This is more for fun and to poke fun at the conspriacy theorists, but I came up with this last night and had to share.
eots and the like harp on how the Bush admin let this happen and new about it, but is the Bush administration really the most plausible aminstration behind the attacks. I say no.
The more plausible explanation is that the Clinton administration orchestrated 9/11. It was Clinton who let the 9/11 master mind go and now one has to ask why. Could it have been a power play to continue democratic control and keep Clinton's in power? Bush is a bit of nitwit, yet he is given credit by the conspiracy theorists for a 9/11 cover up. Clinton on the other hand, not so dumb. Perhaps it was a set up to doom the next administration to failure and low and behold who was running for President again when the smoke cleared after 8 years. A Clinton.
eots and the like harp on how the Bush admin let this happen and new about it, but is the Bush administration really the most plausible aminstration behind the attacks. I say no.
The more plausible explanation is that the Clinton administration orchestrated 9/11. It was Clinton who let the 9/11 master mind go and now one has to ask why. Could it have been a power play to continue democratic control and keep Clinton's in power? Bush is a bit of nitwit, yet he is given credit by the conspiracy theorists for a 9/11 cover up. Clinton on the other hand, not so dumb. Perhaps it was a set up to doom the next administration to failure and low and behold who was running for President again when the smoke cleared after 8 years. A Clinton.