A ray of sunshine

Tijn Von Ingersleben

Gold Member
Feb 5, 2018


Stevie G and the boys are finally back practicing. The start of the new season will be here before we know it.
This is our year to dethrone the tim rat catchers.

Come on 55!



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Ok, I'm good with this...anything to tale away from this constant liberal delusional bullshit focusing on how bad whites are...
I'm hoping and waiting for the day when NFL training camps open. I'm going to go nuts if we don't have real football to watch. No offense to all you candy-ass soccer people. ;)
The no fan loyalty league is so corrupt I would have thrown a party had the season been cancelled.i thought with the rams back in LA finally I would get excited about it again. I always thought with the Rams coming back to LA,something I had dreamed about over 20 years,that when that day finally did come, I would finally get excited about the NFL again but as I said,sense the NFL is such a corrupt cartel,far more corrupt than it was before the Rams left LA for stank louis,I can’t get excited about the NFL like I thought I would.

The NFL was not corrupt back in 95 when they left LA as it is now:mad: that pretty much taints the enjoyment I hoped to have.
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The Girls' Jogging Club is back in action? Tinkerbell Von Chickenshit must be thrilled. Unless there are jooooooos on the team, that is.
Unkotore is now going wah like a baby now the truth I posted so much hurts him.lol :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
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....Mama says happiness is rays of sunshine that come down from the sun when you are feeling blue
I'm hoping and waiting for the day when NFL training camps open. I'm going to go nuts if we don't have real football to watch. No offense to all you candy-ass soccer people. ;)
..I remember when I was 13

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