A Question That Must Be Asked: Did Hermain Cain Ever Benefit From Affirmative Action?

When Cain was promoted at Pillsbury, Pillsbury had just lost a racial discrimination suit. Are you telling me this had no effect on his promotion?

That's not the same as AA.

A company ending its "Blacks need not apply" policy and thus opening the door for a well-qualified and very accomplished black man to take on the mantle of authority is WAY different from AA.

You have the wrong idea about AA. I'm not saying Cain was not qualified for his promotion. I'm saying he benefited from Pillsbury having lost a racial discrimination suit.

He benefited from AA. AA merely allows qualified racial minorities to have a level playing field for employment.

A. I'm not sure about your timeline

but whether it is correct or not,

B. I am very sure I disagree with your take on AA.

The way AA has been used is very different from making people stand back and say, "hmmm, possibly we have overlooked a black person we shouldn't have passed over."

Not that you have even shown that much happened in Herman Cain's case.

AA forces cities to throw out job requirements when there aren't enough black people who have those requirements. (for example)

An AA promotion would be putting Cain in some sort of midlevel minimum-responsibility job where you could claim you were grooming him for more responsibility later on. Not putting a successful employee with a great familiarity with the business in charge of 400 stores.

After completing his master's degree from Purdue, Cain left the Department of the Navy and began working for The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta as a computer systems analyst. In 1977, he moved to Minneapolis to join Pillsbury, soon becoming director of analysis in its restaurant and foods group in 1978.

At age 36, Cain was assigned in the 1980s first to analyze and ultimately to take the reins of Burger King, which at the time was a Pillsbury subsidiary, where he managed 400 stores in the Philadelphia area. Under Cain's leadership, his region went in three years from the least profitable for Burger King to the most profitable. According to a 1987 account in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Pillsbury's then-president Win Wallin said: "He was an excellent bet. Herman always seemed to have his act together."

Herman Cain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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At every step of his career, Herman Cain benefited from AA.

::sigh:: What part of "Repeating the assertion isn't proof" is too hard for you? You, especially, can repeat something until your face is blue, and all you would accomplish is to convince people it WASN'T, simply because it's you saying it.

Some will keep saying it because they hate anything and anybody conservative and are willing to say anything to accuse, denigrate, belittle, or smear them. Look how many requests for sources have been posted and that those are not forthcoming lest the accusers are convicted of picking up lies from leftwing looney hate sites.

And I personally have lost my patience tolerating that kind of bigotry, racism, and intentionally dishonest tactic.

Here are some sources to blow the nasty accusations back into the basement where they belong:

His father worked three jobs to keep a roof over their heads. His mother was a maid. He earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and then a master’s in computer science. He went to work for the navy as, literally, a rocket scientist.
He left the navy and went to work as a systems analyst for Coca-Cola. Then he went to Pillsbury and quickly rose to become the vice-president of their Corporate Data Systems and Services.

Still a young man he took over 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area for Pillsbury. It was the worst group in the company. He walked into the job and learned it inside out by doing the actual work, flipping burgers and scrubbing bathrooms. Over three years he had turned the restaurants around and made the group the best in the whole company.
Herman Cain: the "IT" guy | ViewsHound

Cain joined Pillsbury in 1977, rising to the position of VP only a few years later. Cain took over a region of 400 Burger King’s; the least profitable region of Pillsbury’s subsidiaries. In just one year Cain’s region became the most profitable. Pillsbury then appointed him to his best known position of CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, which he also promptly returned to profitability.
Get to Know the Candidates: Herman Cain « Taking the Ride
He went to work to rescue Burger King in 1982. He worked to rescue Burger King for three years. Do the math. There is no way he was appointed to Burger King after 1984. Somebody is either lying or repeating lies about that. Ya'll can pick.

Another source:

The Pillsbury Company, Minneapolis, MN, vice president/corporate systems and services, 1977-82; Burger King Corporation, Philadelphia, PA, regional vice president, 1982-86; Godfather’s Pizza Inc., Omaha, NE, president, 1986-88, president/CEO, 1988–.
Herman Cain For President. He’s Not An African American, He’s A Black American And Has What It Takes To Get Our Country Back On Track « THE ROYCROFT REPORT
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How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.
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How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.

Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.

Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.
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Obama admitted that he benefited from Affirmative Action ... because he did.

Still hasn't been shown to be the case in Herman Cain's situation.

On the other hand, in this thread we have witnessed another profound demonstration of the damage which the mere existence of the twisted phenomenon known as AA can do to the record and aspirations of a qualified black person who had the misfortune of being alive while AA was on the books.
How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.

Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I don't know if it is racism but it sure as hell is all lies. I won't guess whether intentional or taught via the stuff picked up on leftwing hate sites. I do know I clearly demonstrated that she made a very erroneous statement that she has yet to admit and correct. That alone disqualifies a person as having any credibility in denigrating what appears to be a very good man.
Obama admitted that he benefited from Affirmative Action ... because he did.

Still hasn't been shown to be the case in Herman Cain's situation.

On the other hand, in this thread we have witnessed another profound demonstration of the damage which the mere existence of the twisted phenomenon known as AA can do to the record and aspirations of a qualified black person who had the misfortune of being alive while AA was on the books.

All blacks benefited from the Civil Rights Act which established Affirmative Action.

Obama and Colin Powell are honest about it. Cain is not.

I think Obama, Powell and Cain are talented and successful men, all of them. AA helps but is not the cause of blacks succeeding.
How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.

Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I don't know if it is racism but it sure as hell is all lies. I won't guess whether intentional or taught via the stuff picked up on leftwing hate sites. I do know I clearly demonstrated that she made a very erroneous statement that she has yet to admit and correct. That alone disqualifies a person as having any credibility in denigrating what appears to be a very good man.

When in doubt, call your opponent a liar. Nice one, Fox. Keep going. You're on a roll.

Your opinion of me has NOTHING to do with this discussion. Get back to the topic. You claim Cain did not benefit from the Civil Rights Act. I say he did.
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•The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The same language was later used in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246.

I'm posting politely. Others here are not.

Part of the problem with some of you, is that you don't understand affirmative action. You think it means Cain was promoted because he was black. I don't. Affirmative action merely levels the employment playing field. Colin Powell, Barack Obama and Herman Cain all benefited from the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action.

All were qualified to succeed.

Cain doesn't have enough experience to be POTUS. He is a divider with his rhetoric. He won't win the nomination.
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How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.

Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.

President Obama had no experience to run anything.

According to your logic, lass, he too benefitted from AA.

Nice of you to marginalize all accomplishments of all blacks in America.

And you still can't see why lots of people believe that AA fosters racism.

You cannot attack the Cain positions on the merits. That much is crystal clear. So you engage in this childish sophistry in place of honest or intelligent debate.

How many African-American CEOs (even of pizza manufacturing & delivery outfits) were there before the Civil Rights Act was passed?

Obama worked his way through school and graduated at the top of his class, spending years paying off his debts while also self-identifying with people of color and dedicating himself to fighting to improve their condition. Most of Obama's personal wealth was earned from two successful books about his life. Cain decided the way to "overcome" racism was to embrace it and amass a personal fortune by becoming the standard-bearer for those who promote racism and culture wars to exclude and disenfranchise people of color.

One is already president and will be reelected in 2012. The other is a right wing show pony that will be casually discarded as soon as his usefulness ends.

Vote for Cain. His qualifications are pizza.

I have no problem someone benefiting from affirmative action. Colin Powell said he used affirmative action. I have a problem with Cain claiming affirmative action had NOTHING to do with his success.

Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.

That was kind of the point of the Act, was it not? Moron.

Obama was a qualified community organizer. He didn't have the experience either, but that didn't matter to the left then. So why now? Because Cain is a conservative or because he's black?

Racism. Challenge it.
Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.

President Obama had no experience to run anything.

According to your logic, lass, he too benefitted from AA.

Nice of you to marginalize all accomplishments of all blacks in America.

And you still can't see why lots of people believe that AA fosters racism.

You cannot attack the Cain positions on the merits. That much is crystal clear. So you engage in this childish sophistry in place of honest or intelligent debate.


Well, as we know, Selma got him born.

Except that the dates don't add up. :eusa_shhh:
•The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The same language was later used in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246.

I'm posting politely. Others here are not.

Posting gibberish is no less gibberish if hidden under a veil of politeness.

It isn't your decorum or civility that is questioned. It is the logic of your position and the factual accuracy of your claims.

And hiding behind "I'm just stating my OPINIONS" is not very honest of you after stating those opinions as though they were (somehow) facts.

Nobody asked you to pontificate on the origin of the phrase "affirmative action," either. That history lesson is irrelevant to the discussion.
Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.

That was kind of the point of the Act, was it not? Moron.

Obama was a qualified community organizer. He didn't have the experience either, but that didn't matter to the left then. So why now? Because Cain is a conservative or because he's black?

Racism. Challenge it.

I'm not a moron, and you know it. Neither am I a racist.

I am a woman with a different opinion than you. Get over it.
•The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The same language was later used in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246.

I'm posting politely. Others here are not.

Part of the problem with some of you, is that you don't understand affirmative action. You think it means Cain was promoted because he was black. I don't. Affirmative action merely levels the employment playing field. Colin Powell, Barack Obama and Herman Cain all benefited from the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action.

All were qualified to succeed.

Cain doesn't have enough experience to be POTUS. He is a divider with his rhetoric. He won't win the nomination.
barack obama, after 3 years still doesn't have the experience or qualifications to be President. He is a divider with his rhetoric.
Such racism. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Herman Cain is fully qualified to run a business. He doesn't have experience to run the government.

He benefited from the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You can keep calling me a racist till doomday and all you do is make yourself sick with hate. You know perfectly well I'm not a racist.

President Obama had no experience to run anything.

According to your logic, lass, he too benefitted from AA.

Nice of you to marginalize all accomplishments of all blacks in America.

And you still can't see why lots of people believe that AA fosters racism.

You cannot attack the Cain positions on the merits. That much is crystal clear. So you engage in this childish sophistry in place of honest or intelligent debate.


I can attack Cain on the merits of his positions. I'm sorry you continue to use personal attacks.

All blacks alive in 1964 benefited from AA. I have the utmost respect for the accomplishment of blacks in America.

Herman Cain is not unqualified to run a corporation, but he is to be POTUS.
•The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The same language was later used in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246.

I'm posting politely. Others here are not.

Part of the problem with some of you, is that you don't understand affirmative action. You think it means Cain was promoted because he was black. I don't. Affirmative action merely levels the employment playing field. Colin Powell, Barack Obama and Herman Cain all benefited from the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action.

All were qualified to succeed.

Cain doesn't have enough experience to be POTUS. He is a divider with his rhetoric. He won't win the nomination.
barack obama, after 3 years still doesn't have the experience or qualifications to be President. He is a divider with his rhetoric.

Obviously, I disagree.

I am proud of the way I can hold my own in this discussion.

As usual, I'm outnumbered. I've said my peace for the day. Have fun.
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Obama admitted that he benefited from Affirmative Action ... because he did.

Still hasn't been shown to be the case in Herman Cain's situation.

On the other hand, in this thread we have witnessed another profound demonstration of the damage which the mere existence of the twisted phenomenon known as AA can do to the record and aspirations of a qualified black person who had the misfortune of being alive while AA was on the books.

All blacks benefited from the Civil Rights Act which established Affirmative Action.

Obama and Colin Powell are honest about it. Cain is not.

I think Obama, Powell and Cain are talented and successful men, all of them. AA helps but is not the cause of blacks succeeding.

Until you acknowledge the difference between benefiting from the civil rights movement and benefiting from Affirmative Action, I don't see much way this conversation can go forward.

Cain's position on Affirmative Action is reasonable:

Some of my opponents in the race for the U.S. Senate seem to like to ask me if I am in favor of affirmative action. I'm sick and tired of people trying to divide us on race. So let me make my answer as plain as day, so that even a congressman can understand it. If by affirmative action you mean quotas - then no. But if you mean, do I favor giving all people equal opportunity? You bet. I don't understand how my opponents could not agree with the idea of removing all barriers for people to have equal opportunity.


The ways so-called Affirmative Action has been used and abused in such a way as to give reason to doubt the qualifications of someone who has been pushed forward by means of it - those are reasons to oppose Affirmative Action as it exists today.

Are you now claiming that Cain has denied having benefited from the Civil Rights movement?
•The actual phrase "affirmative action" was first used in President John F. Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order 10925 which requires federal contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." The same language was later used in Lyndon Johnson's 1965 Executive Order 11246.

I'm posting politely. Others here are not.

Part of the problem with some of you, is that you don't understand affirmative action. You think it means Cain was promoted because he was black. I don't. Affirmative action merely levels the employment playing field. Colin Powell, Barack Obama and Herman Cain all benefited from the Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action.

All were qualified to succeed.

Cain doesn't have enough experience to be POTUS. He is a divider with his rhetoric. He won't win the nomination.
barack obama, after 3 years still doesn't have the experience or qualifications to be President. He is a divider with his rhetoric.

Obviously, I disagree.

I am proud of the way I can hold my own in this discussion.

As usual, I'm outnumbered. I've said my peace for the day. Have fun.
You're proud of holding your own???? You are not outnumbered because people like to pick on you. You are outnumbered because you're wrong.

Please stay around long enough to answer the PM I sent you. Then, have a great day in Never Never Land.

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