'a Postliberal Future?'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
I am placing this in Philosophy as it touches on fundamental issues of society and how that society is to work. It would be my hope that libertarianism, an offshoot of liberalism dies as its focus on material magic doesn't work no matter what we name it. I have also included a comment from a Conservative MP to demonstrate the balance of the OP.

"For the past generation a combination of economic and social liberalism has been intellectually and politically dominant. But, argues David Goodhart, something is stirring across party lines that wants to build on what is best in the two liberalisms while also attending to their silences, failings and unintended consequences. He describes a new kind of liberalism that is concerned not just with individual autonomy but also the nature of our institutions and the quality of our relationships with one another."

1 Introduction
2 The Critique Of Liberalism
3 Attachments
4 Economy And Work
5 Welfare And Contribution
6 Public Services And The Local
7 Family And Character
8 Conclusion

See here: A postliberal future? - Demos Quarterly

"Postliberalism is an attempt to give a shove to the two more conventional liberalisms, to assert some interests and ideas that have been neglected in recent years and thereby achieve a better balance in our political life. In the famous Blue Labour ‘paradox’ it wants to promote a radicalism that is not afraid to attack the status quo in the name of conservatism; not a nostalgia for the past but a desire to preserve what was best about it, in new forms if necessary."

Responses to the lead essay - Demos Quarterly

"Secondly there is one major omission. The essay ignores the contract between the generations as the social contract which has most traction in a modern diverse society. It works across many ethnic religious and cultural divides. Most of us want our own children and more widely the next generation as a whole to do better than us but have a niggling anxiety they may not. It is the most important single source of the ‘social glue’ he describes: it is intergenerational exchanges which are by far the most potent forms of reciprocal altruism. It yields policy conclusions very much aligned with those he sets out. The Pinch was my attempt to set out the modern social contract between the generations." from a conservative's reply, David Willetts MP
Is this really new?

Multicultural, institutional, egalitarian social democracy has been in the works since 1968. :-\

Liberalism still fails to have an adequate response to abuse of process, malicious prosecution, and plausible deniability. Instead, it expects people to endure sacrifice in the name of political correctness by letting wise guys abuse honest people.

The notions of social glue and reciprocal altruism are anything but. They're just excuses for affirmative action by sacrificing social outcasts of supposedly privileged demographics who haven't been privileged at all. The "postliberalism" still fails to address the type-token dichotomy as well as how lazy people are not entitled to leech off of the success of those who apply themselves.
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