A Sad Picture Of The War On Terror


For those that want the picture.
Sorry,don't know how to do that!! I figured they would see it in the link.
Fmr jarhead said:
No worries....I was just being helpful.....

The photo does break my heart!

Thanks!!! I am no computer wiz,that's my husband's job. It intimidates me! :tng:
Wow, my heart breaks for that kid's family and the soldier. He'll live with that tragedy for years to come, I pray he can move on.

His compassion and grief capture the essence of what makes Americans, especially our military, exceptional.
10:1 that image is on DU right now, with the caption: "American Soldier bites off the nose of a dead Iraqi, as a war Trophy!"


that pic hurts too much to look at. :(
-=d=- said:
10:1 that image is on DU right now, with the caption: "American Soldier bites off the nose of a dead Iraqi, as a war Trophy!"


that pic hurts too much to look at. :(

I feel the same way,d. Brought tears to my eyes.

Is that true about DU?
-=d=- said:
10:1 that image is on DU right now, with the caption: "American Soldier bites off the nose of a dead Iraqi, as a war Trophy!"


that pic hurts too much to look at. :(
Probably posted by MRSX over on that board in just that way.

Just kidding, MrsX!
CSM said:
Probably posted by MRSX over on that board in just that way.

Just kidding, MrsX!

Damn, wanted to rep you, but can't. With the exception of the apologia, this is spot on!
Incredible photograph , it says volumes about the kind of people we have in the United States military and the horrors they face everyday in war . God Bless them all !
I remember a shot that was a lot like this one years ago with a fireman holding a dead child , I can't remember if it was from the Oklahoma City bombing or another tragic terrorist act. That was published everywhere but this one won't be seen by anyone but us.
Oliver North has written about this in his latest column (as usual, its a great one, I really enjoy his writing)

There is something else striking about this photo. The soldier portrayed, though donned with the accoutrements of battle, is cradling the child in his arms with love and care, affection and tenderness. He has wrapped the young Iraqi child in a blanket to keep her warm; to give her comfort; to protect her dignity. The soldier is holding the child close to him, with his head nestled in close to her small body. It looks as though the soldier is either weeping or praying over her. In fact, it's likely he's doing both. You get the sense from the emotion displayed in the photo that, when not just a soldier, this man is a father, the kind of dad that probably takes the whole Little League team out for ice cream after a game.

The love and respect this stranger in an American uniform shows for the wounded Iraqi child is evident. It is yet another example of the many profound acts of kindness, charity and bravery that have been displayed throughout the war by young Americans in uniform. We've heard the stories or seen the photos of a Marine sharing his last drop of water with a thirsty Iraqi child. The Internet -- unlike many of our major newspapers -- is abuzz with pictures of American warriors sharing laughs with Iraqi youth and weeping over the shattered victims of terrorists. I've had the great fortune to witness many of these acts of kindness firsthand.

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