A Mother Goes Off On The School Board And Devastates Them

She's ranting against her children's heads being filled with that fucked-up perversion, by an institution that is supposed to be preparing them to grow into productive adults, and is instead grooming them into easy prey for childfuckers.
yes she doesn't like the Gayz. Don't see how that affects graduation rates, which is the only thing she brought up besides Da Gayz. I'd bet good money she doesn't have any kids there.
She's ranting against her children's heads being filled with that fucked-up perversion, by an institution that is supposed to be preparing them to grow into productive adults, and is instead grooming them into easy prey for childfuckers.
He didn't watch the whole video. He stopped when she mentioned degenerate faggots. He doesn't care if the children can read, write, perform math calculations or think critically as long as they are woke.
Donald H's advice is worth much, much, much less than what any of us paid for it.
Thanks for your comments Bob. I think that 'you' especially are ready to expand the discussion to another level.

We Canadians aren't interested in making that into a political free-for-all. We only want all our citizens to understand and accept modern science's knowledge on the question of there being more sexes than just two. I'm hoping that both of you can be a bit more tolerant.

If praying helps then please do before you reply.
He didn't watch the whole video. He stopped when she mentioned degenerate faggots. He doesn't care if the children can read, write, perform math calculations or think critically as long as they are woke.
I did watch the whole thing. Thats why I said her anti gay rant has nothing to do with mathematics, literature, and graduation levels. Appears you failed your own post
I did watch the whole thing. Thats why I said her anti gay rant has nothing to do with mathematics, literature, and graduation levels. Appears you failed your own post
Your comprehension abilities suck. She brought to everyone's attention that the woke bullshit you champion is taking place rather than teaching academics, try again moron.
Your comprehension abilities suck. She brought to everyone's attention that the woke bullshit you champion is taking place rather than teaching academics, try again moron.
Assuming that is the case, the "woke bullshit" would take how long?
Yea thats not why Bubba Gump is a moron.
Thats a nonsensical statement unrelated to actual impact on performance.
Unlike that nonsense, I can refer to historical performance and excellence that has been reduced every time the democrats try to fix the education system. Graduating students because they attended instead of requiring competence is a non starter as well. But what the hey, just give everybody a trophy. SMFH
successes in foreign countries
Like the successes that you undoubtedly championed from Planned Parenthood in this Saskatchewan school? Like that duck? You are a pervert.
If it takes 30 seconds, it is 30 seconds too long and it is degenerate indoctrination, grooming by any other name is still grooming.
No, it's not the same if it's by another name!
And no, 30 seconds isn't always too long. Sometimes it's not long enough!
We understand, you come from a country that teaches degenerate sex to 9th graders. You and Turdeau are a couple of sick dudes, duck.
Can you elaborate on what you consider to be degenerate sex?
I've never considered 'sexual relations' between two consenting adults to be dirty or degenerate. Even in the 'insect' world where the female murders the male, it's appropriate on account of the manner in which insects have evolved.
Be careful what you wish for!
Can you elaborate on what you consider to be degenerate sex?
I've never considered 'sexual relations' between two consenting adults to be dirty or degenerate. Even in the 'insect' world where the female murders the male, it's appropriate on account of the manner in which insects have evolved.
Be careful what you wish for!
So you identify with insects, eh? Everything is becoming more clear in regard to you, duck.

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