A real look at ethnic cleansing in the Holy land... decide for yourself

Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,149 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,211 Israelis
and at least 9,454 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

11,747 Israelis and 92,107 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Fiscal Year 2013

During Fiscal Year 2016, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $10.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
1955 - 1992

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis
are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 7,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

The Israeli unemployment rate is 5.6%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 17.7% and 44% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)


Bottom line:


I guess the Arabs should stop causing trouble........when they fight the Jews, they lose.
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,149 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,211 Israelis
and at least 9,454 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

11,747 Israelis and 92,107 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Fiscal Year 2013

During Fiscal Year 2016, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $10.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
1955 - 1992

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis
are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 7,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

The Israeli unemployment rate is 5.6%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 17.7% and 44% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)


Bottom line:


I guess the Arabs should stop causing trouble........when they fight the Jews, they lose.
Hmmm... has any other group in the entire history of our world been blamed for being ethnically cleansed? Are you one of those who blame rape victims for getting raped as well?
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,149 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,211 Israelis
and at least 9,454 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

11,747 Israelis and 92,107 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians
Fiscal Year 2013

During Fiscal Year 2016, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $10.2 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
1955 - 1992

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis
are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 7,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates

The Israeli unemployment rate is 5.6%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 17.7% and 44% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)


Bottom line:


I guess the Arabs should stop causing trouble........when they fight the Jews, they lose.
Hmmm... has any other group in the entire history of our world been blamed for being ethnically cleansed? Are you one of those who blame rape victims for getting raped as well?

Israel is awful, all their Arabs should move to friendlier nearby nations.

I hear Syria has room.
Hmmm... has any other group in the entire history of our world been blamed for being ethnically cleansed?

Funny that you should ask that...

The Jewish people are being blamed not only for being ethnically cleansed from their own ancestral lands, but also for being ethnically cleansed from Diaspora lands. Weren't you one of the ones who pointed out the old anti-semitic canard that "Jews have been thrown out of every country they've ever been in"?
Hmmm... has any other group in the entire history of our world been blamed for being ethnically cleansed?

Funny that you should ask that...

The Jewish people are being blamed not only for being ethnically cleansed from their own ancestral lands,...
No they aren't blamed for that. Noone but Israel's shills even claim Israel was their "ancestral lands."

LOL, dude. Nice try.

...but also for being ethnically cleansed from Diaspora lands. Weren't you one of the ones who pointed out the old anti-semitic canard that "Jews have been thrown out of every country they've ever been in"?
Awesomeness... so you just admitted that that was no anti-Semitic canard and in fact true.

Pretty sweet when you guys slip up and admit that stuff. Thanks.

As Jews, it's our responsibility to get on wherever we are as decent people. In other words, there should never have been a reason to have been evicted from anywhere.
Awesomeness... so you just admitted that that was no anti-Semitic canard and in fact true.

Pretty sweet when you guys slip up and admit that stuff. Thanks.

Only those who have trouble reading English would take that from what I wrote. You best read it again.
Noone but Israel's shills even claim Israel was their "ancestral lands."

LOL, dude. Nice try.

So, you are arguing that the Jewish people did not originate in Israel and Judah? That the Jewish people don't have a clear history in that land? Wow. You are getting stranger and stranger.

And, for future reference, I am a dudette.
Noone but Israel's shills even claim Israel was their "ancestral lands."

LOL, dude. Nice try.

So, you are arguing that the Jewish people did not originate in Israel and Judah? That the Jewish people don't have a clear history in that land? Wow. You are getting stranger and stranger.

And, for future reference, I am a dudette.

Judaism probably originated in Babylon and spread through missionaries that settled in the Judean highlands. The Biblical kingdoms of Israel and Judah only exist in the Bible/Torah and were probably stories that these missionaries brought with them. Objective archaeology has found scant evidence, if any, of the existance of these kingdoms. What is also evident that even had these kingdoms existed as stated in the Bible/Torah stories, they were composed of many tribes and ethnicities, who worshipped their own local deities. Judaism only became the main religion of the area under the Hasmoneans, by both proselytism and forced conversion, but not the only religion to exist alongside it. Judaism was all but extinguished by the Romans in this area, and only survived at all through communities of converts and Judean emigrees around the Mediterranean basin, so no, modern Jewish people did not originate in Biblical Israel and Judah and unless they can prove descent from those aforementioned Judean emigrees, have no link or clear history in that land other than a very tenuous, religious one.
And the masecares in Jerusalem, Hebron and Sefad occured just 16 years prior to that.

You know even though it might be irrelevant to look far away in time in relation to this report, but the history of the region and Jews in it didn't begin in 1850, and there were enough wars.

However You see numbers are nothing when everything goes according to plan. It's in spite of the odds and numbers that we are here.

You are in Palestine because the Britain, the world's colonizer extradronaire, decided to send Europeans to Palestine. Like they sent Europeans to Rhoodesia, Australia, North America etc,

Well...You want to stick fingers in the ears and sing "lalala look i'm not listening"...still doesn't change Hashem's promise, or the fact that he gave us Jerusalem in just 6 days.

In Europe Jews were anything but Europeans in the eyes of Your ancestors. Now You say the opposite.
You Europeans always changed Your opinions, when the money was good Your kings let us be, when the time to pay arrived- a pogrom was very convenient.

When You were uncertain in You dogma and people had to unite over a common issue- they would organize a debate in a court against Judaism, then burned our books and destroyed our synagogues, expulsions, torture, inquisition.

You really have no say. And Jerusalem is nothing like Rhodesia or anywhere else, Jacob and Ishmael's promises are not like the promises of lying men.

I think that You're so focused on the issue is exactly because You know, or feel that somehow everyone s involved, and it's not just a place on a map, and Jews are not Your ordinary people. Otherwise Your fathers wouldn't try so much to convert us .

In Europe, there was no question that those that practiced Judaism in the various Christian states were Europeans. Discrimination was faced by all religious minorities in Europe, not just those Europeans that practiced Judaism. Long before the Holocaust, Huguenots, in the tens of thousands were burned at the stake.
Israel is the precise analog of Rhodesia wherein the British facilitated a non-state enterprise to create a settler colony on another continent which included the expropriation, eviction and oppression of the native inhabitants.

As far as your religious mumbo jumbo, give us a break. Tell it to people that believe in fairy tales. Jacob and Ishmael, Hansel and Gretel, what's the difference. By the way:

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European"
Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Face it, the native people of Palestine, the people that inhabited the area prior to the European migration, are predominately the descendants of the Samaritans, the Jews, the Canaanites and others who were their ancestors. After Christ, many of the people in the area began converting to Christianity, after 380 AD, when Christianity was established as the exclusive state religion of the Roman Empire, freedom of religion ended and any remaining non-Christians converted for practical reasons, e.g. to have legal residence in Palestine one had to be a Christian.

The Zionists who are the descendants of European converts to Judaism, can have a great spiritual attachment to Jerusalem, and that is commendable, but they have little to no ancestral or genetic links to the area. Hence, no right to have evicted the native and indigenous inhabitants.
... so no, modern Jewish people did not originate in Biblical Israel and Judah and ... have no link or clear history in that land other than a very tenuous, religious one.

Oh come on now, you'd have to be willfully blind, appallingly ignorant or virulently anti-semitic not to see the links between the Jewish people and the archaeological history of the territories of Israel, Judea and Samaria:

Thousands of inscriptions, stamps and seals written in Hebrew and excavated from hundreds of sites, dating back 3000 years -- names including the names of G-d from Torah: El and (HaShem); names of people and kings found in the Tanakh; prayers which are found in the Tanakh, including a seventh century BCE inscription which reads: "May HaShem bless you and keep you. May HaShem make His face shine to you and give you peace", which is the Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26.

There are foreign inscriptions which attest to the existence of the people of Israel -- Egyptian references of Pharaohs Merneptah and Shosenq; Assyrian and Babylonian and Moabite references to fifteen different kings written of in the Tanakh, including Ahab and Jehu and Omri; Persian references to invasion and conquering the territory.

There are letters written from the Elephantine Jewish communities to their brethren "back home", in Hebrew, dating from the 5th century BCE.

Aramean and Moabite inscriptions referring to the House of David.

Discernable evidence of a full-functioning state-system, dating from the 10th century BCE with large building projects, a system of taxation, roads, a centralized bureaucracy, defensive walls, a standing army, border defenses, a system of writing (Hebrew), capital cities, a hierarchy of government, central city planning, standardized weights and measures.

We can trace the development of the Hebrew language over time, using many, many different inscriptions and texts.

We have a papyrus sheet which names Jerusalem, in Hebrew, and is dated from the 7th century BCE and another town listed in the Tanakh.

We have a bulla dating from the 8th century BCE which reads, "belonging to Ahaz, son of Yehotam, king of Judah". We have a royal seal of King Hezekiah and one of King Uzziah. Seals of Gemaryahu ben Shafan, Yehuchal ben Shelmayahu, and Gedaliah ben Paschur -- all mentioned in Jeremiah.

We have the Siloam inscription, the Deir Alla inscription, Har Karkom engravings, gold bells as described from the High Priest's garments. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, the writings of Josephus, the Arch of Titus.

Your claim that there is no connection is patently ridiculous. And its appalling that seemingly intelligent people are so hell-bent on their anti-Israel rant that they reject such obviously clear evidence.
... so no, modern Jewish people did not originate in Biblical Israel and Judah and ... have no link or clear history in that land other than a very tenuous, religious one.

Oh come on now, you'd have to be willfully blind, appallingly ignorant or virulently anti-semitic not to see the links between the Jewish people and the archaeological history of the territories of Israel, Judea and Samaria:

Thousands of inscriptions, stamps and seals written in Hebrew and excavated from hundreds of sites, dating back 3000 years -- names including the names of G-d from Torah: El and (HaShem); names of people and kings found in the Tanakh; prayers which are found in the Tanakh, including a seventh century BCE inscription which reads: "May HaShem bless you and keep you. May HaShem make His face shine to you and give you peace", which is the Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26.

There are foreign inscriptions which attest to the existence of the people of Israel -- Egyptian references of Pharaohs Merneptah and Shosenq; Assyrian and Babylonian and Moabite references to fifteen different kings written of in the Tanakh, including Ahab and Jehu and Omri; Persian references to invasion and conquering the territory.

There are letters written from the Elephantine Jewish communities to their brethren "back home", in Hebrew, dating from the 5th century BCE.

Aramean and Moabite inscriptions referring to the House of David.

Discernable evidence of a full-functioning state-system, dating from the 10th century BCE with large building projects, a system of taxation, roads, a centralized bureaucracy, defensive walls, a standing army, border defenses, a system of writing (Hebrew), capital cities, a hierarchy of government, central city planning, standardized weights and measures.

We can trace the development of the Hebrew language over time, using many, many different inscriptions and texts.

We have a papyrus sheet which names Jerusalem, in Hebrew, and is dated from the 7th century BCE and another town listed in the Tanakh.

We have a bulla dating from the 8th century BCE which reads, "belonging to Ahaz, son of Yehotam, king of Judah". We have a royal seal of King Hezekiah and one of King Uzziah. Seals of Gemaryahu ben Shafan, Yehuchal ben Shelmayahu, and Gedaliah ben Paschur -- all mentioned in Jeremiah.

We have the Siloam inscription, the Deir Alla inscription, Har Karkom engravings, gold bells as described from the High Priest's garments. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, the writings of Josephus, the Arch of Titus.

Your claim that there is no connection is patently ridiculous. And its appalling that seemingly intelligent people are so hell-bent on their anti-Israel rant that they reject such obviously clear evidence.

The bulk of the Jews of Palestine, if not all, converted to Christianity. Their descendants are the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. The European Jews are Europeans that converted to Judaism. There is no Jewish race or ethnicity, it's a religion that a person of any race or ethnicity can practice. What is so difficult to understand Shusha?
... so no, modern Jewish people did not originate in Biblical Israel and Judah and ... have no link or clear history in that land other than a very tenuous, religious one.

Oh come on now, you'd have to be willfully blind, appallingly ignorant or virulently anti-semitic not to see the links between the Jewish people and the archaeological history of the territories of Israel, Judea and Samaria:

Thousands of inscriptions, stamps and seals written in Hebrew and excavated from hundreds of sites, dating back 3000 years -- names including the names of G-d from Torah: El and (HaShem); names of people and kings found in the Tanakh; prayers which are found in the Tanakh, including a seventh century BCE inscription which reads: "May HaShem bless you and keep you. May HaShem make His face shine to you and give you peace", which is the Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26.

There are foreign inscriptions which attest to the existence of the people of Israel -- Egyptian references of Pharaohs Merneptah and Shosenq; Assyrian and Babylonian and Moabite references to fifteen different kings written of in the Tanakh, including Ahab and Jehu and Omri; Persian references to invasion and conquering the territory.

There are letters written from the Elephantine Jewish communities to their brethren "back home", in Hebrew, dating from the 5th century BCE.

Aramean and Moabite inscriptions referring to the House of David.

Discernable evidence of a full-functioning state-system, dating from the 10th century BCE with large building projects, a system of taxation, roads, a centralized bureaucracy, defensive walls, a standing army, border defenses, a system of writing (Hebrew), capital cities, a hierarchy of government, central city planning, standardized weights and measures.

We can trace the development of the Hebrew language over time, using many, many different inscriptions and texts.

We have a papyrus sheet which names Jerusalem, in Hebrew, and is dated from the 7th century BCE and another town listed in the Tanakh.

We have a bulla dating from the 8th century BCE which reads, "belonging to Ahaz, son of Yehotam, king of Judah". We have a royal seal of King Hezekiah and one of King Uzziah. Seals of Gemaryahu ben Shafan, Yehuchal ben Shelmayahu, and Gedaliah ben Paschur -- all mentioned in Jeremiah.

We have the Siloam inscription, the Deir Alla inscription, Har Karkom engravings, gold bells as described from the High Priest's garments. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, the writings of Josephus, the Arch of Titus.

Your claim that there is no connection is patently ridiculous. And its appalling that seemingly intelligent people are so hell-bent on their anti-Israel rant that they reject such obviously clear evidence.

The bulk of the Jews of Palestine, if not all, converted to Christianity. Their descendants are the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. The European Jews are Europeans that converted to Judaism. There is no Jewish race or ethnicity, it's a religion that a person of any race or ethnicity can practice. What is so difficult to understand Shusha?

As we know, Pal'istanians are neither a race, ethnicity or a culture. They are nothing more than an invention of an Egyptian (Arafat), who attempted to add a national identity to an invented people.
Arabs have towns and villages inside of Israel, just like Jews have settlements on the West Bank.
LOL, the numbers and certainly the maps don't lie.
They certainly don't and what those numbers reveal is that the God of Israel protects His Own children, provides for His Own children, and blesses His Own children while the god of Islam appears to be sound asleep. Where's Allah? He doesn't protect you, doesn't provide for you, isn't capable of fighting his own battles, can't save your life and falls apart when anyone makes a cartoon about him or his prophet! Why would anyone serve a god like that? It makes no sense. Here's some good advice: Read the Bible and leave the Jews alone. God said that He would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her. What part of that did you not get?
The god of Israel is the United States of America, and formerly Great Britain. Nothing to do with any God.
... so no, modern Jewish people did not originate in Biblical Israel and Judah and ... have no link or clear history in that land other than a very tenuous, religious one.

Oh come on now, you'd have to be willfully blind, appallingly ignorant or virulently anti-semitic not to see the links between the Jewish people and the archaeological history of the territories of Israel, Judea and Samaria:

Thousands of inscriptions, stamps and seals written in Hebrew and excavated from hundreds of sites, dating back 3000 years -- names including the names of G-d from Torah: El and (HaShem); names of people and kings found in the Tanakh; prayers which are found in the Tanakh, including a seventh century BCE inscription which reads: "May HaShem bless you and keep you. May HaShem make His face shine to you and give you peace", which is the Priestly Blessing from Numbers 6:24-26.

There are foreign inscriptions which attest to the existence of the people of Israel -- Egyptian references of Pharaohs Merneptah and Shosenq; Assyrian and Babylonian and Moabite references to fifteen different kings written of in the Tanakh, including Ahab and Jehu and Omri; Persian references to invasion and conquering the territory.

There are letters written from the Elephantine Jewish communities to their brethren "back home", in Hebrew, dating from the 5th century BCE.

Aramean and Moabite inscriptions referring to the House of David.

Discernable evidence of a full-functioning state-system, dating from the 10th century BCE with large building projects, a system of taxation, roads, a centralized bureaucracy, defensive walls, a standing army, border defenses, a system of writing (Hebrew), capital cities, a hierarchy of government, central city planning, standardized weights and measures.

We can trace the development of the Hebrew language over time, using many, many different inscriptions and texts.

We have a papyrus sheet which names Jerusalem, in Hebrew, and is dated from the 7th century BCE and another town listed in the Tanakh.

We have a bulla dating from the 8th century BCE which reads, "belonging to Ahaz, son of Yehotam, king of Judah". We have a royal seal of King Hezekiah and one of King Uzziah. Seals of Gemaryahu ben Shafan, Yehuchal ben Shelmayahu, and Gedaliah ben Paschur -- all mentioned in Jeremiah.

We have the Siloam inscription, the Deir Alla inscription, Har Karkom engravings, gold bells as described from the High Priest's garments. We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, the writings of Josephus, the Arch of Titus.

Your claim that there is no connection is patently ridiculous. And its appalling that seemingly intelligent people are so hell-bent on their anti-Israel rant that they reject such obviously clear evidence.

The bulk of the Jews of Palestine, if not all, converted to Christianity. Their descendants are the Christians and Muslims of Palestine. The European Jews are Europeans that converted to Judaism. There is no Jewish race or ethnicity, it's a religion that a person of any race or ethnicity can practice. What is so difficult to understand Shusha?

That is not true. Who told you that? Israel is a Jewish Nation. The Jews in Israel are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There isn't any other kind of Jew. What is this European nonsense? These are the descendants of Abraham and Israel is the land given by God to Isaac and his descendants, his own sons and daughters. Given to ISAAC. Not Ishmael. ISAAC. It's in the Bible. Read it.
The god of Israel is the United States of America, and formerly Great Britain. Nothing to do with any God.
Be very careful.. You will be giving an account before the God of Israel for every idle word you have ever spoken. God watches over Israel. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He watches over Israel and He watches over His own children. Where is your god Allah at? Is he broke? On the welfare line? Applying for another handout at the UN or what? Why can't he take care of his own people? Why don't the Arabs help their own people with all the wealth they have? Why do they allow Hamas to hold them in captivity in Gaza for political jockeying and empty promises? When will they stop using their own people as political pawns against Israel? They know they have no claim to the land of Israel! Why don't they help all those Arabs relocate to an Islamic country? The Jews have always helped their own people and even help them make aliyah. What is wrong with the Arabs?
The god of Israel is the United States of America, and formerly Great Britain. Nothing to do with any God.
Be very careful.. You will be giving an account before the God of Israel for every idle word you have ever spoken. God watches over Israel. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. He watches over Israel and He watches over His own children. Where is your god Allah at? Is he broke? On the welfare line? Applying for another handout at the UN or what? Why can't he take care of his own people? Why don't the Arabs help their own people with all the wealth they have? Why do they allow Hamas to hold them in captivity in Gaza for political jockeying and empty promises? When will then stop using their own people as political pawns against Israel? They know they have no claim to the land of Israel! Why don't they help all those arabs relocate to an Islamic country? The Jews have always helped their own people and even help them make aliyah. What is wrong with the Arabs?

LOL. You are hilarious. I am a Roman Catholic Christian and I think you know your kind should be careful. So should the Muslims. Deus Vult.

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