A Pre-Remedial on Dunkirk


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....

3. Did Germany have a reason to expect influence in America?
Fact is, Germans make up the largest ethnic background, or ancestry group, in America. Suggests a certain kinship between the nations.
The Largest Ancestry Groups In The United States

But, this is about the Teutonic and the American...or rather the German and the English, world.
Understanding this helps explain Dunkirk.

The languages themselves, are derivative. English is, in fact, a Teutonic tongue....not a Romance language.

"TEUTONIC (GERMANIC) LANGUAGES,' a comprehensive term for a number of languages most of which are still spoken at the present time, namely English, Frisian, Dutch, Flemish, German (both High and Low) and the various Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic and the Norwegian dialects)."
Teutonic (Germanic) Languages - Encyclopedia - Theodora

So....to some degree, it might seem strange to find World War II, with the English allied with France, and fighting their language-cousins, the Germans.

And, it seemed ....awkward...to Adolph Hitler.

That's important to know if one wants to understand what happened at the Battle of Dunkirk, as well.
Coming up in a moment.
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You'd never make it as a movie critic...

There will never any remediation that will make you posts intelligent, perceptive or even interesting....

....but....because I feel sorrr.....er, like you....here is some advice that will go a long way in those directions.

THE OP IS NOT ABOUT THE MOVIE.....it hasn't been released yet, you dunce!!!!

The advice:


You dunce!
Then why bring it up at all?

I thought we'd already agree that you are the bottom of the barrel in IQ and education....

...yet you go to the trouble of documenting it with metronomic regularity.

Who, but you, would read one sentence of a book.....or a post....and imagine that they had enough material to critique same.

Did I mention that you're a dunce?
4. It may be easier to understand an earlier 'leader' by pointing out a similarity in a contemporary one.

Take Barack Hussein Obama......please....he has the deepest of faith in his ability to simply use his innate charm as a tool of foreign policy. He can't imagine that simply meeting him wouldn't charm every diplomat...friend or foe.

Judging by his total failure at foreign policy, one can be forgiven the notion that, in Obama, this represents a serious psychosis.

But....the point, many so high up on the global scale suffer from the same misjudgment. Adolph Hitler as least to the same degree as Obama.

Joseph Stalin was far smarter than either of the above, and recognized the need to manipulate governments, required agents.
And he produced the most effective spy network the world has ever seen. He knew that one's personal magnetism alone wouldn't do the trick.

BTW...Stalin's spies were not dominant in the Roosevelt administration alone.

There is quite a body of evidence that Japan had plans to attack the USSR, and it was only through the efforts of Stalin's spy network, that he had them attack Pearl Harbor instead.

"Richard Sorge was Stalin's master spy in Japan...."a half-Russian, half-German Soviet spy... so successfully ingratiated himself with the German diplomatic community in Japan that he was allowed to work out of the German embassy, giving him access to confidential files. At the same time, he also befriended Japanese government officials, attempting to convince them not to go to war with the Soviet Union."
Soviet master spy is hanged by the Japanese - Nov 07 1944 - HISTORY.com

Back to Dunkirk in a moment....
PC exists in a world of dislike for the other, a kinda finger pointing and blame game, there is not a lot you can say when a person can only find or make up positions on the other. While it may be above her ranking, she cannot see that her own ideological stance is just another fiction with little use, it is defined by her assumptions in a world of make believe. She has posted the same tired baloney for years now with no sense that there are other views and that she may be wrong. That sort of bias or bigotry serves no constructive purpose.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ PC ] believes what (s)he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....

How do you figure? The U.S. didn't enter the war until a year and a half after the evacuation at Dunkirk. Nothing about the U.S. is key to Dunkirk at all.
PC exists in a world of dislike for the other, a kinda finger pointing and blame game, there is not a lot you can say when a person can only find or make up positions on the other. While it may be above her ranking, she cannot see that her own ideological stance is just another fiction with little use, it is defined by her assumptions in a world of make believe. She has posted the same tired baloney for years now with no sense that there are other views and that she may be wrong. That sort of bias or bigotry serves no constructive purpose.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ PC ] believes what (s)he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish

I recognized your efforts to somehow, in some way, some day, score points against me, my posts, my ideology.


But you never learn from your mistakes.

Your attempts....fraught with failure; the road strewn with the carcases of your attempts.

And, in this post....you're actually given up attempting to even try to respond to an OP to which you've voluntarily subscribed.
Probably a wise move, as I am never wrong.

But...I hope you'll read the rest of my posts today.....for educational purposes.

Oh...and as you refer to 'fiction with little use, .... in a world of make believe"....as a parting shot, let me point out which of us lives in a make-believe world:

"His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll."

How ya' like dat, Boooyyyyeeeeee????
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....
How do you figure? The U.S. didn't enter the war until a year and a half after the evacuation at Dunkirk. Nothing about the U.S. is key to Dunkirk at all.

Stay tuned.....I will bring it all together....and you may find it interesting.
5. Dunkirk ....how did the antagonists get to that point?

When Hitler snatched Alsace-Lorrraine (most of whose people spoke German), his army had an advantage over earlier military organizations, such as the French....the Nazi regime had a more....democratic....establishment, with less of an unbridgeable distance between officers and men.

Partly, this was to shield the utter incompetence of the French high command.

" In six weeks from 10 May 1940, German forces defeated Allied forces by mobile operations and conquered France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, bringing land operations on the Western Front to an end until 6 June 1944." Battle of France - Wikipedia

Almost immediately, Stalin invaded Europe from the East. In very sense he was Hitler's ally.

The armistice with Hitler was signed by Pétain, who had no problem finding enough French to bind with Nazi Germany, forming the Vichy government.

Not only was Pétain the most popular French ruler since Napoleon, but the runner-up was socialist Pierre Laval, a Mussolini clone, who was executed by De Gaulle after the war.

The Vichy worked hard for Hitler: 40% of France's industrial production and half of the public sector revenue went to Hitler's war-economy. "New Order and the French Economy,"
by Alan S. Milward, p. 272-288

Hitler had no fears vis-a-vis the French.
6. Getting back to the Battle of Dunkirk.....known popularly as the miraculous evacuation of almost all of Britain's troops from possible obliteration.

The victory by Hitler over the Allies was monumental. Not simply fast,...the ratio of casualties was 27,000 German dead to 135,000 Allies.
So....why did the German armored stop short of annihilating the British who were there?

Wikipedia says this:

"In one of the most widely debated decisions of the war, the Germans halted their advance on Dunkirk. Contrary to popular belief, what became known as the "Halt Order" did not originate with Adolf Hitler. Field Marshals Gerd von Rundstedt and Günther von Kluge suggested that the German forces around the Dunkirk pocket should cease their advance on the port and consolidate, to avoid an Allied breakout.

Hitler sanctioned the order on 24 May with the support of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW). The army was to halt for three days, which gave the Allies sufficient time to organise the Dunkirk evacuation and build a defensive line. Despite the Allies' gloomy estimates of the situation, with Britain even discussing a conditional surrender to Germany, in the end more than 330,000 Allied troops were rescued."
Battle of Dunkirk - Wikipedia

Wikipedia is wrong.

I'll explain why......
PC exists in a world of dislike for the other, a kinda finger pointing and blame game, there is not a lot you can say when a person can only find or make up positions on the other. While it may be above her ranking, she cannot see that her own ideological stance is just another fiction with little use, it is defined by her assumptions in a world of make believe. She has posted the same tired baloney for years now with no sense that there are other views and that she may be wrong. That sort of bias or bigotry serves no constructive purpose.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver [ PC ] believes what (s)he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish

Yawn. Try reading the posts before dazzling us with your "insights"
7. With the opportunity to smash the British troops, and/or drive them into the sea...why give the Brits this 'victory'....or at least the chance to avoid a crushing defeat?

"The position of the B. E.F [British Expeditionary Force] had now become critical.
As a result of a most skillfully conducted retreat and German errors, the bulk of the British Forces reached the Dunkirk bridgehead. The peril facing the British nation was now suddenly and universally perceived. On May 26, "Operation Dynamo "--the evacuation from Dunkirk began. The seas remained absolutely calm. The Royal Air Force--bitterly maligned at the time by the Army--fought vehemently to deny the enemy the total air supremacy which would have wrecked the operation.

At the outset, it was hoped that 45,000 men might be evacuated; in the event, over 338,000 Allied troops reached England, including 26,000 French soldiers. On June 4, Churchill reported to the House of Commons, seeking to check the mood of national euphoria and relief at the unexpected deliverance, and to make a clear appeal to the United States."
We Shall Fight on the Beaches

".... As a result of a most skillfully conducted retreat and German errors,..."

Au contraire.

This 'view' reminds one of the Democrat attempt to claim that Putin was the cause of their disastrous and unexpected loss in the presidential election.
Also not true.

A 'mistake' by the Nazis???

Dunkirk: A gambit....not a mistake by the Germans.

Coming right up.....
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....
How do you figure? The U.S. didn't enter the war until a year and a half after the evacuation at Dunkirk. Nothing about the U.S. is key to Dunkirk at all.

As promised:

8. Earlier in the thread I pointed out that German and English are similar languages, and German-Americans are the largest of ancestry groups in this nation.

Further, the rulers of England and Germany have often been of each other's extraction.

See the potential 'bondship'?

So did Hitler.

He imagined that he could convince England, and ultimately the United Stated to join him in a battle with this erstwhile ally, Bolshevik Russia.

See "The Halder War Diary 1939-1942,
by Charles Burdick (Editor), Hans-Adolf Jacobsen (Editor)

"Franz Halder (30 June 1884 – 2 April 1972) was a German general and the chief of staff of the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH, Army High Command) from 1938 until September 1942, when he was dismissed after frequent disagreements with Adolf Hitler. "
Franz Halder - Wikipedia

The halt of German armor that allowed the retreat of the Allies was Hitler's 'good faith' offer to Churchill.

It remained unrequited.
9. "Perhaps Hitler's biggest single misjudgment was his failure to appreciate the depth of hostility he had aroused in Britain. The main object of his Blitzkrieg in France was not to destroy the French army, which he felt he could do at any time he wished, but to shock Britain into making terms.

On 21 May, ....he said he wanted to sound out England on dividing the world.

His decision to halt his armor outside Dunkirk
at the end of the month, which allowed the bulk of the British Expeditionary Force to be evacuated from the beaches,...may have been prompted by the desire to open a line of discussion with London."
Paul Johnson, "Modern Times," p. 366-367

BTW....."Modern Times" was cited in the National Review as one of the top ten books that changed America and is described as a book that has "influenced intellectual thinking on a profound level"

"...[Hitler] spoke on 30 June of the need to give Britain one more demonstration of our military power before she gives up and leaves us free in the rear for the East." Johnson, Op. Cit.

10. At some point Hitler recognized that neither Britain nor the United States would join him in his crusade against Bolshevism.
So.....a year later:
"Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for Nazi Germany's World War II invasion of the Soviet Union, which was launched on Sunday, 22 June 1941."
Operation Barbarossa - Wikipedia

Hitler did have a reason to hope that English speaking nations might join him......
" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to•the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

Stalin, it seems, was Roosevelt's true love, and Hitler....merely a passing fling.
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....

3. Did Germany have a reason to expect influence in America?
Fact is, Germans make up the largest ethnic background, or ancestry group, in America. Suggests a certain kinship between the nations.
The Largest Ancestry Groups In The United States

But, this is about the Teutonic and the American...or rather the German and the English, world.
Understanding this helps explain Dunkirk.

The languages themselves, are derivative. English is, in fact, a Teutonic tongue....not a Romance language.

"TEUTONIC (GERMANIC) LANGUAGES,' a comprehensive term for a number of languages most of which are still spoken at the present time, namely English, Frisian, Dutch, Flemish, German (both High and Low) and the various Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic and the Norwegian dialects)."
Teutonic (Germanic) Languages - Encyclopedia - Theodora

So....to some degree, it might seem strange to find World War II, with the English allied with France, and fighting their language-cousins, the Germans.

And, it seemed ....awkward...to Adolph Hitler.

That's important to know if one wants to understand what happened at the Battle of Dunkirk, as well.
Coming up in a moment.
Why did I just know this was going to be on Roosevelt, not Dunkirk.
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....

3. Did Germany have a reason to expect influence in America?
Fact is, Germans make up the largest ethnic background, or ancestry group, in America. Suggests a certain kinship between the nations.
The Largest Ancestry Groups In The United States

But, this is about the Teutonic and the American...or rather the German and the English, world.
Understanding this helps explain Dunkirk.

The languages themselves, are derivative. English is, in fact, a Teutonic tongue....not a Romance language.

"TEUTONIC (GERMANIC) LANGUAGES,' a comprehensive term for a number of languages most of which are still spoken at the present time, namely English, Frisian, Dutch, Flemish, German (both High and Low) and the various Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic and the Norwegian dialects)."
Teutonic (Germanic) Languages - Encyclopedia - Theodora

So....to some degree, it might seem strange to find World War II, with the English allied with France, and fighting their language-cousins, the Germans.

And, it seemed ....awkward...to Adolph Hitler.

That's important to know if one wants to understand what happened at the Battle of Dunkirk, as well.
Coming up in a moment.
Why did I just know this was going to be on Roosevelt, not Dunkirk.

The thread is about Dunkirk, and the explanation for Hitler's allowing the British to escape.

Understanding same requires a view into Hitler's expectations of other world leaders....and that includes his relationship with another totalitarian, Franklin Roosevelt.

When I construct a thread,I try to cover everything that need be covered to support my conclusion.

Now...as you seem to have some objection or other.....

...please do try to find anything in the thread that you can dispute.

I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....

3. Did Germany have a reason to expect influence in America?
Fact is, Germans make up the largest ethnic background, or ancestry group, in America. Suggests a certain kinship between the nations.
The Largest Ancestry Groups In The United States

But, this is about the Teutonic and the American...or rather the German and the English, world.
Understanding this helps explain Dunkirk.

The languages themselves, are derivative. English is, in fact, a Teutonic tongue....not a Romance language.

"TEUTONIC (GERMANIC) LANGUAGES,' a comprehensive term for a number of languages most of which are still spoken at the present time, namely English, Frisian, Dutch, Flemish, German (both High and Low) and the various Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic and the Norwegian dialects)."
Teutonic (Germanic) Languages - Encyclopedia - Theodora

So....to some degree, it might seem strange to find World War II, with the English allied with France, and fighting their language-cousins, the Germans.

And, it seemed ....awkward...to Adolph Hitler.

That's important to know if one wants to understand what happened at the Battle of Dunkirk, as well.
Coming up in a moment.
Why did I just know this was going to be on Roosevelt, not Dunkirk.

Because FDR <3 Stalin
I see that a blockbuster movie coming out in 2017 is "Dunkirk." Looking forward to it. But, it might be better to review the facts before the film industry tells us what they want us to believe about this momentous event in World War II.

But....to do so, we have to start before the war....

1. The iconic American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had excellent relations with dictators. Adolph Hitler was one. Well, not as good relations as he had with the man on whom he based his economic policies, Benito Mussolini.
And not nearly as good relationship as with his preference among dictators, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. Roosevelt copied not just the Italian Fascists....but the "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as well.
The Nazis, the National Socialists, hailed these ‘relief measures’ in ways you will recognize:

a.May 11, 1933, the Nazi newspaper Volkischer Beobachter, (People’s Observer): “Roosevelt’s Dictatorial Recovery Measures.”

b. And on January 17, 1934, “We, too, as German National Socialists are looking toward America…” and “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” comparable to Hitler’s own dictatorial ‘Fuhrerprinzip.’

c. And “[Roosevelt], too demands that collective good be put before individual self-interest. Many passages in his book ‘Looking Forward’ could have been written by a National Socialist….one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist philosophy.”

The paper also refers to “…the fictional appearance of democracy.”
So.....early on, Hitler certainly wasn't advancing 'destruction' of America. Keep that in mind....it's a key to Dunkirk.....

3. Did Germany have a reason to expect influence in America?
Fact is, Germans make up the largest ethnic background, or ancestry group, in America. Suggests a certain kinship between the nations.
The Largest Ancestry Groups In The United States

But, this is about the Teutonic and the American...or rather the German and the English, world.
Understanding this helps explain Dunkirk.

The languages themselves, are derivative. English is, in fact, a Teutonic tongue....not a Romance language.

"TEUTONIC (GERMANIC) LANGUAGES,' a comprehensive term for a number of languages most of which are still spoken at the present time, namely English, Frisian, Dutch, Flemish, German (both High and Low) and the various Scandinavian languages (Swedish, Danish, Icelandic and the Norwegian dialects)."
Teutonic (Germanic) Languages - Encyclopedia - Theodora

So....to some degree, it might seem strange to find World War II, with the English allied with France, and fighting their language-cousins, the Germans.

And, it seemed ....awkward...to Adolph Hitler.

That's important to know if one wants to understand what happened at the Battle of Dunkirk, as well.
Coming up in a moment.
Why did I just know this was going to be on Roosevelt, not Dunkirk.

Because FDR <3 Stalin

Not a doubt in the world about that.

Roosevelt: "I would rather lose New Zealand, Australia or anything else than have the Russian front collapse."
Robert Dallek, "Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy, 1932-1945," p. 338.

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