A Sugarplum Tale For Democrats…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Oh for crying out loud- what have the sainted "other side" done to right the wrong!?
Oh for crying out loud- what have the sainted "other side" done to right the wrong!?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

See if you recognize the similarity in this Margaret Mead, anthropologist, quote: The natives are superficially agreeable, but they go in for cannibalism, headhunting, infanticide, incest, avoidance and joking relationships, and biting lice in half with their teeth.

One wonders, if she were still alive, what her views of this Democrat Party would be.

Unless you can provide a similar agenda for the 'other side,' you should stop pretending that you know anything about either side.
4. Can votes be changed????

“…he heard the familiar voice of one of the Trump supporters, apparently arguing with a poll-worker. “I voted Trump,” he said. “Sir, please don’t tell me how you voted,” the poll-worker was saying. “You don’t understand. I voted Trump. But when I pressed on the button to review my ballot, it said I was voting for Governor Tomlinson.”

Hall tapped the poll-worker on the shoulder. “I’ll handle this,” he said quietly. He explained to the voter that this type of thing used to happen with the old touch-screen voting machines, usually with women wearing fingernail extensions. But since the state had shifted to paper ballots and scanners, it was virtually impossible. He had probably bent his ballot when he inserted it into the scanner without realizing it. “As long as the scanner hasn’t actually tabulated your vote, we can discard it and you can try again,” he said. He took out his key card and inserted it in the machine to clear the current ballot, which emerged a rumpled mess, then blocked off the machine until the voter had filled out a fresh paper ballot.

“Make sure you insert your ballot holding it with both hands until the scanner accepts it,” he said. “Now I’ll just stand back while you review your ballot. If it shows up correctly this time on screen, then you press the button to cast your ballot, and you’re good to go. Second time is a charm.”

An hour later, the same thing happened with another Trump supporter on the same machine.

An hour after that, it happened a third time.”
Timmerman, “Election Heist”
What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???

It’s the DEEP STATE!
Deep State I tell ya

Biden has an app on his phone where he can flip states from red to blue
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.

I just do not want to think in terms of 'civil war.'
The last one took the lives of over 2% of our nation.
That would approach 8 million with today's population, and today's weapons are far more powerful.
And....it may not even be the solution to the problem.
I'm thinking that civilizations may simply have a 'sell-by' date....and we've reached ours.
It was great while it lasted.
5. How would Trump voters react???

nd it wasn’t just happening in Maryland. At 4:00 PM outside Coral Terrace Elementary School southwest of Miami International Airport, an angry crowd was beginning to gather. They had come out one by one from the polling place, unable to vote, and as they began to compare stories, their numbers swelled until now more than two hundred people had formed into a sweaty mass.

“Where are our ballots!” they chanted. This particular part of Miami was located within the 10th city commission district. It was heavily Cuban and heavily Republican. For years, they had voted for Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, one of their own, as their member of Congress. But today, due apparently to a glitch with the precinct printer, poll workers had run out of ballots. Domingo Alcazar, the chief judge, came out onto the pavement to explain that they were working on repairing the printer, but if that failed, they had already called into the County Supervisor of Elections to use a backup printer to issue more ballots. Because each election district had different local races, none of the ballots were standardized, so there wasn’t some large stockpile of blank ballots they could draw from. They actually had to be printed for each district, tallied, numbered, and sealed in numbered blocks.” Timmerman, “Election Heist”

Are the Trump observers prepared….and what are they prepared for???
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.

"You need to leave your Fox News bubble..."

This is called a 'book.' Perhaps you've heard the term.


No one who has seen the lies passed off by the Democrats over the last few years can doubt that what Timmerman has written can come to pass.

It appears you fear Americans focusing on it, as well.

….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.

"The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is."

Of course that is one more of the Left's lies.....your lies.

Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

And, they did.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com

Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.
Last edited:
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.

"You need to leave your Fox News bubble..."

This is called a 'book.' Perhaps you've heard the term.

View attachment 403467

No one who has seen the lies passed off by the Democrats over the last few years can doubt that what Timmerman has written can come to pass.

It appears you fear Americans focusing on it, as well.

This is from a dictionary, perhaps you've heard of the them?

Learn to pronounce


  1. literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.



    creative writing

    imaginative writing
    works of the imagination
    prose literature

    story telling



    • invention or fabrication as opposed to fact.
      plural noun: fictions
      "he dismissed the allegation as absolute fiction"






      trumped-up story
      fake news
      alternative fact






      vulgar slang



    • a belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so.
      "the notion of that country being a democracy is a polite fiction"
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.

"You need to leave your Fox News bubble..."

This is called a 'book.' Perhaps you've heard the term.

View attachment 403467

No one who has seen the lies passed off by the Democrats over the last few years can doubt that what Timmerman has written can come to pass.

It appears you fear Americans focusing on it, as well.

This is from a dictionary, perhaps you've heard of the them?

Learn to pronounce


  1. literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.



    creative writing

    imaginative writing
    works of the imagination
    prose literature


    story telling




    • invention or fabrication as opposed to fact.
      plural noun: fictions
      "he dismissed the allegation as absolute fiction"






      trumped-up story
      fake news
      alternative fact








      vulgar slang





    • a belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so.
      "the notion of that country being a democracy is a polite fiction"

The fear is palpable.....and heartening.
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.

"The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is."

Of course that is one more of the Left's lies.....your lies.

Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote..."When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

And, they did.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com

Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.

Recycled trash about Obama, not worth a response.

Donald Trump's Pants on Fire claim that millions of illegal votes cost him popular vote victory
6. What could the villains….er, Democrat computer technicians, do???

Here they are, plotting:

“It looks like a blow-out for Trump, but actually the election was decided by 77,000 votes in just three states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. It’s very easy to imagine things having turned out very differently. In 2020, they will.” “You don’t know that,” Nader objected. “Oh, but I do,” Navid said. He put up a map that differentiated the states by the type of voting machines they used. Forty-three states would be using voting machines that were no longer manufactured. And while all but ten of them had said they intended to replace the old machines, only a handful actually appropriated the funds to do so. “So, for the most part, we will be dealing with the old machines. But who cares! Old technologies, known vulnerabilities. New machines, new vulnerabilities. Hahahahaha.” Nader could feel his eyes growing wider and his jaw dropping. “You’re going to hack the election.” It was a statement, not a question.

“No, no, no, no, no,” Navid said. “We are going to exploit vulnerabilities. Plural. Call it boutique exploits, custom-tailored for each situation. Not a silver bullet but a hail of silver bullets. A Gatling gun of silver bullets. A nuclear war of silver bullets! Hahahahaha.”

Our national election infrastructure is actually a patchwork of several thousand networks, so there really isn’t a national election infrastructure you can hack. It’s all done at the state and county level. And each one has a different system. Like ten thousand of them. Complicated, right? “But that’s also the good news, for us at least. Some of these systems are relatively strong. Those are in red. Some are pathetically weak, wide open to script kiddies, blue. But red or blue, none of them are safe. Give me enough time and re- sources, I guarantee you we can flip the secret switch, in and out with no finger- prints. Hahahahaha.

And not all of the vulnerabilities involved the machines. Many were baked into the behavioral pattern of hard-core Democrat voters, poll watchers, and election judges. “Take Florida, for example. All across the state, even in Republican counties, you’ve got Democrat snowbirds who will be showing up to vote after they have cast absentee ballots in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland.”
Timmerman, “Election Heist”
….and a nightmare for Americans.

In his latest novel, Kenneth Timmerman paints an all-too realistic picture of the Democrats stealing the election from Trump. What’s new? A party that would unleash violent bands of anarko-communist and Fascist thugs in order to disrupt Trump’s miracle economy, his strongest argument for a second term, wouldn’t hesitate to hack the election.

The details…. a Halloween Horror of an election scenario…from ”Election Heist,” by Kenneth Timmerman.

1.“CNN’s Rick Hoglan stood in front of the “Magic Board,” the computer-generated electoral map the network used to post results as they came in county by county across the nation. “This is how things turned out when America woke up the day after the 2016 election,” he said, tapping the lower left corner of the screen. “Trump won 306 electoral votes to Clinton’s 232. But look what happens if you take those same numbers as a base line, and just Pennsylvania and Florida go Democrat.”

He tapped the right side of the screen and flipped the two states from red to blue. “This puts the Democrats over the top with 281 electoral votes to Trump’s 257. Now if North Carolina also flips, which the polls show is quite likely, that gives the Democrats 296 electoral votes. And don’t forget, you’ve still got tight races in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, all of which went for Trump in 2016. If those all break for the Democrats, you’re looking at a 333 to 205 vote Democratic electoral college blow-out.”

2. What if the Democrat had a way, an electronic switch, that they could use on election day???
“ Just start with Pennsylvania and Florida. If they flip just those two and win all the other states that Hillary won in 2016, they’re at 281. They can even afford to lose Nevada’s seven votes, which Clinton won in 2016, and come out with 275, or five more than they need for victory.”

3. Election Day:
“…a disgruntled voter shortly after 10:00 AM, Richard August came over. “Damn it, Dick,” the gentleman was saying. “I’m telling you. Somebody has scrubbed me from the voter rolls.”

“Good morning, sir. I am the chief election judge. What seems to be the problem?” August asked. “I’m not able to vote,” the man said.

“I told him there was no one with his name at that address,” said Margie, the check-in volunteer.

Did you vote in the primary, sir?” “I most certainly did,” the man said.

“So do a query under his name of the State voter database,” August instructed the poll worker. She typed in the name and came up blank. “How did you say you spelled your last name again?” “Brock,” he said. “B-R-O-C-K.” “And your first name?” “Anthony.” “I’m very sorry sir, but I don’t see you here.”

The page displayed the State Board of Elections logo, with the stylized yellow, black, and red Maryland flag. But instead of data, there was a message: “The page you have requested is temporarily unavailable.”
An hour later, the same thing happened with another Republican voter, and a half hour after that with two more. And still, the State database with the primary election results, which could have provided a back-up of the Republican registrations, remained off-line.”

Uh oh.
Win or lose Joe has enough ideas in his head to make the population say no more and a civil war will end Joe and Harris tyrant attitude and their life. Most Americans know no matter what road the left take it's a dead end. They know they're are rabid criminals on the left that have yet to serve one hour behind bars and are tired of talk. A group with their media allies that tried to over throw the US Government still run free as the ones they framed are now penniless while some serving terms. Americans want justice and see none.
You need to leave your Fox News bubble and reconnect with the real world. You don't speak for most Americans and you have no clue what they 'know'. Yes, Americans want justice and see none. The majority of voters in the last election voted against Trump and yet here he is.

"You need to leave your Fox News bubble..."

This is called a 'book.' Perhaps you've heard the term.

View attachment 403467

No one who has seen the lies passed off by the Democrats over the last few years can doubt that what Timmerman has written can come to pass.

It appears you fear Americans focusing on it, as well.

This is from a dictionary, perhaps you've heard of the them?

Learn to pronounce


  1. literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.



    creative writing

    imaginative writing
    works of the imagination
    prose literature


    story telling




    • invention or fabrication as opposed to fact.
      plural noun: fictions
      "he dismissed the allegation as absolute fiction"






      trumped-up story
      fake news
      alternative fact








      vulgar slang





    • a belief or statement that is false, but that is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so.
      "the notion of that country being a democracy is a polite fiction"

The fear is palpable.....and heartening.
Don't be afraid, either way the world will continue to spin.
Trump is the incumbent and they are hard to knock off. I think we have a close election which I think is a really good thing, and Trump squeaks it out. What more do you want?
7. Would the evil-doers…..Democrats….actually hack the election???

You betcha’!!!

“Aren’t they afraid of getting caught?” Nader said.

“Are you kidding? We made sure the state legislature never appropriated the funds the governor earmarked to link up to the ERIC system, which would allow the county boards to check their poll books against other states for duplicate votes. Besides, even if they made a positive match, they’d have to convene a grand jury and investigate each case individually. So no one ever gets prosecuted. I mean, like, never.

“Plus, you still have counties that use the old Direct Record Electronic or DRE machines. Why? Because they’ve got to facilitate voting for people with disabilities who can’t fill out a paper ballot, so it’s back to the old touch screens. The touch screens! Hahahahaha. Don’t you love the ADA? Those Edsels are so easy to penetrate that a pair of eleven-year-olds at DEF CON broke into them in about ten minutes. A pro can do it in less than a minute.

Then you just upload your time bomb to the PCMCIA card and the on-board tabulator, and away you go. Good old- fashioned black box voting. No paper trail. Nothing. At one minute past eight, your results become the machine’s results, and it daisy-chains to the whole precinct.

You want fifty-four to forty-six? That’s what you get. You want razor thin? Whatever! Once the results are uploaded or the PCMCIA card is taken out, the code erases it- self without a trace. You’ve got DREs in some of our target counties in Florida, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, and a handful of other states as well. I mean, like, we own the DREs. We could stop right there and win the election. But why stop when you’re having fun! Hahahahaha.”
Timmerman, “Election Heist”

And where are the Republicans??? Asleep at the switch????
8. And when the Democrat steal the election, win by nefarious means, what can be done?

Isn’t there a paper trail that the Republicans can follow????

“…you fill in a paper ballot by hand, it gets scanned and tabulated and drops into a sealed box where it’s preserved for an eventual re- count. So we can’t remotely generate the paper ballots or alter them. But for all the counties that have adopted them, only a handful do anything more than token audits to reconcile the paper ballots with the tabulated vote count announced on election night. Most of them just sample one percent of the precincts, running the paper ballots through the tabulators again. Thanks to us, they get the same results.

“When an election is decided within the margin of error, as it was in 2016, either candidate plausibly can win. But if he or she wins by three or four percent—way beyond the legal limit for a recount—who’s going to pay to make copies of all those paper ballots and the personnel to count them by hand? And even if they do, it will take days.

And by that time, the whole nation will have known who the next president is, and if you tell them they were wrong and it’s actually the other guy, you’ll have chaos. Riots! Blood in the streets!

And I haven’t even mentioned SQL injection into the manufacturer’s FTP sites to alter the patches they send out to their clients. Or the fact that the tabulators don’t actually count the paper ballots, but the image files. Can’t you see, our elections are secure! Look at the Iowa caucuses! What can possibly go wrong! Hahahahaha….

We will arrange to lose enough of the paper ballots to cast doubt onto the accuracy of any recount. Chaos, man. Chaos! Hahahahaha!”
Timmerman, “Election Heist”

Could it actually happen???

You betcha’……Look at the millions of illegal aliens Hussein told to vote last time.

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