A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

who knows what can be done? no one.

my parents were authoritarian conservatives who tried to tell me what to think and I turned out to be a disinterested dirty hippie. I refused to tell my kids what to think but pointed out consequences and asked them what they thought was right and what made sense and they turned into articulate, moral and motivated conservatives. its a mystery to me.

of course not having cable until they were teenagers might have had an impact.
You did the right thing. You allowed your kids the freedom to think for themselves yet alerted them to the consequences of irresponsible behavior.
My friend's wife( they are separated) and her siblings were raised in a strict Christian home by a father who was a baptist minister. These 4 people ( the children) are some of the most screwed up flaming libs known to mankind. None of them are what most of us would consider normal. I could bore the members with the antics of these sit heads, but i won't bother. Use your imagination and you'll probably hit the mark.
The way I see it kids need and want boundaries. However, if parents choose to set hard draconian rules for their kids, their children will want to do bad things all that much and more.
We raised our son to think for himself but again, alerted him to the consequences of stupidity. The result, no drugs, no booze, no gangs, no problems.
Hollywood is shockingly obsessed with sexualizing teen girls, to the point where underage female characters are shown participating in an even higher percentage of sexual situations than their adult counterparts: 47 percent to 29 percent respectively.

Love the way they couch this in such a way to make it sound so much worse than it really is.

Not the carefully vague use of the term "underage female characters"

And what do they mean when they say "sexual situations"

Do we even know? Could it include every time a boy or girl on TV is flirting, dating, kissing and so forth> I suspect that's what they're talking about because I don't recall much on TV showing teens screwing do YOU?

So this is, I think, much ado about nothing

When you were kids what was the most important thing on your mind?

The boy girl thing, right?

So honestly, now, what do you expect shows about teenagers to be about?

Canning food and praying to Jesus?!?

Kids want stories about things kids care about.

Teenagers are homonally predisposed to obsess about the dating, tye boy/girl and finding their way in their social scene.

That's hardly "sexualizing kids"

God sexualized kids a long long ling time ago, folks.

When I was twelve I started noticing girls were becoming far different than they had been. :thup:

No television shows did this to me. And girls, noticing the effects this "difference" was bringing about was empowering to them. They could effect males, and yes, older men are attracted to younger girls.

Even when they keep out because of their morals, the attraction is seen by the girls and they know.

This has been happening since the dawn of man.

I'm not saying that television does not effect us. Of course it does, and young girls/young boys are going to start modeling human sexuality as soon as they get an understanding that they are a part of it which is called sexual maturity, which is where television comes in.

So, I would put forward that the degree of budding sexuality has certainly increased but only increased that which will happen anyway.

I see no end. Sex sells...
I remember taking my kids shopping at the mall when they were 6/7 looking for shorts...Most of the shorts in the stores for kids their age rode up their ass (a lot of the skorts as well...hasn't really gotten much better now that they are older either). Ended up buying Jeans and cutting them off instead. Not sure why the designers want to dress little kids as hoochies...but some of them seem to.

The schools in our district don't have a dress code. They probably should though. I agree...some of the kids do come to school dressed inappropriately (both boys and girls).

And who is at fault for buying those clothes for their children? Uh, the parents.

If there wasn't a market for it, then they'd stop making that crap.

When Mini EZ was younger I would buy her clothes at Kohls and Target, they had cute things that were age appropriate.

Now she just wears jeans, her track sweats, T-Shirts and Hoodies.

And you wear the shorts with "Juicy" embroidered across the butt?:tongue:

Not outside. :nono:
Wow. No cable? You child abuser!!!! :lol:

Interestingly, in spite of all the mixed messages, females are doing better is school. We must be doing something right.
yeah...women make up about 55% of all 4 year college students.
In fact it is probably within the realm of possibility that most girls learn poor sexual behavior IN college.
I remember taking my kids shopping at the mall when they were 6/7 looking for shorts...Most of the shorts in the stores for kids their age rode up their ass (a lot of the skorts as well...hasn't really gotten much better now that they are older either). Ended up buying Jeans and cutting them off instead. Not sure why the designers want to dress little kids as hoochies...but some of them seem to.

The schools in our district don't have a dress code. They probably should though. I agree...some of the kids do come to school dressed inappropriately (both boys and girls).

And who is at fault for buying those clothes for their children? Uh, the parents.

If there wasn't a market for it, then they'd stop making that crap.

When Mini EZ was younger I would buy her clothes at Kohls and Target, they had cute things that were age appropriate.

Now she just wears jeans, her track sweats, T-Shirts and Hoodies.

Of course the parents are at fault for buying the inappropriate clothing. But...the designers and entertainment industry do make it trendy... and the kids all want to wear the things that are in style with their peers. I fought this battle many times with my girls...over too short shorts,skin tight skinny jeans and halter tops. The same kind of things they see the actors,singers,models wearing on TV and in print.

Creating 'want' is my job, ma'm. I'm both versed and naturally gifted in human psychology and I set goals.

I am An American Salesman, the championship is my primary goal and the market place is my gridiron. :salute:

You want them to want the ones you make the most money on? Yeah, sure. That can be done.

You bring the pig and I'll get the lipstick.
What disturbs me, and any normal man, is the "adultifying" of teens and preteens.
And I am not talking about TV...real life.

How many guys are with me here...how many times have you looked at a distance at a female in...that way...and as she comes closer you realize you were looking at girl maaaybe 16.
Where are this girls parents? Especially the father!

Here is an example of where the problem originates.

You personal reaction to a female on the street.

You looked at them like a piece of ass and felt a little guilty and blamed the girls dad for not following her arround.

Stop treating the women you see as a potential piece of ass no matter what their ages.

Want to know why TV does this , look in the mirror.

Believe me you, I have been treated like this my entire life.

To be female in this culture is to have your whole being judged on wether some fucknut things you are doable or not.

When we teach our girls to USE this power because there is no fighting it then you call then bitches.

This is why being a bitch is a new value to women.

If I be a bitch and piss you off you stop looking at me like you are about to rape me.

Men need to act like they can control their dicks and quit blaming it on what someone looks like.

then women should not dress to a attract the attention of men. It cuts both ways.
Females do not get to flaunt themselves and then get pissed off when guys look their way.
This notion some feminazis have that " I should be able to dress as I please and men should not look or stare. I am not a sex object"....
Well, tough shit. That attitude just violates the rules of human nature.
I wonder what women would think if guys decided to secretly start a protest and REFUSE to look for a period of one wek. A national DO NOT LOOK week. The women of this country would burn down whole cities if that happened.
Now I will admit some men are filthy trash pigs. However, I am offended to be lumped in with them by certain women in certain groups just because I happen to appreciate a shapely buttocks or a nice set of boobs.
It has nothing to do with thinking with the dick. It is about appreciating the hard work some women put into their appearance.
I see an "anti-man" agenda in your post.
Why not try to act like a civilized human being and quit making your fucking inability to control you lower brain obvious to the person on the street you are ogliing.

What many of you men dont realize is the women (yes even the little girls) are aware of what you are doing because you make asses out of yourself doing it.
Really? So am I to understand that any man that looks is a neanderthal?
If so, screw you.
And there you have it.

The level of respect men in the US show women.

You run arround with you nuts hanging our like thye are your GPS system.

We pretend not to see it.

You are actually thinking we dont see your brainlessness.
You're well on the way to losing any credibility with your offensive and gender biased generalizations.
Learn how to punctuate and use use spell check first.
go suck your own sack you fucking buzzing fly

and there wee have it...Check mate ,cupcake. You lose.
You are a typical angry feminist bitch.
You're about as friendly as a cactus plant.
You must be an utter blast at parties. You arrive real strong, make sure you are the center of attention, then in a few hours every one at the gathering avoids you.
And who is at fault for buying those clothes for their children? Uh, the parents.

If there wasn't a market for it, then they'd stop making that crap.

When Mini EZ was younger I would buy her clothes at Kohls and Target, they had cute things that were age appropriate.

Now she just wears jeans, her track sweats, T-Shirts and Hoodies.

Of course the parents are at fault for buying the inappropriate clothing. But...the designers and entertainment industry do make it trendy... and the kids all want to wear the things that are in style with their peers. I fought this battle many times with my girls...over too short shorts,skin tight skinny jeans and halter tops. The same kind of things they see the actors,singers,models wearing on TV and in print.

Creating 'want' is my job, ma'm. I'm both versed and naturally gifted in human psychology and I set goals.

I am An American Salesman, the championship is my primary goal and the market place is my gridiron. :salute:

You want them to want the ones you make the most money on? Yeah, sure. That can be done.

You bring the pig and I'll get the lipstick.

Nothing wrong with creating "want". Some folks when working and spending their own money can buy all the "want" they...well...want.

In this case...when it comes to the kidlets spending mom's money...they've got to reign it in. No hoochie shorts allowed.
And A human being with human emotions and does not exsist for your pleasure.

When men are together and see a pretty woman they act like fucking assholes.

What you guys dont realize is we know WTF you are doing.

I once had a guy friend who saw me on the street walking to class, he then thought it would be funny to cat call me. To his complete surprize I acted as if I heard nothing and kept on walking as if there was only silence. What he found out that day is women PRETEND not to hear this shit even when we can tell full well whats going on.

When you oggle a girl and talk to your friends you really think we are oblivious.

We are not because men present a huge personal danger to women and we are far more aware of what is going on arround us then it appears.

You are not getting away with it you are being ignored and observed.

Its what we have to do to protect ourselves from the assholes who would harm us if they got the chance.

I got it!! You're one of those angry cock teasers.
You're one these bitches that gets looked at , you fly off the handle and get in the looker's face. You act all tough like you want to throw knuckles with any guy that dares look in your direction. You spend your days looking for things to bother yourself with.
Let me tell you something, no one would bother objectifying you because you probably THINK you are more attractive than you actually are and once people get to know you, they realize you are a rotten apple on the inside.
And A human being with human emotions and does not exsist for your pleasure.

When men are together and see a pretty woman they act like fucking assholes.

What you guys dont realize is we know WTF you are doing.

I once had a guy friend who saw me on the street walking to class, he then thought it would be funny to cat call me. To his complete surprize I acted as if I heard nothing and kept on walking as if there was only silence. What he found out that day is women PRETEND not to hear this shit even when we can tell full well whats going on.

When you oggle a girl and talk to your friends you really think we are oblivious.

We are not because men present a huge personal danger to women and we are far more aware of what is going on arround us then it appears.

You are not getting away with it you are being ignored and observed.

Its what we have to do to protect ourselves from the assholes who would harm us if they got the chance.

I got it!! You're one of those angry cock teasers.
You're one these bitches that gets looked at , you fly off the handle and get in the looker's face. You act all tough like you want to throw knuckles with any guy that dares look in your direction. You spend your days looking for things to bother yourself with.
Let me tell you something, no one would bother objectifying you because you probably THINK you are more attractive than you actually are and once people get to know you, they realize you are a rotten apple on the inside.

Condolences. You've just had a close encounter of the TM kind.

She's a particularly vile piece of internet filth.

You are incorrect that she is an angry cock teaser. She's an angry Wannabe cock teaser.

She has probably not received much attention in real life, hence her vulgar hysteria here in order to overcompensate.
We live in a world of rape you fool.

Cat calls are not designed to make you feel pretty, they are designed to make the caller feel manly.

You do realize women are raped every day right?
All sex is rape, right?

You are one of these Gloria Allred feminazi disciples.
She's a useless wench and so are you.
Cee U Next Tuesday.
Im 50+ and had someone cat call me a few months ago.

I used to get it all the time.

Its rarer now that I am old but from a distance they cant tell Im old.

I dress very boyishly too.

Jeans tees shirts and No they are NOT tight.
you must live in trash town..I have not known in my entire life any guy that does the things to a total stranger walking down the street you say you've experienced.
Tell ya what there, gloria allred. It is very easy to recognize that certain type of woman that looks nice but has "bitch on wheels" written all over her. That snide stuck up look on her face that says "my shit is made of ice cream". Yeah, I see them. I would not give that feminazi a glass of water if she had just arrived from a week long desert hike.
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