A more 'logical' 9/11 conspiracy theory


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2004
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This is more for fun and to poke fun at the conspriacy theorists, but I came up with this last night and had to share.

eots and the like harp on how the Bush admin let this happen and new about it, but is the Bush administration really the most plausible aminstration behind the attacks. I say no.

The more plausible explanation is that the Clinton administration orchestrated 9/11. It was Clinton who let the 9/11 master mind go and now one has to ask why. Could it have been a power play to continue democratic control and keep Clinton's in power? Bush is a bit of nitwit, yet he is given credit by the conspiracy theorists for a 9/11 cover up. Clinton on the other hand, not so dumb. Perhaps it was a set up to doom the next administration to failure and low and behold who was running for President again when the smoke cleared after 8 years. A Clinton.
so other than watching television or popular mechanics how much have you researched the events of and just prior to 911...who was john Oneil when and where and how
did he die ....for a start
The more plausible explanation is that the Clinton administration orchestrated 9/11..

Bern80, you used the word "plausible" in conjunction with a post on 9/11 conspiracy theories. That's an automatic fail.
so you find the chain of events of the bush story of 911 to be plausible ???

It is far more plausible than the extremely unlikely scenario painted by the advocates of 9/11 conspiracy theories. It is also more or less the simplest explanation that fits the facts.
the limited facts you have made yourself aware of..

Sure. Of course, this is a baseless assumption, and it's the type of thing you expect from proponents of conspiracy theories. You are too insecure to accept that idea that someone may have researched the issue and reached a different conclusion.

That's also a good example of why you can't discuss these things with people like you who adhere to the conspiracy theories. Your mind operates entirely on baseless assumptions, so what you get are things like your last post, and then relatively quickly insults, etc.

I've read all the 9/11 conspiracy stuff I've found on the web, seen everything Alex Jones has on it, as well as the 9/11 truthers. It's a whole lot of nothing.
Sure. Of course, this is a baseless assumption, and it's the type of thing you expect from proponents of conspiracy theories. You are too insecure to accept that idea that someone may have researched the issue and reached a different conclusion.

That's also a good example of why you can't discuss these things with people like you who adhere to the conspiracy theories. Your mind operates entirely on baseless assumptions, so what you get are things like your last post, and then relatively quickly insults, etc.

I've read all the 9/11 conspiracy stuff I've found on the web, seen everything Alex Jones has on it, as well as the 9/11 truthers. It's a whole lot of nothing.

you are the very person you speak of and adhere to a unproven conspiracy
theory presented mainly through BUSH and fed to the press..

frontline: the man who knew | PBSFBI Special Agent John O'Neill was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. But to people at FBI headquarters he was too much of a maverick and they

frontline: the man who knew | PBS
you are the very person you speak of and adhere to a unproven conspiracy
theory presented mainly through BUSH and fed to the press..

frontline: the man who knew | PBSFBI Special Agent John O'Neill was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. But to people at FBI headquarters he was too much of a maverick and they

frontline: the man who knew | PBS

I've seen all the same stuff you have, I just come to a different conclusion.

I've seen plenty of interviews with and about O'Neill, and I agree people should have paid attention to him. But I don't see a conspiracy in the fact that they didn't. People just didn't believe him. It's not that uncommon that someone who predicts something disastrous is blown off.
Bern, do you have enough of what you're taking for the rest of the class?

I hope what got across is NOT that I believe the Clinton's or any adminstration had something to do with orchestrating 9/11.

It is meant to be somewhat satirical in the sense that if we suspended reality in that we assumed it was an inside job of some type, what explanation under those parameters makes the most sense. That a Bush was essentially so hell bent on fighting terrorism that he was fool hardy in fighting it, or a Clinton who just plain let the biggest name in terrorism go.
I've seen all the same stuff you have, I just come to a different conclusion.

I've seen plenty of interviews with and about O'Neill, and I agree people should have paid attention to him. But I don't see a conspiracy in the fact that they didn't. People just didn't believe him. It's not that uncommon that someone who predicts something disastrous is blown off.

this statement does not fit with the reality..and it was not a prediction.. it was the facts of his investigation.,..
This is more for fun and to poke fun at the conspriacy theorists, but I came up with this last night and had to share.

eots and the like harp on how the Bush admin let this happen and new about it, but is the Bush administration really the most plausible aminstration behind the attacks. I say no.

The more plausible explanation is that the Clinton administration orchestrated 9/11. It was Clinton who let the 9/11 master mind go and now one has to ask why. Could it have been a power play to continue democratic control and keep Clinton's in power? Bush is a bit of nitwit, yet he is given credit by the conspiracy theorists for a 9/11 cover up. Clinton on the other hand, not so dumb. Perhaps it was a set up to doom the next administration to failure and low and behold who was running for President again when the smoke cleared after 8 years. A Clinton.

Eots and the like are the ones who are not afraid of the truth and cant think outside the box.:rolleyes: Clinton and Bush are BOTH involved in it up to their ears.Yes Clinton let him go cause the guy is an evil man just like Bush.Clinton and the Bushs have been long time buddies.Just do a google search of CLINTON,BUSH AND THE MENA ARKANSAS SCANDAL.They have been long time buddies since the 80's.The CIA orchestrated the attacks.Bush's brother and cousin were in charge of security for the towers so Bush being the son of a former CIA director in Bush sr,arranged it for the people to put explosives in the towers.its already been proven that explosives brought down the towers.Both administrations allowed it to happen.Clinton is involved in that he knew it was going to happen but not to the extremes that Bush and Cheney are.
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Eots and the like are the ones who are ^ afraid of the truth and cant think outside the box.:rolleyes: Clinton and Bush are BOTH involved in it up to their ears.Yes Clinton let him go cause the guy is an evil man just like Bush.Clinton and the Bushs have been long time buddies.Just do a google search of CLINTON,BUSH AND THE MENA ARKANSAS SCANDAL.They have been long time buddies since the 80's.The CIA orchestrated the attacks.Bush's brother and cousin were in charge of security for the towers so Bush being the son of a former CIA director in Bush sr,arranged it for the people to put explosives in the towers.its already been proven that explosives brought down the towers.Both administrations allowed it to happen.Clinton is involved in that he knew it was going to happen but not to the extremes that Bush and Cheney are.
some fixed, some not
but truthers are some of the biggest fucking liars i have ever met
The simplest explanation fro 9-11 is that our intelligence organziations failed (as they typically do) and our miltiary failed (as they have seldom done) to do their jobs.

The simplest explaination is that defence is harder and more expensive to pull off than an offense conducted by people willing to DIE in the attack.
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