A momentary pause to consider the nature of the man Trump supporters are defending.

Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?

you have a pathological hate toward trump

but we have known that for 4 years

so what else is new?

Nothing that you've posted is new. The fact is the facts presented in the OP. That you overlook reality and the abject incompetence that moved into the White House on Jan 20th, 2017 is your misguided opinion.

TDS and "pathological hate" have no legs, they are simple excuses to defend someone who is indefensible;
you make the same claim that is nothing but a meme, one which defies the facts that trump lacks the ethics to hold the office of trust he has been given! This character flaw warrants criticism, not hate, for trump was raised and continues to be a spoiled child, He is a narcissist who surrounds himself with Yes Men and Yes Women, and fires anyone who is not fully loyal to him.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
State of Confusion?
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
And Alabama got a hurricane And Obamas not a citizen etc etc etc etc
come on azog even a biden not knowing what state he's in is better than the schmuck that doesn't know KC that won the super bowl isn't in the great state of Kansas but in Missouri
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
And Alabama got a hurricane And Obamas not a citizen etc etc etc etc
What? How is he not a citizen? You mean not born here? You a birther?
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
And Alabama got a hurricane And Obamas not a citizen etc etc etc etc
What? How is he not a citizen? You mean not born here? You a birther?
thats what got the schmuck trump the presidency and repubs believed it That's the group you align yourself with
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
And Alabama got a hurricane And Obamas not a citizen etc etc etc etc
What? How is he not a citizen? You mean not born here? You a birther?
thats what got the schmuck trump the presidency and repubs believed it That's the group you align yourself with
Trump said he wasn’t a citizen? Link it please

can i add the time when he was performing a 'godly' act by trying to throw an old woman outa her home thru eminent domain - so he can bulldoze her home & pave over her property so he can build a limo parking lot for his fellow heathen casino patrons?

Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

That's nice Joe, now eat your jello and take your pill. Time for bed.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.

obama won't endorse him because bernie is still in the race & visey versey. biden isn't very impessionable but at least he isn't a malignant narsissist with sociopathatic tendencies & arrested development.
Amazing that anyone could listen to this guy for 5 minutes and not know that He’s full of shit.

Are some people really that stupid?
So, Trump provides press conferences with medical, military and scientific experts and all you can say is "He's full of shit?" Are you really that stupid?
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden is a lifetime politician who even Obama won’t endorse. He doesn’t impress me.

obama won't endorse him because bernie is still in the race & visey versey. biden isn't very impessionable but at least he isn't a malignant narsissist with sociopathatic tendencies & arrested development.
It doesn't matter Trump will win anyway. Bernie is crazy and Joe is too slow.
Amazing that anyone could listen to this guy for 5 minutes and not know that He’s full of shit.

Are some people really that stupid?
So, Trump provides press conferences with medical, military and scientific experts and all you can say is "He's full of shit?" Are you really that stupid?

he is when he contradicts them & takes over the mic to answer questions not directed at him.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
And Alabama got a hurricane And Obamas not a citizen etc etc etc etc
What? How is he not a citizen? You mean not born here? You a birther?
thats what got the schmuck trump the presidency and repubs believed it That's the group you align yourself with
Trump said he wasn’t a citizen? Link it please
come on azog you're sending me on a fools errand ,,,everyone knows what trump said about obama You want a page on it ?? Really?
Amazing that anyone could listen to this guy for 5 minutes and not know that He’s full of shit.

Are some people really that stupid?
So, Trump provides press conferences with medical, military and scientific experts and all you can say is "He's full of shit?" Are you really that stupid?
When trump thinks he's smarter than them YES he' is stupid
Amazing that anyone could listen to this guy for 5 minutes and not know that He’s full of shit.

Are some people really that stupid?
The difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama will put his arm around you while he breaks the knife off in your back.Trump will tell you he has a knife and if you f*** with him he'll stick you.
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Someday this shoe is going to be on the other foot and I will take full advantage of the situation.
Willow knowing you from your posts I take it you're far from dumb How can any one support this garbage ,the way he handled this crisis the way he handles people ? If I were still a republican I'd be embarrassed to praise him
Eddies here’s what I know for sure. Undisputed. You on the left started “resistance” and “impeachment plans before he was even inaugurated. You are treating him like you did Bush only on steroids! So I am so proud to be a Republican and you can rest assured that I will never vote for another democrat ever. So you did you work well wouldn’t you say?
How can you be proud voting for him?/ and yes ,we were on his case from the getgo because we knew he was a cheat a pervert and a crook with law firms protecting him You can't be proud supporting this filth You can still be a repub but at least admit this is the wrong guy at the wrong time

Because he was the candidate that was not an anti-American piece of shit.
It really hurts to see people with a head on their shoulders believe the BS they're spewing

Hillary was very clear, that she considered me and people like me, to be the problem.

No way I was voting for her, especially not after her husband.
OK Correll she spoke out of her ass and was sorry for it How MANY times has Trump spoken out of his ass and NOT be sorry for it?

Trump never smeared half the country like that. ANd her apology was the apology of someone who was caught and forced to apologize, not one she really felt.
Trump never smeared Dems and their leaders?
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
Quit lying.
Quit talking to yourself like that. Trumps approval rating is what 60% regarding how he is handling this crisis?
He mishandled it for months. The US should be in much better shape and more ready. And where did that pull come from? Hillary in a landslide!!!!
Bullsh**!......The travel ban in January was racist.You haven't a foggy clue .All you see is a chance to get that barely conscious pond scum named Joe Biden elected...he doesn't even know where he had his last bowel movement....oh wait maybe he does since it was in his Depends.
This guy pond scum??
Criminal ..is what our next president says it is

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Sunday that the dismissal of the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who raised the alarm about a coronavirus outbreak on the aircraft carrier, is “close to criminal.”

The former vice president said on ABC’s “This Week” that Capt. Brett Crozier “stood up and said what had to be said” with his sailors “in danger” when he wrote a letter requesting help from Navy leaders, which ended up leaking to the media.

“I think it’s close to criminal the way they’re dealing with this guy,” he said.

“I think he should have a commendation rather than be fired,” he added.
Pond scum? You’re a real winner....
Some one called biden that See my question mark?
So you would never call Trump that?
LOL Now that's a horse of another color You think Biden has the same history or worse than Trumps?? How can you compare them? Forget Trumps a pervert etc etc Biden comes prepared for the job , will put people who know what TF they're doing in the right jobs
Biden doesn’t even know which states he’s in.
And Alabama got a hurricane And Obamas not a citizen etc etc etc etc
What? How is he not a citizen? You mean not born here? You a birther?
thats what got the schmuck trump the presidency and repubs believed it That's the group you align yourself with
Trump said he wasn’t a citizen? Link it please
come on azog you're sending me on a fools errand ,,,everyone knows what trump said about obama You want a page on it ?? Really?
Amazing that anyone could listen to this guy for 5 minutes and not know that He’s full of shit.

Are some people really that stupid?
So, Trump provides press conferences with medical, military and scientific experts and all you can say is "He's full of shit?" Are you really that stupid?
When trump thinks he's smarter than them YES he' is stupid
Trump said Obama was not a citizen? He questioned Cruz. I do Not recall that with Obama. I recall HRC posted a picture of him in Muslim attire. Did that not happen ?

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