A staggering partial list of Democrats’ flagrant corruption in the 2020 election


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A staggering partial list of Democrats’ flagrant corruption in the 2020 election
In state after state, Democrats put the lie to the claim that America had a 'free and fair' election last year.

A staggering partial list of Democrats’ flagrant corruption in the 2020 election | Opinion | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Though Joe Biden was officially sworn in and is already hard at work on a hard-left reset of American society, he isn’t a duly elected president any more than he was last week. Democrats may have gone through the motions, but the inauguration ceremony on Wednesday didn’t do anything to resolve their wide-ranging crimes that corrupted last year’s presidential race.

I think if you read the article you will see that these are not mere allegations. They have ample factual evidence that these criminal acts were perpetrated by the Pogressive Marxist/DSA Left and their co-conspirators. The complicit and quisling Media and Lefist attorneys have kept this information from getting heard in courts, and all those who refuse to let a proper audit to be done. We do need to know the truth, and we need to correct this before any more elections take place. And we must get rid of those machines.
A staggering partial list of Democrats’ flagrant corruption in the 2020 election
In state after state, Democrats put the lie to the claim that America had a 'free and fair' election last year.

A staggering partial list of Democrats’ flagrant corruption in the 2020 election | Opinion | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Though Joe Biden was officially sworn in and is already hard at work on a hard-left reset of American society, he isn’t a duly elected president any more than he was last week. Democrats may have gone through the motions, but the inauguration ceremony on Wednesday didn’t do anything to resolve their wide-ranging crimes that corrupted last year’s presidential race.

I think if you read the article you will see that these are not mere allegations. They have ample factual evidence that these criminal acts were perpetrated by the Pogressive Marxist/DSA Left and their co-conspirators. The complicit and quisling Media and Lefist attorneys have kept this information from getting heard in courts, and all those who refuse to let a proper audit to be done. We do need to know the truth, and we need to correct this before any more elections take place. And we must get rid of those machines.

Your OP-ED only tells half the story of course:

The Secretary of State of Michigan--someone you guys were going to kidnap and execute--got the court's ok to send out ballots:

These accusations further become substantiated when one considers the tremendous power (not including massive donations) and influence used by the MSM, big tech, etc...to suppress the facts from being exposed before, during, and after the election, in combination with the attributes in the OP's article.
I concur with replacement of the machines. At this point the beans have been spilled and if you dont believe me, look what happened on 1/6 so voter confidence must be restored.
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Real historians (not the fake ones trying to rewrite it) will look back on the 2020 election and rank it the crime of the century.

Real historians will recognize sedition and insurrection..

Fun fact from history: In 1861, eleven U.S. Senators were EXPELLED from the U.S. Senate for refusing to recognize the election of President Abraham Lincoln

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