A Republican nightmare seems about to become real

“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
Your Democratic Party is destroying this country. Biden is a criminal and a traitor.
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
LOL Washington CompPost "opinion" article a.k.a asswipe.
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Apparently your comprehension is no better today than usual duck.
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
Let's get one thing straight, the MAGA crowd are the most stupid, lazy, homophobic, xenophobic Americans ever to walk this country. They basically have the same Grey matter as Neanderthals. They are scared little rabbits too pussy to make decisions for themselves. That's why they need this big, white, dominator God to ride roughshod over the herd!
If the Trump cult losers are getting this hysterical just over indictments, imagine what they'll be like after the convictions and their humiliating election loss.

We need to figure out how to stop the Trump cultists here from harming themselves or other people.
Remember not too long ago when their ridiculous, parroted talking point was " charged with what? Name me ONE crime Trump has actually been charged with!"
Well now they can't use that one anymore because he's been charged with 71 felony counts so far and the worst ones are yet to come.
So what do they do?
They move the goal post.
Now it's "convictions!"
"Yeah...so what....anyone can be charged with 71 felonies! Doesn't mean a damned thing! He'll never be CONVICTED!"
And of course we're now getting the occasional "B-but....even if convicted he'll NEVER do any jail time!"
Wonder what they'll come up with next?
Denial runs extremely deep in these cultists.
Solution: Both sides realize just how bad & corrupt Trump and Biden BOTH are.

The possibility of that happening. ZERO. You people just love to fight. You're so loyal to your own sides, that you overlook the lies and corruption from your own sides.
And so the end result is we'll keep getting lying corrupt politicians to run our government and the country. And things won't change one bit.

But hey, you'll still have something argue and fight over. Because that's what you love doing.
Both sides are not equally corrupt. Trump is clean as a whistle. Biden is the most corrupt president we've ever had. You're only promoting corruption by claiming they are both the same.
The only confusion is yours.
He was simply explaining the difference between criminal & civil verdicts.
The judge doesn't know what occurred either.
Well Trump did admit to sexually assaulting women whenever he feels like it.
And of course he WAS accused of rape by one of his ex wives.
And we do have that affidavit on file from years ago accusing Trump and Jeeffery Epstein of raping that child.
So uh...yeah, all these things together establish a pretty damning pattern that would suggest the odds are much higher that he did rape E. Jean Carrol than that he didn't.
And then throw in the fact that he has a documented history of pathological lying and if his lips are moving he is most likely telling another, so when he says he did not do it your safest bet is to conclude that just the opposite is the truth.
Yeah, he raped her.
What a slimy worm.
Stop trying to split hairs on semantics my friend. Trump was guilty and it's only a question of whether his lowlife supporters care or not.
we're talking about a Manhattan jury, which is 90% Democrat. I couldn't care less what they believe.
“For years now, some Republicans — and, to a large extent, the mainstream media — have harbored the notion that the GOP eventually would come to its senses. Surely, it would eventually dump the unhinged, disloyal, undemocratic and unfit Donald Trump, right?

But if Republicans did not wake from their slumber after the first impeachment or the second, after a jury decided he had lied about sexually assaulting E. Jean Carroll, after an indictment accusing him of obstruction and violating the Espionage Act (set out in shocking detail), and after replete evidence of his alleged role in an attempted coup, it is hard to imagine what would bring them to their senses. There is scant evidence that Trump would flee the race to focus on his legal defense; to the contrary, the worse his legal position, the more desperate he becomes to regain power.

Elected Republicans and right-wing media figures have contributed to the predicament as they have minimized, rationalized and denied jaw-dropping allegations against Trump. They have made it easy for Republicans to cling to Trump. Listen, stealing and bandying about top-secret documents isn’t so bad, is it? And, after all, he didn’t do all that much on Jan. 6, 2021, did he?

This is what results when a party, its pundit class and millions of followers cut themselves off from reality, fall into a world of paranoid conspiracies and refuse to simply acknowledge they were very, very wrong to side with him.”

Republicans not only rationalize their support for Trump claiming that his crimes are ‘not so bad,’ Republicans claim that Trump didn’t commit any crimes at all – that the appropriate, warranted, and lawful investigations and indictments of Trump are part of a nefarious conspiracy by Trump’s enemies to ‘get Trump.’

Indeed, this wrongheaded perception of Trump by the right has been codified with the lie that there’s a ‘war on Trump,’ another variation of Trump the ‘victim.’
The GOP since 2010 has not been a political party but a collection of conspiracy nuts joined only by their collective fear, anger, and hate.

The party is ruled by the gun nuts, sex nuts, abortion nuts, racist nuts, vaccine nuts, and collections from other nuttiness.

That is the base nd the base doesn't care about crimes as long as the criminal "owns the libs."

This is why the GOP can't govern.
Despite having the House, Senate, Presidency, and SCOTUS the GOP failed, under Trump, to pass any significant legislation beyond a multi trillion dollar debt inducing tax cut for the wealthy.
we're talking about a Manhattan jury, which is 90% Democrat. I couldn't care less what they believe.
Reality doesn't give a shit about what you could or couldn't "care less about."
It doesn't matter.
For instance once your little orange golf boy MAGAt king is tried for his numerous felonies in court(s) over the next year and found guilty of some if not all of the charges facing him, he will most likely receive prison sentences that will effectively mean he's spending the rest of his natural life behind bars.
He will no doubt appeal everything he can IF he still has enough money left by that time to keep paying his attorneys.
He will lose all those appeals because Jack Smith and Fani Willis have rock solid cases against him from multiple angles and, so far anyway, his defenses against any of these charges look pathetically anemic.
You, no doubt will not "care" what those juries verdicts are either.
But guess what?
It doesn't matter what you think.
I assure you D.J. Trump will fucking care.

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