A Tenth of a Billion Dollars*

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
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*How much the Clintons made over the last eight years.

Nice work.

So, obviously, this raises a lot of issues. I've got my favorites, like: Hillary says "but we didn't ask for Bush's tax cut," and Mrs. Joyce rightly points out that most of us who DON'T make as much as the Clintons COULD USE that cut. And so on.
*How much the Clintons made over the last eight years.

Nice work.

So, obviously, this raises a lot of issues. I've got my favorites, like: Hillary says "but we didn't ask for Bush's tax cut," and Mrs. Joyce rightly points out that most of us who DON'T make as much as the Clintons COULD USE that cut. And so on.

Ok...So I am not so good at math but doesnt that break down to around just over 13 million a year? What the hell did they do to earn that?!?!?!?!
Bill must be out selling his ass, or maybe they're pimping Chelsea. Sure as hell not getting any money for Hillary......
Bill must be out selling his ass, or maybe they're pimping Chelsea. Sure as hell not getting any money for Hillary......

ummmmm, let's see...they paid over 3o million in taxes and donated another 10.5 million to charity out of that money.... I'd say they pay well over their fair share in taxes and 10% in Charity and it doesn't look like they took advantage on any tax loopholes or the bush tax cut....paying around 33% of their gorss in taxes during the same period, whereas Teressa hines kerry only ended up paying 20% in income taxes which showed up when she had to show her income tax statments when Kerry was running....

it is still a heck of alot of money imo!

Till you look at something like this:

Exxon is giving Lee Raymond one of the most generous retirement packages in history, nearly $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks, such as a $1 million consulting deal, two years of home security, personal security, a car and driver, and use of a corporate jet for professional purposes.

Last November, when he was still chairman of Exxon, Raymond told Congress that gas prices were high because of global supply and demand.

"We're all in this together, everywhere in the world," he testified.

Raymond, however, was confronted with caustic complaints about his compensation.

"In 2004, Mr. Raymond, your bonus was over $3.6 million," Sen. Barbara Boxer said.

That was before new corporate documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that revealed Raymond's retirement deal and his $51.1 million paycheck in 2005. That's equivalent to $141,000 a day, nearly $6,000 an hour. It's almost more than five times what the CEO of Chevron made.

This person was paid $51 million in ONE year, let alone 10 years, and got a $400 million dollar retirement package....


ummmmm, let's see...they paid over 3o million in taxes and donated another 10.5 million to charity out of that money.... I'd say they pay well over their fair share in taxes and 10% in Charity and it doesn't look like they took advantage on any tax loopholes or the bush tax cut....paying around 33% of their gorss in taxes during the same period, whereas Teressa hines kerry only ended up paying 20% in income taxes which showed up when she had to show her income tax statments when Kerry was running....

it is still a heck of alot of money imo!

Till you look at something like this:

This type of arguement is freaking hillarious, someone makes a ton of money through the free market system. Because they made a ton of money they must have obtained it through sinister means and should be penalized through higher taxes. Lmao:rofl:
Bill must be out selling his ass, or maybe they're pimping Chelsea. Sure as hell not getting any money for Hillary......

You should try that too, let us know how you make out. Seems like a really good idea and extremely pertinent point of view. Sure could help lots move out of poverty.
I thought the rich were to be admired without criticism. I mean, the whine in USMB is about them being taxed too much. :rofl:
I thought the rich were to be admired without criticism. I mean, the whine in USMB is about them being taxed too much. :rofl:

Oh...that's only if the rich are repubs... dems can't possibly be admired under any circumstances. lol...

But I do find it amusing that they've never talked about how much Daddy Bush or Karl Rove or any of their other boys have made on the lecture circuit. In fact, I recall Baby Bush saying that when he got done being president, he was going to refill "the coffers" by lecturing. (Funny the thought of him being paid to string words together, but there ya go!)

Ah yeah, here's a link:

This type of arguement is freaking hillarious, someone makes a ton of money through the free market system. Because they made a ton of money they must have obtained it through sinister means and should be penalized through higher taxes. Lmao:rofl:

Actually, who in God's name said Bill and Hillary made their money through sinister means....? not me.

Are you drinking?


Actually, who in God's name said Bill and Hillary made their money through sinister means....? not me.

Are you drinking?



Well the fact is, is that she used Bush's tax cuts as a crutch to say, "We made this much, and we didn't want Bush's tax cuts, we didn't need Bush's Tax cuts..."

Well she sure took them didn't she? That platform is about as retarded as her Battle in Bosnia. :cuckoo:
*How much the Clintons made over the last eight years.

Nice work.

So, obviously, this raises a lot of issues. I've got my favorites, like: Hillary says "but we didn't ask for Bush's tax cut," and Mrs. Joyce rightly points out that most of us who DON'T make as much as the Clintons COULD USE that cut. And so on.

They gave 10% to charity and paid 1/3 of their income to the IRS. So what exactly are you complaining about? Most people that make that kind of money take advantage of loopholes and end up paying much less than their share.
I thought the rich were to be admired without criticism. I mean, the whine in USMB is about them being taxed too much. :rofl:

Rich republicans are to be admired without criticism. Rich Dems, not so much.
They gave 10% to charity and paid 1/3 of their income to the IRS. So what exactly are you complaining about? Most people that make that kind of money take advantage of loopholes and end up paying much less than their share.

True true....
I don't think they should use their income as a platform....
"Well we're better people because we made this much, and donated this much, and paid this much last year."

Has our presidency degraded to this?
Brian, buy a clue. The press has been demanding the release of their income tax records for months now. It isn't Hillary's platform.


No offense.
Brian, buy a clue. The press has been demanding the release of their income tax records for months now. It isn't Hillary's platform.


No offense.

I call BS....... no offense.

I agree about them media. but, Hillary did give a speech about her income and Bush's tax cuts.

Also, her and Obama were hashing it out, in the beginning of their campaigns, about how much money they were raising and who had more and all of the bull crap. Maybe it's not a giant platform like Iraq or health-care, but unfortunately it plays an integral part in their campaigns, and they don't mind releasing their income or tax-returns.
Do you have a link to the speech?

I'm almost positive it isn't a matter of if they mind releasing their tax records or not. They have no choice.
I'll try and find a link for it. I saw it on C-Span....

Try and find me a link for them releasing taxes. I'm not up to date on candidate rules...but my rationale would be if I didn't have to release my tax return to the public, they wouldn't have to either. However, they may have certain stipulations that make them release their tax-returns.

"I have nothing against rich people,'' Clinton told an audience of several thousand at the North Dakota State Democratic Convention. ``My husband has made a lot of money since he left the White House doing what he loves most, talking to people. But we didn't need Bush's tax cuts.''

This is the best I can find....

This isn't the speech I heard, but pretty close. I don't think she gave the entire speech on tax-cuts, but mentioned it. She said that she didn't want them, and that she didn't need them.

I don't think they are required to release them, but they supposedly have since Watergate. I can't find anything specifically stating that they don't. I've read several articles about them being able to withhold personal information. One article said that Obama released his, then challenged Hillary to do so. Some may be out of good faith, but I think that we've degressed to the point where they start showing off who has made more money. Who's more "business savvy."

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