a fire this case we could call it a 'shooter alarm'...the teacher barricades the door as quickly as possible...thes would have been previously practiced many times...........directs the kids to a part of the room farthest from the door...positions himself between the door and his kids......perhaps using his desk as cover...has his weapon ready to fire if the shooter is able to get through the door. Not complicated at all. Just simple self defense....and the more training the better. If schools have fire alarms why not 'shooter alarms' to make sure everyone knows what to do and can do it quickly.
I have no problem with that scenario

I do have issues with those expecting Die Hard
I can't see any value in it all. Stop worrying about all the control freak bullshit and just let the teachers who want to carry, carry. Problem solved. Not one of these retarded lib freaks has came with anything that will stop it except the tired and worn out taking more guns away from people who had nothing to do with it.

Take a deep breath there, Mike. You will feel better soon.
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

Wow....that lie is already two days less than the Washington Post debunked that lie...along with all the other places that showed that Everytown for Gun Safety are liars....
America averages about one school shooting each week, report says

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

The shooting in KY was the first fatalities in school shootings that were not self-inflicted. I know of 2 actual school shootings (of the type we are discussing). While both are tragic, including a suicide by a 35 year old man in an empty parking lot, or 2 gangbangers shooting at each other are not the issue being discussed.

An armed shooter trying to kill as many as possible? There have been 2 in 2018.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

It is at least accurate.

And just as an FYI, school shootings like the one we are discussing account for around 1% to 2% of the average annual gun murders in the US. There is always a huge reaction to the 1% to 2%, but the other 98% to 99% seem to be acceptable?
If you can't protect the children of your country, you live in a bankrupt state. What will be good for the children will also be good for everyone else.

Norway didn't protect their children...over 80 murdered by their mass shooter, dittos Russia, the Brezlan attack.....
It happened once in Norway. All the time in US. So you want us to be like Russia?
I can't see any value in it all. Stop worrying about all the control freak bullshit and just let the teachers who want to carry, carry. Problem solved. Not one of these retarded lib freaks has came with anything that will stop it except the tired and worn out taking more guns away from people who had nothing to do with it.

Take a deep breath there, Mike. You will feel better soon.
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

That stat is a lie. It has been disproven.

A guy shooting out a parked school bus window with a pellet gun is not a school shooting. Neither is a suicide in a parked car on school grounds after the school is empty. Did you know that is the kind of crap you are spouting?
So tell us the exact figure and why you're ok with that. :popcorn:
Take a deep breath there, Mike. You will feel better soon.
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

That number is also largely propaganda, and has little to do with the actual school shootings we are discussing. When the list was published after the Kentucky school shooting, it included so bogus additions to the list. At least 2 of them were suicides by students. The fact that they used a gun was incidental. They would have done it anyway. One of the "school shootings" on that list is a pellet gun shooting of a school bus window. And one of the "school shootings" was a 30something year old man who committed suicide in the parking lot of an empty school. But the fact that he used a gun in an empty school parking lot makes it the same as some lunatic killing 12 or 17 kids? No. This kind of smear propaganda does no one any good.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

There have actually been about 3. One in KY that killed two, one in Texas that killed one, and then the Florida shootings. There may be one or two more, but I don't recall them.
And that's ok to you to not do anything to try to stop the next one? Just curious, do you have a mental illness of some kind?
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

That number is also largely propaganda, and has little to do with the actual school shootings we are discussing. When the list was published after the Kentucky school shooting, it included so bogus additions to the list. At least 2 of them were suicides by students. The fact that they used a gun was incidental. They would have done it anyway. One of the "school shootings" on that list is a pellet gun shooting of a school bus window. And one of the "school shootings" was a 30something year old man who committed suicide in the parking lot of an empty school. But the fact that he used a gun in an empty school parking lot makes it the same as some lunatic killing 12 or 17 kids? No. This kind of smear propaganda does no one any good.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

The shooting in KY was the first fatalities in school shootings that were not self-inflicted. I know of 2 actual school shootings (of the type we are discussing). While both are tragic, including a suicide by a 35 year old man in an empty parking lot, or 2 gangbangers shooting at each other are not the issue being discussed.

An armed shooter trying to kill as many as possible? There have been 2 in 2018.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

It's better than the whacked out source that everyone has been quoting as being 18 so far this year.
So you're ok with whatever lower number it is?
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

That number is also largely propaganda, and has little to do with the actual school shootings we are discussing. When the list was published after the Kentucky school shooting, it included so bogus additions to the list. At least 2 of them were suicides by students. The fact that they used a gun was incidental. They would have done it anyway. One of the "school shootings" on that list is a pellet gun shooting of a school bus window. And one of the "school shootings" was a 30something year old man who committed suicide in the parking lot of an empty school. But the fact that he used a gun in an empty school parking lot makes it the same as some lunatic killing 12 or 17 kids? No. This kind of smear propaganda does no one any good.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

There have actually been about 3. One in KY that killed two, one in Texas that killed one, and then the Florida shootings. There may be one or two more, but I don't recall them.
And that's ok to you to not do anything to try to stop the next one? Just curious, do you have a mental illness of some kind?
What "anything" do you propose that wills stop it? Of course you can't answer that or it'll be something along the lines of taking more guns away from people who didn't do it, or more useless laws. So what do you got that will stop it?
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

That number is also largely propaganda, and has little to do with the actual school shootings we are discussing. When the list was published after the Kentucky school shooting, it included so bogus additions to the list. At least 2 of them were suicides by students. The fact that they used a gun was incidental. They would have done it anyway. One of the "school shootings" on that list is a pellet gun shooting of a school bus window. And one of the "school shootings" was a 30something year old man who committed suicide in the parking lot of an empty school. But the fact that he used a gun in an empty school parking lot makes it the same as some lunatic killing 12 or 17 kids? No. This kind of smear propaganda does no one any good.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

There have actually been about 3. One in KY that killed two, one in Texas that killed one, and then the Florida shootings. There may be one or two more, but I don't recall them.
And that's ok to you to not do anything to try to stop the next one? Just curious, do you have a mental illness of some kind?
What "anything" do you propose that wills stop it? Of course you can't answer that or it'll be something along the lines of taking more guns away from people who didn't do it, or more useless laws. So what do you got that will stop it?
Arm all the children. Shooters won't go near schools.
I can't see any value in it all. Stop worrying about all the control freak bullshit and just let the teachers who want to carry, carry. Problem solved. Not one of these retarded lib freaks has came with anything that will stop it except the tired and worn out taking more guns away from people who had nothing to do with it.

Take a deep breath there, Mike. You will feel better soon.
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

Wow....that lie is already two days less than the Washington Post debunked that lie...along with all the other places that showed that Everytown for Gun Safety are liars....
America averages about one school shooting each week, report says
Report is smoke and mirrors. I notice you flapping your mouth a lot but haven't seen any proposal to stop the shootings?
That number is also largely propaganda, and has little to do with the actual school shootings we are discussing. When the list was published after the Kentucky school shooting, it included so bogus additions to the list. At least 2 of them were suicides by students. The fact that they used a gun was incidental. They would have done it anyway. One of the "school shootings" on that list is a pellet gun shooting of a school bus window. And one of the "school shootings" was a 30something year old man who committed suicide in the parking lot of an empty school. But the fact that he used a gun in an empty school parking lot makes it the same as some lunatic killing 12 or 17 kids? No. This kind of smear propaganda does no one any good.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

There have actually been about 3. One in KY that killed two, one in Texas that killed one, and then the Florida shootings. There may be one or two more, but I don't recall them.
And that's ok to you to not do anything to try to stop the next one? Just curious, do you have a mental illness of some kind?
What "anything" do you propose that wills stop it? Of course you can't answer that or it'll be something along the lines of taking more guns away from people who didn't do it, or more useless laws. So what do you got that will stop it?
Arm all the children. Shooters won't go near schools.
So a clown reply, classic.
I can't see any value in it all. Stop worrying about all the control freak bullshit and just let the teachers who want to carry, carry. Problem solved. Not one of these retarded lib freaks has came with anything that will stop it except the tired and worn out taking more guns away from people who had nothing to do with it.

Take a deep breath there, Mike. You will feel better soon.
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

Wow....that lie is already two days less than the Washington Post debunked that lie...along with all the other places that showed that Everytown for Gun Safety are liars....
America averages about one school shooting each week, report says

That is the report that was pure bunk!
Take a deep breath there, Mike. You will feel better soon.
I don't feel bad at all. All these people all over wringing their hands and proposing all these "solutions" and coming up with all kind of schemes is ridiculous. Not talking about the OP, just in general. All these pricks want is eventual gun removal which will make crime skyrocket.
There have been 18 school shootings SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!!!!! 6 WEEKS!!!!! But doing nothing is ok?

Wow....that lie is already two days less than the Washington Post debunked that lie...along with all the other places that showed that Everytown for Gun Safety are liars....
America averages about one school shooting each week, report says
Report is smoke and mirrors. I notice you flapping your mouth a lot but haven't seen any proposal to stop the shootings?
Arm all the children, nobody will ever go near a school again.

Is that better somehow? :biggrin:

There have actually been about 3. One in KY that killed two, one in Texas that killed one, and then the Florida shootings. There may be one or two more, but I don't recall them.
And that's ok to you to not do anything to try to stop the next one? Just curious, do you have a mental illness of some kind?
What "anything" do you propose that wills stop it? Of course you can't answer that or it'll be something along the lines of taking more guns away from people who didn't do it, or more useless laws. So what do you got that will stop it?
Arm all the children. Shooters won't go near schools.
So a clown reply, classic.
How so? And what's YOUR solution?
There have actually been about 3. One in KY that killed two, one in Texas that killed one, and then the Florida shootings. There may be one or two more, but I don't recall them.
And that's ok to you to not do anything to try to stop the next one? Just curious, do you have a mental illness of some kind?
What "anything" do you propose that wills stop it? Of course you can't answer that or it'll be something along the lines of taking more guns away from people who didn't do it, or more useless laws. So what do you got that will stop it?
Arm all the children. Shooters won't go near schools.
So a clown reply, classic.
How so? And what's YOUR solution?
I know you are just trolling like you scum all do, but my solution is get rid of the gun free murder zones that guarantee piles of dead kids. I'm sure some teachers or staff would want to carry a pistol in the school and when they start killing some of these butchers, mass shooting will dramatically drop. No laws will stop this madness. You see, the schools are already gun free zones so no one can bring a gun in a school right? And then we have a law making murder against the law so no one can be murdered right? So it's pretty clear these maniacs do not obey laws do they? And then the only thing I have heard put forth from the hand wringing crowd is that "something" must be done. Usually the "something" always involves taking guns away from people who had nothing to do with the murders.
Usually the "something" always involves taking guns away from people who had nothing to do with the murders.
Like you're trying to take guns away from children? Is it because you hate children that you want to infringe on their 2nd Amendment right?
Usually the "something" always involves taking guns away from people who had nothing to do with the murders.
Like you're trying to take guns away from children? Is it because you hate children that you want to infringe on their 2nd Amendment right?
Like I said, you are just a sorry troll, with nothing to offer.

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