A Recipe For Anti-Muslim Hatred!

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
There are predictable ingredients in a Muslim-hatred souffle. You mix the following ingredients:

Remain superficial.
Do not study the Quran deeply. Best to rely on Google or websites that cherry pick verses out of context to make their point, or weave together the most offensive quotations available from Imams or rulings of Islamic jurors over time. How hard can it be to grasp the ins and outs of a 1500-year-old religious tradition whose texts are written mostly in languages you don’t understand, which spans countries and continents and has billions of adherents? Judaism could be well understood after several hours on anti-Semitic websites, right? And Atheist websites would be a great guide to the history of Christianity? Right. So stick to anti-Islam websites for your information. What could go wrong?


The belief that Muslims (or most Muslims, say) are of a type. The Muslim is backward, misogynistic, violent, primitive, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, fundamentalist. You ignore the cultural diversity of Muslims. You ignore the differences in belief, custom, and degree of religiosity among them. You ignore the great artistic, scientific, and philosophical achievements of Muslims past and present.

Definition by the worst.
You form your picture of Islam according to the worst behavior you can find among Muslims. Your image of a Muslim is based on ISIS, Al-Quaeda, Saudi Wahabis or hatred spewing Imams you’ve seen on Youtube. You ignore the Muslims who live in friendship and harmony with non-Muslims, who volunteer their time as doctors or humanitarian workers or who fight for human rights or denounce, again and again, terrorism and religious violence. If you do acknowledge these Muslims, you see them as aberrations from the true Muslim type as in #1 above, refusing to see the obvious fact that these Muslims are, well, also Muslims and it is just as reasonable to believe their actions are motivated by aspects of Islam as it is to believe ISIS is.

More ingredients : Are You Contributing To Islamophobia? A Recipe For Anti-Muslim Hatred

The result:

Typical brainwashed loon (No one with an online account).
There are predictable ingredients in a Muslim-hatred souffle. You mix the following ingredients:

Remain superficial.
Do not study the Quran deeply. Best to rely on Google or websites that cherry pick verses out of context to make their point, or weave together the most offensive quotations available from Imams or rulings of Islamic jurors over time. How hard can it be to grasp the ins and outs of a 1500-year-old religious tradition whose texts are written mostly in languages you don’t understand, which spans countries and continents and has billions of adherents? Judaism could be well understood after several hours on anti-Semitic websites, right? And Atheist websites would be a great guide to the history of Christianity? Right. So stick to anti-Islam websites for your information. What could go wrong?


The belief that Muslims (or most Muslims, say) are of a type. The Muslim is backward, misogynistic, violent, primitive, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, fundamentalist. You ignore the cultural diversity of Muslims. You ignore the differences in belief, custom, and degree of religiosity among them. You ignore the great artistic, scientific, and philosophical achievements of Muslims past and present.

Definition by the worst.
You form your picture of Islam according to the worst behavior you can find among Muslims. Your image of a Muslim is based on ISIS, Al-Quaeda, Saudi Wahabis or hatred spewing Imams you’ve seen on Youtube. You ignore the Muslims who live in friendship and harmony with non-Muslims, who volunteer their time as doctors or humanitarian workers or who fight for human rights or denounce, again and again, terrorism and religious violence. If you do acknowledge these Muslims, you see them as aberrations from the true Muslim type as in #1 above, refusing to see the obvious fact that these Muslims are, well, also Muslims and it is just as reasonable to believe their actions are motivated by aspects of Islam as it is to believe ISIS is.

More ingredients : Are You Contributing To Islamophobia? A Recipe For Anti-Muslim Hatred

The result:

Typical brainwashed loon (No one with an online account).

I understand what you're trying to defend and it's worth defending. HOWEVER -- studying Biblical script aint necessary. Not EVEN helpful. Because the Jew haters do the same thing in applying literal interpretations to 1000 yr old guidance and it's NOT a winnable position to argue at that level.

It's easier than all that. Because the folks we ALL HATE have declared war on us. ISLAM hasn't declare on us. It's about 4 or 5 Radicalized groups. And THEY MEAN IT. Whether they are declaring war on Westerners or Arabs -- they are deadly serious. There is your "distinction"...

The Muslim is backward, misogynistic, violent, primitive, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, fundamentalist.

Many of the societies they LIVE IN are backward, misogynistic, violent, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian. These things are NOT required of Muslims by their religion. But they choose to live under brutal tyrannical theocratic dictatorships that PROTECT the religion of Islam as a State Religion. Even codify many of the Arab cultural interpretations of Islam into the legal system.

It not even that they CHOOSE to live under that kind of sheltered conditions, but all evidence is -- that they HAVE TO -- to prevent sectarian, tribal violence. Only things that prevents Arab tribes, religious sects from KILLING each other, is a brutal, shotgun waving bastard dictator.

So --- forget the Koran. It's a declared war. And it's a cultural clash in terms of immigration from these regions. Ain't nothing foul about the Westernized or "non-Arab" practice of Islam. If refugees don't WANT to be Westernized -- they shouldn't come here. I'm not talking about killing their "culture or religion". I'm talking about their ability to THRIVE without that State protection and extreme political regimentation...
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history there have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history there have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.

You have never spent even a nanosecond investigating Islamic opinions on the world, have you?

Do you believe in killing those who stop believing in what you believe? That is a very common belief in Islam.
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history there have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.

You have never spent even a nanosecond investigating Islamic opinions on the world, have you?

Do you believe in killing those who stop believing in what you believe? That is a very common belief in Islam.

I doubt that belief is all that common, but to be flat out honest I don't care what muslims do to other muslims anywhere else in the world. Or what muslims do to non-muslims either or that matter. I don't believe in killing anybody except those who are trying to kill me and mine, or are trying to murder my countrymen (and women and kids).

To answer your question, I do not believe in killing those who do not believe as I do. Anyone else can disagree with me all they want, no problem. But if they resort to the use of force then so will I and I expect my gov't to do it's best to protect us all by whatever means necessary. But not killing the entire group of muslims. Hate solves nothing.
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.

In this case it is fair. Their 'Holy' books tell them to kill the infidel. Infidels are anyone who is not Muslim, and even Muslims that have different beliefs. They are encouraged to lie in order to promote Islam. So how do we tell the good Muslims from the Bad? We can't. That means the only sensible thing to do is to ban all Muslims in this country. Islam has brought suffering and death everywhere it goes. This is a fact. Best to just exterminate them all, for the greater good.
I hate religion. I hope anyone that forces such shit into our government that effects me falls off a cliff or gets cancer.
Actually, you hate God, as do the majority of Americans. And that is precisely why things are so messed up.
I hate religion. I hope anyone that forces such shit into our government that effects me falls off a cliff or gets cancer.
Actually, you hate God, as do the majority of Americans. And that is precisely why things are so messed up.

Who, me? I don't hate anybody. Not too happy with a few posters around here who are a bit short of tolerance and good manners, but c'est la vie.
I had absolutely NOTHING against Islam----until I learned about it from muslims----
then I read the Koran---then I got invited to visit a mosque. ALL took place long before
there was an INTERNET and before Islamic terrorism became an issue in the USA
Based on what I learned about islam by the early 1970s ---today's barbaric Islamic terrorism
is NO SURPRISE to me-----it is based on the culture of islam-----no matter where it lan
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history there have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.

You have never spent even a nanosecond investigating Islamic opinions on the world, have you?

Do you believe in killing those who stop believing in what you believe? That is a very common belief in Islam.

That happens in America, even. No matter where they are in the world.
I did not "investigate". I learned about islam and its teachings as a matter of happenstance.
I became acquainted with LOTS of muslims in the USA----from MANY different parts of the world.
I socialized with LOTS of muslims from many different parts of the world. I read the Koran ---not to
"investigate islam"------but, simply, because it is another book------I read lots of books from
the bibles, to the silly thing in the 1950s---"LOLITA" -----but I really like ancient writings---like
the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Odyssey, -----so----when Koran fell into my hands I read that too.
I got invited to visit mosques-----because I am a friendly person. ------I am married to a person actually
born in a shariah shit hole. THUS I have come to know that "terrorism" by muslims is an inevitable
outcome of ISLAMIC TEACHINGS. 9-11-01 was no big surprise. Of course, not all muslims are
terrorists. Not all southern men in the mid 1800s were SIMON LEGREEs
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history there have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.

You have never spent even a nanosecond investigating Islamic opinions on the world, have you?

Do you believe in killing those who stop believing in what you believe? That is a very common belief in Islam.

Those are common opinions in the Arab world. Not the entire world of Islam. BECAUSE there, religion is protected and codified into law. I'm not in a position to make suggestions,, but almost every other major religion has some kind of "reform" contingent. And in these times, perhaps Islam needs to make the brave move of having some degrees in Orthodoxy. Jews have the Reform and Conservative choices. Christians have TONS of choices. The Muslim only divide along the Sunni/Shia lines and even MORE fundamentalist sects.

The reason this has not happened, is that it would likely be declared enemy #1 by all fundamentalists and radicalized fundies. And in the majority of GEOGRAPHY held by Islam, those are the folks with the power of the STATE behind them. Christians had to FLEE the monarchies in order to have religious choice and thrive. But that migration was SELECTIVE and those folks had thought it thru. They were not just fleeing for their lives.
I hate religion. I hope anyone that forces such shit into our government that effects me falls off a cliff or gets cancer.

Yeah, because YOUR leadership is ARROGANT and concerned with CONTROL and POWER. And the humble, well meaning religious folk are an EASY target for you to scapegoat and abuse.

Do you get up early on your days off to go listen to inspiring pleas to be good and moral? To band together with folks to do good deeds? Do you have disciplines and traditions that religious folks adopt? Or do you just log on to USMB and bash people of faith?? BECAUSE they are "uncontrollable" by you and yours?
I had absolutely NOTHING against Islam----until I learned about it from muslims----
then I read the Koran---then I got invited to visit a mosque. ALL took place long before
there was an INTERNET and before Islamic terrorism became an issue in the USA
Based on what I learned about islam by the early 1970s ---today's barbaric Islamic terrorism
is NO SURPRISE to me-----it is based on the culture of islam-----no matter where it lan

That last line is BullShit. Islam CAN and has been practiced peacefully in the WEST for ages. Until some arrogance arose about "liberating" them and making their FOREIGN cultures more like ours. Call it a "Cold Crusade". And the result is a devastated Middle East with smoking ruins THAT WE CAUSED being over-run by the most radicalized factions.
Be careful what you say about muslims. If you make them mad they'll kill you.
I had absolutely NOTHING against Islam----until I learned about it from muslims----
then I read the Koran---then I got invited to visit a mosque. ALL took place long before
there was an INTERNET and before Islamic terrorism became an issue in the USA
Based on what I learned about islam by the early 1970s ---today's barbaric Islamic terrorism
is NO SURPRISE to me-----it is based on the culture of islam-----no matter where it lan

That last line is BullShit. Islam CAN and has been practiced peacefully in the WEST for ages. Until some arrogance arose about "liberating" them and making their FOREIGN cultures more like ours. Call it a "Cold Crusade". And the result is a devastated Middle East with smoking ruins THAT WE CAUSED being over-run by the most radicalized factions.

"LOL" Practiced "in the west"?? Muslims have had no power in "the west" -------The muslims
I knew WAY back in the 1960s and 1970s were "in the west" Of course they were "peaceful" in their actions and lifestyles. All of them were highly educated----most here to advance their careers (most physicians) -----but even THEY -----by their attitudes made it clear that ISLAM WAS GOING TO ""WIN"" by JUSTIFIED FORCE and there was NOTHING anyone could do about it. Sorry, you just do not know. Way back then I did not BELIEVE it.
Everything I learned about the "culture" and "INTENT" was true. (btw----I do not suspect that
any of my friends from way back then have gone MUJAHAD----maybe some of their relatives---
or their kids)
Maybe it is human nature to paint an entire group based on the actions of it's fringe members. Taint fair though, or honest to label every muslim person as described above; it's like saying every white person hates and discriminates against black people and would lynch 'em given the chance. Not true, throughout history there have been a militaristic few bent on murder and destruction to further whatever their cause is, and many times it wasn't the most altruistic. So, you can hate 'em all if you want to, but that won't solve anything.

You have never spent even a nanosecond investigating Islamic opinions on the world, have you?

Do you believe in killing those who stop believing in what you believe? That is a very common belief in Islam.

Those are common opinions in the Arab world. Not the entire world of Islam. BECAUSE there, religion is protected and codified into law. I'm not in a position to make suggestions,, but almost every other major religion has some kind of "reform" contingent. And in these times, perhaps Islam needs to make the brave move of having some degrees in Orthodoxy. Jews have the Reform and Conservative choices. Christians have TONS of choices. The Muslim only divide along the Sunni/Shia lines and even MORE fundamentalist sects.

The reason this has not happened, is that it would likely be declared enemy #1 by all fundamentalists and radicalized fundies. And in the majority of GEOGRAPHY held by Islam, those are the folks with the power of the STATE behind them. Christians had to FLEE the monarchies in order to have religious choice and thrive. But that migration was SELECTIVE and those folks had thought it thru. They were not just fleeing for their lives.

You are wrong on two counts. First of all, it isn't an Arab point of view, but is specific to ISLAMIC Arabs. Maronites do no express most of these attitudes because they do not follow the same supremacist doctrine. heck, when Maronites were in the majority in Lebanon, Beirut was referred to the Paris of the middle east. Now that Muslims have bred themselves into power, it is just another shit hole.

As far as the governments are concerned, again you are wrong. The governments have been the only thing to PREVENT these attitudes from running amok. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was outlawed by the previous administrations. In Iran, women had rights under The Shah since he was keeping Islam in check. The most salient example is Turkey, where Ataturk brought Turkey screaming and kicking into the modern age by sheer force of will.

Pretend as you wish, but it IS Islam at work here. It is a supremacist doctrine crafted by a murderous thief and rapist to guarantee his warriors would be bound to him and continue to wage eternal war after he was dead.

They have been following suit ever since.

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