A Question for Those that Support Hamas

"What do you mean "we" Kimosabe?"

I don't see any conundrum, just usual Lefturd false equivalency on your part.

I take it you are not resident/citizen/voter in the USA.
You don’t see it? I’ll spell it out for you.

You claimed that the Palestinian people were an extension of Hamas since they voted them into power. Yet you don’t claim to be an extension of Biden even though you’re an American and Americans elected him into power. That’s a conundrum… unless you’re going to claim that every man women and child in Palestine was responsible and supportive of Hamas coming to power… but we both know that would be an idiotic claim
You’ve got to earn it if you are to be paid. You have every right to think what you think even if logic and reason don’t apply.

I wonder if you feel like you should be held accountable for Joe Biden’s actions since you elected him as your president.
Ohh so now the people that voted for Hamas and that in poll after poll support Hamas and support the attack on October 7 are not responsible for their choices? AS for Biden I did not vote for him and do not support any of his positions except supporting Israel.
But wasn’t the point you just made that support for the Palestinian people is supporting Hamas because they elected Hamas? Why then shouldn’t you be held responsible for electing Biden and his actions? Do you see your conundrum?
almost half the US did not vote for Biden as were 70 to 80 percent of the Pals support Hamas.
Ohh so now the people that voted for Hamas and that in poll after poll support Hamas and support the attack on October 7 are not responsible for their choices? AS for Biden I did not vote for him and do not support any of his positions except supporting Israel.
There’s an extremely skewed interpretation of what I didn’t say. Comeback with some honesty and I’ll engage with you
almost half the US did not vote for Biden as were 70 to 80 percent of the Pals support Hamas.
Where there ya go making my point for me… thank you!

Not every Palestinian is responsible and supportive of Humas. Therefore expression concern and support for innocent palestinian people is not the same as supporting Humas.
70 to 80 percent currently support Hamas and support the October 7 attack.
Alrighty then. Do you have any issues with supporting the 20-30% that didn’t vote for Humas and non-voting women and children ?? Or are they the same as Humas?
you have in this thread posited that the Gaza Pals are not to be blamed for the actions of Hamas.
Yes not all Palestinians are involved supportive or responsible for the actions of Humas. That should be a basic fact. You’ve even admitted as much… 20-30%
Yes not all Palestinians are involved supportive or responsible for the actions of Humas. That should be a basic fact. You’ve even admitted as much… 20-30%
And Israel allowed them 2 weeks to move OUT of the attack area. But Hamas prevented them from doing so. So Israel at risk to itself created safe passage ways and guarded them to allow the Pals that want move south the access to do it.
And Israel allowed them 2 weeks to move OUT of the attack area. But Hamas prevented them from doing so. So Israel at risk to itself created safe passage ways and guarded them to allow the Pals that want move south the access to do it.
Good for them… despite all that innocent women and children are being killed and those who have compassion for that are a fair point and aren’t automatically Humas supporters like so many haters lazily label them as
Ignoring the blatant attacks on Jews and claiming they are just supporting the Pals is a nonstarter.
That’s quite the paint job… how about if they don’t ignore the attacks. For example if I said the Humas attacks on Jews is horrible and they should be punished and stripped of power by the world community.

There now that I said that am I good to support cease fires and humanitarian efforts to save innocent Palestinian lives. Will you stand with me?
70 to 80 percent currently support Hamas and support the October 7 attack.
We don't yet have all the details about October 7, looks like the Israelis killed quite a few of their own people.
Where there ya go making my point for me… thank you!

Not every Palestinian is responsible and supportive of Humas. Therefore expression concern and support for innocent palestinian people is not the same as supporting Humas.
Meanwhile, Hamas is executing those Palestinians whom don't support them and/or try to leave.
We USA conservatives aren't doing that to our malcontent Leftists-Communists whom support Biden/Obama.
Meanwhile, Hamas is executing those Palestinians whom don't support them and/or try to leave.
We USA conservatives aren't doing that to our malcontent Leftists-Communists whom support Biden/Obama.
All the more reason to support those Palestinians being slaughtered and held captive. Didn’t you just make a point a couple posts ago that Israel gave them an opportunity to leave? Now they are being killed for leaving. So what are they supposed to do?
No, all Jew-haters say it. And you’ve revealed yourself to be one of the worst on the forum.

Israel has created this problem and kept it stuck for 80 years. You're just angry and blaming others for Israel's mistakes.
The people that lived there converted to Christianity and Islam. There were no colonists from the outside.
So, they learned the Arab culture, religion, and language from where? Was it growing in the soil? Did the stones speak to them? Was it whispered to them on the wind? Was it in the water?
Israel has created this problem and kept it stuck for 80 years. You're just angry and blaming others for Israel's mistakes.

Because the degeneracy of Arab imperialism is always someone else's fault...

What was the excuse for violence before Jewish independence?


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