A Question for Those that Support Hamas

You don’t see it? I’ll spell it out for you.

You claimed that the Palestinian people were an extension of Hamas since they voted them into power. Yet you don’t claim to be an extension of Biden even though you’re an American and Americans elected him into power. That’s a conundrum… unless you’re going to claim that every man women and child in Palestine was responsible and supportive of Hamas coming to power… but we both know that would be an idiotic claim
Counter point ~ counter claim to your non-logic is that since Donald Trump was POTUS of USA from 2017 to 2020 then that means that ALL Americans wanted and supported his Presidency.

Problem with most of you Leftist~Libturds is you flunked basic math and fail to distinguish the difference of a 49-51 split versus a 90-10 split in percentages.
All the more reason to support those Palestinians being slaughtered and held captive. Didn’t you just make a point a couple posts ago that Israel gave them an opportunity to leave? Now they are being killed for leaving. So what are they supposed to do?
What part of Hamas is killing them for fleeing the combat zone do you fail to understand?
OR ...
Are you intentionally lying about whom is really slaughtering the "Palestinians" trying to get away? ???
Israel has created this problem and kept it stuck for 80 years. You're just angry and blaming others for Israel's mistakes.

Islam created this problem 1400 years ago and has been stuck in their goal of global conversion to Islam ever since then. I'm blaming Islam for it's agenda and goal of global conquest and conversion to their "religion" and supporting Israel's resistance to being forced into an ideology/religion they don't agree with or support.

Meanwhile you support Islamic Jihad agenda to force the World into becoming Muslim!

Israel made no Objective mistakes.

Fascists and Islamist like yourself have made the mistakes going back 1400 years to present.
When Islam is a dead ideology/theology then the World will have a chance to know peace in that part of the planet.
Hamas only exists because of Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. ..and they are every bit as bad as the Likud.

Hamas is wrong and they have hurt the Palestinians, but their Charter has the same wording as the Likud Charter. You people are idiots. You can't get it right after 80 years.
Hamas ' agenda continues one started over 1400 years ago when Muslim "Islamic Jihad" began it's goal of global conquest and conversion to Islam.

That goal has not been renounced nor rescinded, and remains in play~effect from now and into the future.

So long as Islam remains in it's present form on this planet, we are doomed to perpetual wars caused by Islam until:
1) The dogma and theological foundations of Islam are invalidated and no longer practiced.
2) Islam succeeds in converting all of humanity on this planet to Islam.
3) Islam undergoes a major 'Reformation' that alters it's script and message/agenda. (I doubt we'll see this since Muhammad claimed this was the "Final Word" from Allah/Gawd/God/YHWH/Etc.)

Those whom don't acknowledge the above are accomplices in the Islamic Agenda, willingly or deluded.
What part of Hamas is killing them for fleeing the combat zone do you fail to understand?
OR ...
Are you intentionally lying about whom is really slaughtering the "Palestinians" trying to get away? ???
The Hamas supporters here will never tell the truth about Hamas.

If they told the truth, what they actually support would come into sharper focus.
Counter point ~ counter claim to your non-logic is that since Donald Trump was POTUS of USA from 2017 to 2020 then that means that ALL Americans wanted and supported his Presidency.

Problem with most of you Leftist~Libturds is you flunked basic math and fail to distinguish the difference of a 49-51 split versus a 90-10 split in percentages.
What seems to be going over your head is that I used your defense of Trump and hate of Biden to have you make my point for me… negating the point that you made about Palestinians being responsible for Humas’ actions
Are you intentionally lying about whom is really slaughtering the "Palestinians" trying to get away? ???
What lie do you think I’ve told. Can you show the quote. Hamas is holding these people hostage and using them as shields. Israel is bombing them all. A lot of sick stuff happening over there
Zionists are Jews that wish to reclaim their homeland of over 3,000 years which the rest of the world keeps trying to kick them out of, while seeking to eliminate Jews. :rolleyes:
You forgot the part where they steal the land, kill those they dislike, and force thousands to flee their homes.
You forgot the part where they steal the land, kill those they dislike, and force thousands to flee their homes.
You forgot the part where the Muslims started doing the same about 1400 years ago against Jews and Christians and anyone whom refused to become Muslim!
What lie do you think I’ve told. Can you show the quote. Hamas is holding these people hostage and using them as shields. Israel is bombing them all. A lot of sick stuff happening over there
All because the Muslims won't enter the modern age and give up their Jihad against all of the planet whom aren't Muslims!

If not a lie on your part than gross ignorance or denial.
You forgot the part where the Muslims started doing the same about 1400 years ago against Jews and Christians and anyone whom refused to become Muslim!
You don’t know history.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians In Palestine lived in peace for centuries under the Ottoman Empire.

If you’re going to condemn Muslims for atrocities they’ve committed in the past, you might want to realize Christians and Jews have a tainted history too. Has this ever occurred to you?

Think better.
You don’t know history.

Jews, Muslims, and Christians In Palestine lived in peace for centuries under the Ottoman Empire.

If you’re going to condemn Muslims for atrocities they’ve committed in the past, you might want to realize Christians and Jews have a tainted history too. Has this ever occurred to you?

Think better.
Yes and long ago.
Long before your dim awareness brought this forth.

Have Jews sought to convert the Whole World, all of Humanity to Judaism ? Especially by force, the "Sword"?
Have Christians sought to convert the Whole World, all of Humanity to Christianity? Especially by force, the "Sword"?
Has Islam sought to convert the Whole World, all of Humanity to Islamism ? Especially by force, the "Sword"?

Can you answer these questions honestly, or will resort to the usual Lefturd~Socialist lies and disinformation?

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