A‭ ‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬Moment Of The Trump-Kushner COVID-19‭ ‬Debacle


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
A‭ ‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬Moment Of The Trump-Kushner COVID-19‭ ‬Debacle

Jared Kushner’s extremely public boasting about how the impeached president trump seized control of the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic from doctors and scientists,‭ ‬is another,‭ ‬in a long list of admissions by family members of the impeached president trump’s incompetence as POTUS.‭

Kushner’s open confession‭ ‬was described as a‭ “‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬moment‭’” ‬by the co-host of‭ “‬Morning Joe‭”‬,‭ ‬Joe Scarborough.

In a‭ ‬recorded interview with journalist Bob Woodward earlier this year,‭ ‬Kushner bragged of the impeached president trump’s anti-science methods in dealing with the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬completely ignoring the rapid growth in daily infection rates across the nation.

‭“‘‬We actually have the person on the witness stand who is actually testifying against interests for himself and for Donald Trump,‭’ ‬Scarborough said as he railed at Kushner’s comments.‭”

But this is only one,‭ ‬of countless times during the past five or so years,‭ ‬since the impeached president began his presidential campaign that he,‭ ‬Donnie Jr,‭ ‬the not-very-bright Eric,‭ ‬and the big-mouthed-son-in-law Kushner have‭ ‬publicly‭ ‬spilled the beans on illegal acts and instances of incompetence by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬family members,‭ ‬and cronies.

The only people who haven’t heard these many damning admissions are the RWNJs living in the alternate reality conservatives created for themselves decades ago.

Joe Scarborough?.....Seriously?!?

Joe Scarborough?.....Seriously?!?

Yes, Joe Scarborough. Just like any other republican that stops supporting the BS, lies and illegal crap of Donnie, he is not a friend of trump anymore, but he was and friend of the trump family, and was popular with republicans in general. The former four term republican congressman from Florida's 1st district did not change anywhere near as much at republicans have changed. He has the best morning show on network tv. Just like Biden, I'll go with Joe. I will say, I have never been much of a fan of Mica.
Joe Scarborough?.....Seriously?!?

Yes, Joe Scarborough. Just like any other republican that stops supporting the BS, lies and illegal crap of Donnie, he is not a friend of trump anymore, but he was and friend of the trump family, and was popular with republicans in general. The former four term republican congressman from Florida's 1st district did not change anywhere near as much at republicans have changed. He has the best morning show on network tv. Just like Biden, I'll go with Joe. I will say, I have never been much of a fan of Mica.

Well, Joe has been a fan of Mica's ass for a long time....apparently.

Joe is full of shit.

For some time, he's tried to act like some kind of "voice of reason" when, in reality, he's the voice of Joe's self-admiration team. Republicans has changed and Joe has moved over to the side he used to despise.

I guess a woman (even a dumbassed blonde who routinely embarrasses herself) will do that to you.
We didn't elect Fauci, we elected Trump. Fauci just needs to stay out of the way.
Fauci is MUCH MUCH more respectable in his comments than Trump ... by both Republicans and Democrats.
He should ALWAYS voice his EXPERT opinions.
A‭ ‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬Moment Of The Trump-Kushner COVID-19‭ ‬Debacle

Jared Kushner’s extremely public boasting about how the impeached president trump seized control of the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic from doctors and scientists,‭ ‬is another,‭ ‬in a long list of admissions by family members of the impeached president trump’s incompetence as POTUS.‭

Kushner’s open confession‭ ‬was described as a‭ “‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬moment‭’” ‬by the co-host of‭ “‬Morning Joe‭”‬,‭ ‬Joe Scarborough.

In a‭ ‬recorded interview with journalist Bob Woodward earlier this year,‭ ‬Kushner bragged of the impeached president trump’s anti-science methods in dealing with the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬completely ignoring the rapid growth in daily infection rates across the nation.

‭“‘‬We actually have the person on the witness stand who is actually testifying against interests for himself and for Donald Trump,‭’ ‬Scarborough said as he railed at Kushner’s comments.‭”

But this is only one,‭ ‬of countless times during the past five or so years,‭ ‬since the impeached president began his presidential campaign that he,‭ ‬Donnie Jr,‭ ‬the not-very-bright Eric,‭ ‬and the big-mouthed-son-in-law Kushner have‭ ‬publicly‭ ‬spilled the beans on illegal acts and instances of incompetence by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬family members,‭ ‬and cronies.

The only people who haven’t heard these many damning admissions are the RWNJs living in the alternate reality conservatives created for themselves decades ago.


Morning Schmo? OMG...:yapyapyapf:
Joe Scarborough?.....Seriously?!?

Yes, Joe Scarborough. Just like any other republican that stops supporting the BS, lies and illegal crap of Donnie, he is not a friend of trump anymore, but he was and friend of the trump family, and was popular with republicans in general. The former four term republican congressman from Florida's 1st district did not change anywhere near as much at republicans have changed. He has the best morning show on network tv. Just like Biden, I'll go with Joe. I will say, I have never been much of a fan of Mica.

A‭ ‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬Moment Of The Trump-Kushner COVID-19‭ ‬Debacle

Jared Kushner’s extremely public boasting about how the impeached president trump seized control of the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic from doctors and scientists,‭ ‬is another,‭ ‬in a long list of admissions by family members of the impeached president trump’s incompetence as POTUS.‭

Kushner’s open confession‭ ‬was described as a‭ “‘‬Perry Mason‭’ ‬moment‭’” ‬by the co-host of‭ “‬Morning Joe‭”‬,‭ ‬Joe Scarborough.

In a‭ ‬recorded interview with journalist Bob Woodward earlier this year,‭ ‬Kushner bragged of the impeached president trump’s anti-science methods in dealing with the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬completely ignoring the rapid growth in daily infection rates across the nation.

‭“‘‬We actually have the person on the witness stand who is actually testifying against interests for himself and for Donald Trump,‭’ ‬Scarborough said as he railed at Kushner’s comments.‭”

But this is only one,‭ ‬of countless times during the past five or so years,‭ ‬since the impeached president began his presidential campaign that he,‭ ‬Donnie Jr,‭ ‬the not-very-bright Eric,‭ ‬and the big-mouthed-son-in-law Kushner have‭ ‬publicly‭ ‬spilled the beans on illegal acts and instances of incompetence by the impeached president trump,‭ ‬family members,‭ ‬and cronies.

The only people who haven’t heard these many damning admissions are the RWNJs living in the alternate reality conservatives created for themselves decades ago.

This is it !?!?
This is all the Dems can muster ?

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