A question for pro-lifers...

Less than one percent of abortions take place after the sixth month, yet the lifers continually bring up late term abortions, and partial birth abortion, despite the fact it is no longer legal in the United States.

I could say that lifers have no shame. It would be nice if both sides could stick to the FACTS as we know them - that a tiny percentage of abortions are the result of a rape, and that a tiny percentage of abortions are performed after the 24th week.

That might be because the pro abortion crowd is working hard to make sure that abortions are available on a whim up to the time of birth, and they want other people to pay for it. If that crowd wasn't so extreme and dishonest the rest of us could take a day off.
I don't know anyone either here or in real life that is pro-abortion.

Do you know everyone in the city you live in? The state? The country? The world? If the answer to anyone of those questions is no, why do you think what you said proves anything?
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

Pro-Life in all cases - although I can see the point in exceptions - But I personally don't think the circumstances are at all the innocent life's fault.. Morning after works great.. and I don't see it as abortion..

But if that doesn't happen, I would say I'm 100% pro-adoption..

Little known fact..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_MUUvcvjEg]Jane Roe's prolife commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

Support? No. But I also don't think illegalizing it is the most effective solution. For such Z(mercifully) incredibly rare cases, I think a community support structure including intensive victim counseling that supports the idea of adoption and bringing something positive out of a negative situation would be far more useful.
shezlin is more realistic than you, QWB.

I don't know anyone is pro-abortion either.

That might be because the pro abortion crowd is working hard to make sure that abortions are available on a whim up to the time of birth, and they want other people to pay for it. If that crowd wasn't so extreme and dishonest the rest of us could take a day off.
I don't know anyone either here or in real life that is pro-abortion.

Do you know everyone in the city you live in? The state? The country? The world? If the answer to anyone of those questions is no, why do you think what you said proves anything?
I know rape based abortion is rare. Im not trying to use it to argue abortion should be legal. I dont care if its 200 a year, or 2,000. My op is....If you feel that a fetus is a baby, why is it ok to murder that baby depending on how it was conceived?

Because a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest is in fact the result of a personal attack and as such has NOTHING to do with the woman's irresponsibility or laziness.
These cases are different than using abortion as a form of birth control which believe it or not, is what so many of us oppose.
Which is why so many women scream a collective fuck off, to those who mean to compel those they have no means to produce and no intention to support.

If you have no means to produce and no intent to support you should NEVER find yourself in a situation where you're forced to chose to kill or not to kill.
HeDoesn'tGetItAlready truly is an idiot.

One, things happen,.

Two, abortion of fetuses in not killing as he tries to paint.

Third, he is a male, and has very little morally to say about a woman's pregnancy.

So women tell those like him to collectively "fuck off" and defeat him at the polls.
HeDoesn'tGetItAlready truly is an idiot.

One, things happen,.

Two, abortion of fetuses in not killing as he tries to paint.

Third, he is a male, and has very little morally to say about a woman's pregnancy.

So women tell those like him to collectively "fuck off" and defeat him at the polls.

Take all the issue with personal responsibility you like Jake but when your doing so takes the form of insulting those who in fact DON'T GET acting like a mindless animal with the assurance that acting like a murderous monster is always an "easy out" I would submit that it is in fact YOU who doesn't get it. ;)
Mindless animal because someone does not agree with you?

This is why women as a group tell males like to "fuck off".

Abortion, ipso facto, is not murder, period.

You don't understand legal terms, you mistake yourself as a moral authority.

You are a mindless individual.
Mindless animal because someone does not agree with you?

This is why women as a group tell males like to "fuck off".

Abortion, ipso facto, is not murder, period.

You don't understand legal terms, you mistake yourself as a moral authority.

You are a mindless individual.

No dipshit!
You're a goddamned human being. Take advantage of all that intelligence and those opposable thumbs and make an intelligent decision before rolling those dice.

You like to assume the majority of women are as stupid as you're attempting to be, giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't buy it for a minute. Women know the risks of unprotected sex and you're giving them a pass will never make them as stupid as you'd like.

"Things happen", indeed stupid...
shezlin is more realistic than you, QWB.

I don't know anyone is pro-abortion either.

I don't know anyone either here or in real life that is pro-abortion.

Do you know everyone in the city you live in? The state? The country? The world? If the answer to anyone of those questions is no, why do you think what you said proves anything?

Shelzin doesn't know anyone who is pro abortion, I don't know anyone that is from Zimbabwe. The difference between us is that I know that the fact that I don't know anyone from there does not prove that Zimbabwe does not exist, which is why I will never use it in a discussion about Africa. Not sure how that makes Shelzin more realistic, but I am not a fake Repblican, so I don't think in lies.

By the way, anyone that has you jump into a conversation to defend them knows they lost, you aren't helping.
I he does not get it already, that events do happen, and when they do, IGetItAlready has nothing of importance to say about it, he certainly has no authority about it.

That is why women tell men like him to "fuck off."

When you realize that abortion in certain situations is legal, moral, and ethical, you will have grown up.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

This topic has been hashed over and over and over. Go have an abortion and then make a post about that.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.

This topic has been hashed over and over and over. Go have an abortion and then make a post about that.

Ah, the "you can't discuss a topic unless you've lived it" argument.

How many abortions have you had?
Morning after pill.

I will take that as a no.

Do you consider the morning after pill a form of abortion? I know some people do.

There is no need to let gestation proceed beyond 24 hrs in a case of rape or incest.

Kill your own, its the law.

You're joking, right?

So when men molest their daughters or nieces or granddaughters or cousins or little sisters they should plan ahead so they can make sure they have a bottle of morning after pills and make the girl take the pill when the deed is over?

Wish I remembered your posting style so I could know if you were yanking our chains ....
As far as I've seen, most people who identify as "pro-life" are actually only pro fetus, and that for spurious reasons. They give a shit less about what happens to life once its born, except to deny its need and right to community investment.

"As far as you've seen", hmm? Well, that would beg the question, "How far have you bothered to look?"
shezlin is more realistic than you, QWB.

I don't know anyone is pro-abortion either.

I don't know anyone either here or in real life that is pro-abortion.

Do you know everyone in the city you live in? The state? The country? The world? If the answer to anyone of those questions is no, why do you think what you said proves anything?

Correct, no one is ‘pro-abortion,’ everyone considers the practice wrong and agrees it must end.

The conflict rests only on how to end it.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.
Why the innocent baby punished for the crimes of another?

Because it's not a "baby". It's a mass of tissue that wouldn't live five seconds outside the womb in the first trimester.
Do you support abortion in the case of rape/incest victims, and can you explain why you do( if you do).

Edit to add- I'm just curious where pro-life people fall on the life scale.
Why the innocent baby punished for the crimes of another?

Because it's not a "baby". It's a mass of tissue that wouldn't live five seconds outside the womb in the first trimester.

Only to baby killers is it just a mass of tissue.....Are you afraid it might turn out to have independent thought?
The only killers are those make women have births despite the danger to their lives and health.

The only immoral individuals here are those who insist that rapists and family members who impregnate women are more important than the violated women.

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