CDZ A poll concerning Mitt Romney as Sec of State

Should Mitt Romney be considered for the position of Secretary of State

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While I try not to hold grudges.....if you were to about to become POTUS.......would YOU want this on your side???

While I try not to hold grudges.....if you were to about to become POTUS.......would YOU want this on your side???

Hi Kat, watched the video and could not help but feel Mitt felt truly well towards himself after those comments, just as he felt when he was caught commenting on damned near 50% of the American public. As I said above, I am not comfortable with Mitt Romney and he has never even spoken to me. Perhaps it is because of the circles he and I run in. Thank you for the contribution. I amso IR
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This is primarily a poll concerning the appointment of Gov. Mitt Romney as Secretary of State by the President elect of the United States. Please limit answers and reasons for or against responses to the topic,Mitt Romney and should he be SOS along with why yes or why no responses. Please limit comments to that idea and why. Thanking you in advance, I amso IR.

No. Romney is a full fledged member of the political class, he lied about the trumpster in a most vile way, one that was done to romney himself by the idiotic and corrupt reid. He is not fit to be SOS.
No, Romney would do best in the health care reform field, even though his only 'business experience' consists of making large profits off of bankrupting sound companies as an alleged 'private equity' operator. The country needs a strong and realistic SOS in the wake of the truly horrendous Obama/Hillary/Kerry disasters, and Romney would have little credibility or respect from other countries; he's a confirmed limp wristed traitorous 'globalist' labor racketeer and swindler, with zero interest in the country's interests and wouldn't lift a finger against any vermin his buddies have deals with. He doesn't even keep his own money in this country, so screw him. John Bolton would be acceptable, his advantages outweigh his disadvantages in the current international climate, but he's no Kissinger, and not enough of a weasel comparatively, which is exactly what we need as an SOS at this point in time in dealing with such scum as the Red Chinese, Indonesia and every other Muslim stinkhole, or a Putin, not to mention the vermin infesting Africa's and South America's govts. Romney is an effete wimp.
I, too think that Romney's resume should be questioned for a foreign affairs expert. I would rather see John Bolton. . I do think, however, there may be another job he may be more qualified for. He should be the Head of the VA Affairs...get the medical system back in order.

Yes, if Trump has to offer Romney anything, let him see what he could do with the VA and Health. He's a first class narcissist and would probably actually try to do a good job there, just to please his own ego. He would be complete crap as SOS.
There are five days remaining for this poll and wish to thank everyone, to this point for taking the time to communicate individual thoughts and impressions. This poll so far, shows there are thinking, serious minded folks with the USMB. Thank you for your respect of each other and my wishes. I amso IR
No, because he's the one who said in 2012 that Russia is our "number one geopolitical foe" which set the stage for Hillary's dangerous neo-McCarthyist campaign in 2016.
No. Romney had his chance to be President; he shouldn't get the Kerry Consolation Prize.
This is primarily a poll concerning the appointment of Gov. Mitt Romney as Secretary of State by the President elect of the United States. Please limit answers and reasons for or against responses to the topic,Mitt Romney and should he be SOS along with why yes or why no responses. Please limit comments to that idea and why. Thanking you in advance, I amso IR.
Absolutely not. SOS is for someone that is ideologically aligned with the president and is also loyal to the president. NEITHER fits Romney. IF Trump makes him SOS I am done with Trump. I will look forward to him being primaried in 2020 and hopefully supporting his opponent. Why Trump is even considering Romney is disgusting and in and of its self and a betrayal for all loyal supporters of Trump.
I think everyone here knows what I think about Mormons in general and Romney in particular. I don't like the man. Never have.

That said, if it were a choice between him and Rudy Guliani, I'd go with Romney. He's clearly more qualified and more level headed.

Stop making me say nice things about Romney, dang it. Just stop!

Realistically, I don't think Trump will pick Romney. I think this is a show to make him kiss Trump's ring.
I think everyone here knows what I think about Mormons in general and Romney in particular. I don't like the man. Never have.

That said, if it were a choice between him and Rudy Guliani, I'd go with Romney. He's clearly more qualified and more level headed.

Stop making me say nice things about Romney, dang it. Just stop!

Realistically, I don't think Trump will pick Romney. I think this is a show to make him kiss Trump's ring.

Joe, in the back of my mind a thought has been lingering and fermenting which lends to your thoughts. Trump is not a man to cross in my opinion. This could possibly be the foreplay just prior to the body slam! Not ethical, at all, but would certainly send a message to all concerned. Simply a small reminder to all, play my game, period!
Joe, in the back of my mind a thought has been lingering and fermenting which lends to your thoughts. Trump is not a man to cross in my opinion. This could possibly be the foreplay just prior to the body slam! Not ethical, at all, but would certainly send a message to all concerned. Simply a small reminder to all, play my game, period!

Well, that would just show Trump as being petty.

Frankly, the logical move would be to make Romney Secretary of State. He's clearly the most qualified guy.

But just making a show of rejecting him, that probably offends more people than anything else.
I want to thank the OP for his kind invitation here.

I answered "no" on the basis that he's got no applicable background, probably even less of one than he had for President. It doesn't make much sense as a choice -- it seems more that Rump, having made noises about "draining the swamp", now sees that he's in over his head in a position he didn't expect to win, and now he's aimlessy flailing about to surround himself with people who might know how to navigate that swamp ---- rather than actually choosing people based on their qualifications and backgrounds.
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No, because he's the one who said in 2012 that Russia is our "number one geopolitical foe" which set the stage for Hillary's dangerous neo-McCarthyist campaign in 2016.

How so, Russia IS our largest Geo-political 'foe.' I don't think that is really the correct word though as adversary is far more accurate. I don't see how it has any relation to Hillary's run either.
No, because he's the one who said in 2012 that Russia is our "number one geopolitical foe" which set the stage for Hillary's dangerous neo-McCarthyist campaign in 2016.

How so, Russia IS our largest Geo-political 'foe.' I don't think that is really the correct word though as adversary is far more accurate. I don't see how it has any relation to Hillary's run either.
He didn't say largest, he said number one and that hasn't been true since the Cold War. Hillary's neo-McCarthyist propaganda is just an extension and expansion of Romney's anti-Russia campaign.
No, because he's the one who said in 2012 that Russia is our "number one geopolitical foe" which set the stage for Hillary's dangerous neo-McCarthyist campaign in 2016.

How so, Russia IS our largest Geo-political 'foe.' I don't think that is really the correct word though as adversary is far more accurate. I don't see how it has any relation to Hillary's run either.
He didn't say largest, he said number one and that hasn't been true since the Cold War. Hillary's neo-McCarthyist propaganda is just an extension and expansion of Romney's anti-Russia campaign.

Their large nuclear arsenal is their hole card,failed state or not, even though McCain was right about them being just a 'gas station pretending to be a superpower' and their conventional military not anything to brag about; it makes them a primary concern, given their strategic position, near one of the biggest consumer markets, Europe, and also within spitting distance of the ME, India, the Suez Canal, the Med, etc., etc. they will always be an important power.
No, because he's the one who said in 2012 that Russia is our "number one geopolitical foe" which set the stage for Hillary's dangerous neo-McCarthyist campaign in 2016.

How so, Russia IS our largest Geo-political 'foe.' I don't think that is really the correct word though as adversary is far more accurate. I don't see how it has any relation to Hillary's run either.
He didn't say largest, he said number one and that hasn't been true since the Cold War. Hillary's neo-McCarthyist propaganda is just an extension and expansion of Romney's anti-Russia campaign.
They are the number one threat.

The only power that exceeds them that is not a direct ally is China and they are not really an adversary as their power is directly tied to our own.
I would like to see either Rudy Giuliani or John Bolton as SOS because they're both well informed and are negotiators. The one who isn't picked should be the UN Ambassador; for the same reasons

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